by BQnita
QDay 3 points ago +4 / -1

Coordinate donating with the names:

  1. My fellow Americans,

  2. the Storm is upon us.....

QDay 1 point ago +2 / -1

RBSN needs to boycott YouTube as well as everyone else. Google needs to be bankrupt over this censoring.

QDay 0 points ago +1 / -1

Not donating another penny. Trump can fund raise all he wants. All of these people are scum. So far there have been no deliveries to his promises of draining the swamp. Seems the swamp drained the USA. Biden's racking up those donations on their marvelous finger paintings by Hunter. Fuck all of these people.

QDay 2 points ago +3 / -1

I have been having this same debate recently. The bible tells people to love their enemies and embrace the persecution. To rise up against evil by defeating evil with love. That is the ideal path and often works. Yet, the American Revolution and the formation of America spread Gods word and looking back, the violence and uprising that took place then must have been God's will (right?)

During the American Revolution - America defeated the British by barbaric (at the times) tactics. The British would march to the battle field and expect Americans to line up and fight based on their rules of war. American's fought with guerilla war-fare and the British could not comprehend this.

Currently, Patriots are fighting based on a rule book that is not being followed. The constitution and rules mean nothing to our enemy.

Q has asked us to be non-violent. The Bible is of peace. I have been praying for discernment and justice for years and I am torn about the path forward. God is for justice and we need Him to show us the path to victory. Evil is standing against God in every way and they are using God's word in defiance with their woke church/movement. God can move mountains but there is always a person who is called to move the people alongside w/ Gods protection.

QDay 2 points ago +3 / -1

Seriously... We have been idle and waiting patiently for the plan and trusting the military. I have already experienced COVID vax related deaths in my family. If these nut jobs expect me to be idle while they force vax children to go to school, hell or high water they are wrong.

QDay 6 points ago +7 / -1

Staged but successful blow to the patriots. Trump is fighting a war and is staying within the rule book.

Go watch the movie the patriot (my favorite movie).

The American revolution was not won by fighting traditionally against the British. We did not line up in rows to be slaughtered. Guerilla war-fare and non-traditional methods were needed to slow the British advance and they groveled at our tactics. This is a war! We have handled our enemy with kids gloves for far too long and they are dominating us due to our inaptitude to fight outside of said rule book. IF the Military is the only way, they need to step up now.

QDay 13 points ago +16 / -3

I agree Viking. At this point, I do not see a viable path for Trump to return. Not dooming. But it feels like we are either living with the (s)elected president Biden or the Military shows its hand.

Really difficult times to be in. God put us here for a reason and I wish I had more discernment on what direction God has for us. We have been doing what Q has asked... but what is the next step if the Military doesn't act?

We have been extremely patient, vocal and non-violent. The worst thing the deep state can dish at us, is call us crazy for walking through the capitol waving American flags... Yet they:

  1. Released a bio weaon on us
  2. Stole our voice and censored us online
  3. Stole our vote
  4. Killed our family members
  5. Locked us up for walking through the capitol waving American flags
  6. Destroyed our currency
  7. Destroyed our businesses .... list goes on

Patriots have sacrificed everything and I do not see us regaining ground easily in this pedo / deep state ruled world. We cannot give up anymore ground to this clown world and the deep state keeps pressing. Where is the damn line?

QDay 0 points ago +1 / -1

The truth will be revealed when we join our father in heaven. This world is Satans.

QDay 3 points ago +4 / -1

The punishment should fit the crime. They performed a coup to overthrow the peoples President and the country.

IF people are in jail for walking into the capitol on Jan 6th (when they were invited in) ... then these people should be in jail for their crimes.

QDay 3 points ago +4 / -1

He will be recovering all of his lost wealth when his lawsuit against twtr, fb, goog, amzn etc bankrupt those commies

QDay 9 points ago +10 / -1

Even if you were not banned, they caused damage to you. They created a narrative that you were racist/nazi just for being white, straight, male, proponent of the nuclear family or against the vaccine. This lawsuit should expand to everyone who can claim they were damaged by FB or TWTR. Each and everyone of us should claim PTSD from having to live in 1984. They may not have claimed 2+2=5 (basic math) But they did try and brainwash us to think men can be women (crazy marxist science)

QDay 2 points ago +3 / -1

¯_(ツ)_/¯ ... that type of confirmation would be wonderful. Would it not?

QDay 0 points ago +1 / -1

It is old interview that was broadcast on RSBN tonight after Trumps speech. Its from 6/17 - 22 Minute Mark

I havent heard this rhetoric before. Always misdirection to 2024, but Scavino put it into reality.

QDay 0 points ago +2 / -2

Larp to the max. They have a page that says are we 'the QAnon'

QDay 3 points ago +4 / -1

Easy solution - Women in that locker room should identify as doctors, use a scalpel and slice.

QDay 1 point ago +2 / -1

Greatly Awoken. This is the new reality we live in. The insane have taken over the asylum. Where do we go from here. Can WWG1WGA move to a new frontier this one is Gay.

by Han9000
QDay 14 points ago +15 / -1

You being a VP have a bit of leverage in this situation... Ignore the guidance. If anything comes of it in the future, act like you had to many things going on and didn't catch that it was a requirement due to your already over stressed position.

My 2 cents is that at minimum no one in your organization will comply with submitting documentation proof and if they start following up on it you can buy time while looking for another job or talking about re-location options.

IF the ladder happens, find some excuse to get out of California. Wife, Family, whatever. IF there are corporate positions in other states see if they will transfer you to work remotely or what other options are available.

There are plenty of tech/leadership roles out there and depending on what your background is you can find comparable salaries as what you would make in Cali in other states.

I would personally claim ignorance and ride the ship to determine how your company plans to enforce the non compliance. You are not the only one who will be ignoring this mandate. If the company really wants to enforce it and threaten layoffs then let them fire you and sue them... e.g. Religious exemptions etc.

QDay 1 point ago +2 / -1

Email a publisher and state you are a recovering QAnon and want to have an interview... Then drop "Nothing can stop what is coming" and hang up.

QDay 4 points ago +5 / -1

That is a possible scenario but Biden did just create a federal holiday so he is very much there and is the President as far as anyone can tell. If this is not actual reality, what is it going to take to reverse this psyop that Biden was truly just an actor?

There is not anything convincing showing that Biden is not actually the President. There is a lot of strangeness around him being President but he still holds power that only the President would.

QDay 1 point ago +2 / -1

Oy Vey! I thought I would be able to stay humble in this situation and provide the empathy required. These will be trying times on those who had the discernment and tried to share the truth about the Vax to the sheep.

At the end of the day, how do you show sympathy/empathy to someone who took a vaccine knowing to fundamental things, regardless of the media coverups. 1- The vaccine was experimental 2 - You have to sign a waiver giving your rights away because it is experimental.

These people knew, from the day they took the vaccine that if they were to DIE they have no rights. I guess it is like the user agreement on social media that no one reads. They asked to be guinea pigs for a vaccine for a overblown cold that they had a 99.7% chance of surviving if they caught it.

QDay 2 points ago +3 / -1

The problem is those who are not aware of the plan.

I know many who are not affiliated with knowledge of Q. They have had it and are ready to take to the streets and fight back.

Q hasnt reached everyone but has kept the lid on followers who are trusting the plan. Society is a tipping point, tensions are high. Those who do not have Q's intel are at the end of their rope and a tiny spark will be all it takes and that is what the deep state wants.

All that said, something better be coming quickly because the water is boiling right now and the frogs are feeling it. Military needs to start making moves, non Q followers see everything stacked against them and no amount of political action is going to fix that. Its either military or revolution and its at the door step knocking.

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