QDay 0 points ago +1 / -1

That ship has already sailed. America is in hell.

QDay 0 points ago +1 / -1

All the other fraud states to follow?

QDay 3 points ago +4 / -1

The soldiers are probably actors who were paid to dress up and stand there. That video was probably then used on a green screen that Biden stood in front of for this speech.

Just the other day, someone posted about a FF where an ad was posted looking for actors who could dress up as a sheriff, military or first responder.

My guess is that something similar took place where they hired actors to use for Bidens green screen.

He could just be really scared of those dangerous soldiers whom he stole their votes in places like Georgia and this is his way of avoiding all of those he is supposedly the commander and chief over.

QDay 2 points ago +3 / -1

FBI's target is now on digital warriors who are going to expose them for who they are.

Digital warriors. Time to go scorched earth - truth bomb time.

BOOM (x4)

QDay 2 points ago +3 / -1

All elected illegitimately.

What happens when all of the leadership of 1st world countries are illegitimate and are all weak? The enemy, who is trying to destroy the worlds super powers is winning and the leaders of the worlds super powers are all weak.

I would not be surprised if we are on the cusp of world war 3. The weakest of the weak are in charge and the decisions these clowns will make will be devastating.

The draft dodgers will only have to claim they identify as a penguin to avoid being led to their ultimate deaths though.

QDay 2 points ago +3 / -1

I realized the FDA was corrupt years back when I was invested in a bio tech company. During the approval for the drug that was far superior to its competition the panels spokesman during the FDA approval board was a paid consultant for its competition. Talk about conflict of interest?

Obviously the superior drug failed due to the spokesman's obvious bias towards the competition.

The whole game is rigged. The whole system.

Politics is no different. These traitors do not represent the people. They represent special interest (money and power).

IF you follow the money, every bill that has the most money behind it passes, it doesnt matter how evil it is.

The populace are meek and exploited. We are brainwashed by propaganda telling us that people care more about running around in vagina costumes swinging dildos then America first and energy independence. The politicians have a whole month to put dildo swinging LQBTQ on a pedestal.

Time for the pitchforks.

QDay 5 points ago +6 / -1

QDay has entered the chat. All systems go!

QDay 6 points ago +7 / -1

Trump said the witch hunt wont stop until Nov of 2024. Why would the witch hunt stop in Nov of 2024?

IF he were unable to be re-elected, then it would stop in 2024.

That statement alone makes me believe he already has planned to retake the White house before 2024 for his 2nd term. IF he was planning on the witch hunt stopping w/ his re-election in 2024 obviously the deep state witch hunt would continue past 2024.

QDay 2 points ago +3 / -1

4-6% of people will be lost forever. Q has told us this.

I quickly researched the percent of people who do not use the internet and that number is 6%.

The big plan and 10 days of darkness has to refer to blacking out the internet. This is phase 1. Enjoy!

QDay 10 points ago +11 / -1

Unfortunately Trump and the patriots are still fighting by the rules even though the deep state has released a bio weapon against society and have broken every rule imaginable and some rules that we can't even imagine.

Hopefully now that the kids gloves come off the patriots will stop following the rules as this is war and the rules are hindering affirmative action.

QDay 1 point ago +2 / -1

Just posted something similar. Biden and Kamala have yet to leave the country. Biden has a trip planned June 10th to go to the EU for the G7. If his trip is cancelled then we know he is not allowed to leave. Biden has 3 scheduled foreign trips this month.

So its either the deep state fears foreign country possible arrests or they are not in control and the good guys are preventing them from leaving.

I have heard rumors from others that something big and global is about to happen. Timeline was 2 weeks and that was 5 days ago. This could be it, but the route I was pointed to was a false flag event that would be a blow and wouldnt be positive. Guess we will see how the swamp spins a cancelled Biden trip due to some yet known threat.

QDay 0 points ago +1 / -1

QDay has entered the chat

QDay 1 point ago +2 / -1

The election fraud is so bad that once brought to light the internet will be shut down.

QDay 0 points ago +2 / -2

USA will disown Canada.

Canada was part of the steal. That is an act of WAR against an allied country.

Trump is all about America first and to stop supporting even our allies who stab us in the back. When Trump is re-instated he will make it very clear to Canada that your country is to be declared what it is, an enemy of the USA. Same goes for the European allies.

When the Canadian people choose to stand up and want an exit from their Nazi/Marxist leaders Trump will have your back and support you and so will the USA.

The truth when it comes out should be enough for the Canadian people and European people to be up in arms with their Marxist leaders and the countrymen should take them to their own trials for crimes against humanity. Once that is done then we will form a new alliance and be friends again.

QDay 8 points ago +9 / -1

Eat more of those humble biscuits.

This is not a time for celebration. We already know we are in-line with the truth. We have been blessed with discernment from the holy spirit and can see deception of evil.

Know that God will use all things for good and that pride aligns you with evil. Stay true to God at all times.

This is a spiritual battle and we must stick together to win. This is just the beginning but the truth is coming out and the flood will be biblical. I am sure even the most knowledgeable anons have only seen 1% of the truth. What is to come will even shock most of us but just know that humanity is in the process of being redeemed.

QDay 1 point ago +2 / -1

You are watching a movie :)

QDay 2 points ago +3 / -1

Thanks friend... So no 'actual' EMP. It could still be possible that the MSM uses that to explain a coordinated blackout.

Blackout will be used to subvert the news of the election fraud. The cover up will be China launched an EMP in retaliation to COVID investigation?

QDay 9 points ago +10 / -1

Put your faith in God. The Bible says 'fear not' 365 times. God has given you free will and has said he will protect his children. There is nothing to fear. Thank God for giving you discernment to make the right choices. God has already blessed you with spiritual gifts to see what others cannot, trust in God as he will protect you.

God allowed Satan to hurt Job but said he could not kill him. Everyone has experienced their own events that relate to Job. This is one of them waged against humanity - but you have nothing to fear as Satan cannot kill you unless you upon your own free will make a choice that will lead to your own demise, such as taking the jab.

QDay 7 points ago +8 / -1

Email title has 'Bio Weapon'

Where is the amazon warehouse with that rope and why isnt this insect swinging from it?

Gitmo has a few vacant rooms now that Biden is cleaning out the other terrorists from the previous war. Time to start filling those vacancies!

QDay 3 points ago +4 / -1

Free trial? This is the most expensive form of free that I have ever experienced. Its like winning a giant prize but the taxes you have to pay bankrupt you.

QDay 3 points ago +4 / -1

Would be great if there were some prop bets on insane things Biden will do next.

  1. 100x odds on Biden saying he is transforming into a women to become the first female President
  2. 20x odds on Biden turning the white house into a 'home' for the children living in cages at the border
  3. 30x odds on Biden skinny dipping at a children's summer camp and handing out free ice cream
  4. 2x odds on Biden removing gender from birth certificates
  5. 1x odds on Biden starting national purge day for blacks to kill whites
QDay 2 points ago +3 / -1

I am right there with you.

We are watching a movie right? Well this is a horrible comedy/horror film.

If I could have concocted the most disturbing dystopian horror film that I could have come up with it would not be as twisted and demented as what we are watching unfold in real life.

The director/writer of this film probably took notes from Serbian film writers on what is the most fucked up thing to imagine.

Its almost like the deep state cruises the darkest internet websites and tries to make those snuff ideas a reality.

QDay 1 point ago +3 / -2

She was water tortured by the grab her by the pussy comments and MeToo. She will soon be finding her new home as a transgender man.

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