updooted for my nowfag friend.
How very interdasting!
Nailed it with the OnlyFrens flair.
Just for completeness, adding the Clintons to your list. They have both been heavily on the "giving" end of the MK Ultra abuse.
if you were the jury I would hope you'd at least wait to see all the evidence presented in court, not just media.
True, but will it be obvious to the court?
Now? They've had those craft for a long time... It's us who are just now (for the last century) getting nephilim tech, IMHO.
No, it should be cleansed & redeemed with the blood of Jesus Christ.
shut it down. I mean, Biden shut down years ago, the rest is only playing catchup.
Updooted for midget mud wrestling.
Anyone want to take bets on the average hair color of those 92,000 viewers?
Ah I see. Thanks for clarifying
Dang. I bet you’re right.
Next time, tell us what you REALLY think!!
Isn’t that what community notes are for?
The people they want to make afraid have no idea how to look up flight paths. If this is comms it is aimed at anons & others who watch this stuff.
it sucks for the globalists, because Putin is a perpetual thorn in their side
Fun thread. Personally, I'd love to be part of Trump's America, but I can't say I would have loved the last few decades. Not that they were a lot better here. There are so many similarities in culture.
Economically I think everyone would reap some fairly major benefits. And perhaps with our massive amount of land with America's far larger population could lead to some new northward settlement.
For all those saying you don't want to import all the flaming liberal culture we've got here... well, fair enough, except that the US exports vastly more flaming liberal culture than any other nation on earth via all the various forms of media.
what would be the point in them accepting that?
Probably anorexic. Too bad, she used to be hot
sure there are a lot of libtards here, but there are also a LOT of amazing non-libtard people here as well.
nooooooooo!!!! don't leave me behind!!!!!! (non-faggot BC boy here)
I've heard Dec 18 elsewhere as well. Could be a false flag - my guess nuclear - on the 18th, related to the drone activity.
man, of all the things an auditor may dream of doing in their careers.... looking for aberrations and inconsistencies... the veritable needle in the haystack... can you imagine when the entire freaking haystack is made of needles, and there's only a few pieces of straw to be found?
Wow that's gonna be wild.
Despite this being a parody account, there ARE going to be these kind of audits performed. DOD, IRS - how many of these agencies are actually gigantic slush funds?
I remember when I lived in Liberia for a year, was just after the war ended (2004/05) and the UN was desperate to claim some big progress. A news headline ran "Liberia now SECOND most corrupt country in Africa!"
The story was all about how Liberia - which used to be #1 most corrupt - was now #2. And yet, they still could not account for 56% of their national budget.
In the US, the budget has been "accounted for" for years, and yet.... what is the TRUE number if we brought in legit auditors?
I've got my popcorn ready, it's gonna be fun.