Not super familiar, but the story is usually the same. The disappearance was meant to cover up other news. On March 6, Crimea announced they would be holding a referendum on joining Russia later that month. Two days later, one of the most captivating and mysterious disappearances of an airline happens. Russia wanted all countries to know that any group of people could be joined back to the motherland, and they were demonstrating that with the bloodless revolution in Crimea. However, now that message was pushed to the background of everyone's mind. Then the global elite sealed the deal by faking the shooting down of what just so happened to be another Malaysian airline, flight 17 (Qincidence?), in the Donbas region. They blamed it on Russia to prevent eastern European states from joining Russia and making them too powerful. I think there also is an element of intentionally targeting Malaysia and taking them down a peg in the international community. Many of the Asian Elites are Japanese, Chinese, and Korean. They generally try to suppress the other Asian countries and strive to keep them second tier. Makes countries like Malaysia an easy target, and it sends a message to all the other poor Asian countries.
It's not a flaw, it's a feature. I muddies that waters, makes DNA tracking of victims much more difficult. No one is trying to match bodies with people they think are already confirmed dead. It also adds an additional layer of security because if it ever came out, it would make the Malaysian government look bad, so it incentivizes a cover-up. Also, it really isn't hard to hijack a commercial airline, that tech has been put in Boeing planes for decades. They did it with 9/11, they obviously could have done is with mh370. They're even putting in our cars now. I refuse to drive or ride in anything built after the year 2000 because that's when the government stopped using GPS Selective Availability.
It's only predictable because it is being controlled. You really think NASA is telling us the truth? They're siphoning away billions of dollars and creating "space probes" which always try to deny the truth of the Bible. NASA actually stands for "Newworld Agenda for Space Affairs". If you do your own research, you'll find the truth. This is exactly what Q has been telling us about.
I'm really disappointed that he didn't get into details about the Deep State creating eclipses. He mentions project Looking Glass but doesn't go into more details. Don't you guys all find it strange that the government seemly knows exactly when it will happen and where it will be? Obviously, they're using something to see into the future. Whenever I try to explain this to the normies, I get the usual drivel about science and how astrology is real or something like that. It's hard to fight the brainwashing somedays.
Jeez people, not every ugly woman is transgender. Maybe put away the magazines and meet some real people for a change. Unrealistic beauty standards are what is causing so much havoc in the first place. She may not be a looker, but that's hardly the only thing that makes a woman a real woman. Sometimes I appreciate when a woman can be herself without all the superficiality, and you all need to learn that too or else things are never going to get better.
I said it the moment he turned his back on us the first time, we need to punish traitors and drain our own swamp before we can ever hope to win. We can't keep working with the RINOs and hope they won't stab us in the back when it suits them. I'll vote for a Democrat before I vote for another RINO.
President Trump has always aligned his policies and actions with God. I mean, how much more aligned could it be than to combine the bible with our core founding documents? It's a really powerful message. Don't you think we could better promote the gospel by showing how it was key to create the greatest country on earth? President Trump receives a lot of flak because of how he is such a strong, unapologetic Christian.
Four hours ago, he posted "ELECTION INTERFERENCE" on Truth Social. Clearly, he is talking about the house and how Mike Pence betrayed him when it came time for the election certification. If Mike Johnson remains speaker of the house, he will approve the phony results of the election. I think anyone following along can see there is no doubt that President Trump wants Johnson removed.
We can't reward this kind of behavior. If we do, then the RINOs will just keep walking all over us. How has playing political games worked out for us so far? We have to take a new approach, one based on principles instead of whatever we've been doing lately.
The movement is bigger than one person. Our fight will continue. It will probably take years, maybe even decades, but slowly we will gain momentum. Even if it is one or two people at a time, we will win. Now that we are awake, we will never stop fighting. I have accepted the possibility that I may not live to see the conclusion of this, but I think my grand children or great-grandchildren will one day witness the fall of the deep state and usher in the greatest generation America will have ever seen.
Johnson has shown himself to be a traitor and a swamp creature. A traitor is worse than an enemy, because an enemy at least has the decency to let you know they're your enemy. We have to purge out those who show themselves to be disloyal. It will hurt, we might lose the house and maybe the 2024 presidential election, but right now, we are hemorrhaging, and we can't heal until we cauterize the wound.
It was for insurance fraud. The "white star" line made millions from the insurance. The more details you read about it, the more it becomes clear. The original plan was for the ship to sink without anyone knowing where it was and no survivors, which is why the radio was sabotaged and broke down early in the voyage. However, the radio operator went against company policy, fixed it on his own, and was then able to signal for help.