QitUp 5 points ago +5 / -0

When you get it right, please send 2012 me a reminder to stock up on bitcoins.

QitUp 3 points ago +3 / -0

So many people are still fast asleep here. TDS is still endemic.

QitUp 3 points ago +3 / -0

Those were my thoughts exactly

QitUp 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah sorry, only saw that after.

QitUp 2 points ago +2 / -0

Remember the hyper sonic missile test that was supposed to go off after polls closed? It had to be comms too.

QitUp 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Left IS the meme.

QitUp 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yup totally a coincidence.

QitUp 12 points ago +13 / -1

Imagine if you will - the date is Jan 20th, 2021 - and DJT is being sworn in AGAIN as POTUS.

  1. Mike Pence is VP - A SCUMBAG TRAITOR who was part of a 4yr coup, is a heartbeat away from the presidency. (TRUMP KNEW).
  2. Nancy Pelosi is Speaker, and Chuck Schumer is Senate Majority Leader.
  3. The Media is more ravenous than ever against Trump and MAGA.
  4. COVID is still raging
  5. The Deep State is alive and well, and no Chevron decision at that point, and no Immunity ruling.

-Do you think Trump would have been effective? -Do you think much would have changed from the first term, in terms of obstruction by Congress and the Administrative state? -Do you think Trump would be able to get ANY Judicial or Cabinet Appointments Through? -Do you think when everyone turned against him for not being able to get anything done, they wouldn't try to Impeach him again -with the Traitor taking over the Presidency? -How many years would the Democrats have reigned after this?

Now, in reality - here we are...it is very probable that in on J20, 2025 the following will be true:

  1. The GOP has a solid HOUSE Majority and Trump has HIS Speaker - rather than a Rat who is hanging Impeachment over his head.
  2. The GOP has at least 53 Senators
  3. The Media and Democrats have been exposed over these last 4yrs for their lies and propaganda. And the Democrats proved that they are incompetent at governing.
  4. Trump has the moral authority to govern properly, given he won 300-330 EVs.
  5. The Democrats are in total disarray as they fight over the future of their party - with no governing power or power to obstruct.
  6. Trump may be able to seat 3 or 4 SCOTUS justices as well as hundreds of Federal Judges - without any obstruction. This secures SCOTUS for a generation.
  7. Trump can clean out the Administrative State with impunity. (Chevron, Schedule F, Moral Authority)
  8. Trump has the moral and legal authority to deal with illegal immigration and border security.
  9. Trump brings WORLD PEACE.
  10. Trump can finally implement National election integrity to ensure 2020 NEVER again happens.

I can go on and on - but hopefully you get the message. A Trump Presidency in 2025 is 1000000x more effective than it would have been in 2021.
Now, given what is happening now with the renegade POTUS, do you think everything is simply a coincidence?
At the very least, do you agree, despite your anger at the stolen election of 2020 - that the above is a correct assessment?

QitUp 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm just west Of Dublin in Ireland and it's the first time I've seen the sky like this so far south. Looks pretty cool.

QitUp 11 points ago +11 / -0

Local here. Within seconds all the media were on about muh 'far right'. They've been pushing that narrative for months now.

QitUp 8 points ago +8 / -0

The HAMAS “attack” began on 7th October 2023 at 6.30am local time in Israel.

However Q2337 foresaw an Israeli stand-down on the 4th October 2018.

This is an exact 5-year delta❗️

(operational window for stand-down excluded)

QitUp 1 point ago +2 / -1

This is disturbing! It doesn't give South Africa time to win the Rugby World Cup.

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