RMD00 6 points ago +6 / -0

Shit if these prog hogs don't want their 5k because "Drumpf is Hitler REEEEEEEE" then I'll take it. It'll help me get out of Jersey faster and pay for some of my girl friend's citizenship costs. Get her outta the UK quicker.

RMD00 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean, you could deport them 6 feet under.

Or 1 foot. Depends on your level of patience.

RMD00 12 points ago +12 / -0

God Keith is my favorite lolcow. Ive never seen someone so broken over Trump. I bet even the mere mention of the word trump just sends him further into the Mariana Trench of madness.

RMD00 9 points ago +9 / -0

Of course Whole Foods gives you the run around. It's because they are using it and are afraid to admit it! Remember Whole Foods is now apart of Amazon.

RMD00 3 points ago +3 / -0

Man, this popcorn is so good I got the jumbo size. Forgive me RFK Jr, let me have this before you tear the FDA inside out.

RMD00 3 points ago +3 / -0

This has the same energy as "Here is how Bernie Sanders can still win!". She conceded, Trump is number 47. The Dem party can cope, seethe, piss and shit themselves all they want.

Nothing can stop what is coming.

RMD00 2 points ago +2 / -0

The funny part is, putting someone in cryo sleep is like killing them slowly on a molecular level.

RMD00 2 points ago +2 / -0

Girlfriend texted me a picture of the Kalashnikov Ultima-500 shotgun with the caption "Your buying this for me when i get the states.". I mean, i don't have the cash but shit something to save up for.

RMD00 4 points ago +4 / -0

PFFFFTTTTTTT! Holy shit London is not a fucking safe haven. My girlfriend used to live there and she said it was like living in a shitty 3rd world middle east country. She even jokes by saying "London turned me into a bloody racist that hates progressives.". I mean, the latter is true.

Now to get her ass motivated to get her passport and citizenship.

RMD00 2 points ago +2 / -0

Reading this makes me glad i got my job application rejected at Princeton Uni. Id probably go in, eat those cookies, and give em the ol' Tom Cruise smug smile from Top Gun.

RMD00 2 points ago +2 / -0

Voted for Trump today. The kid in front of me was asked as he was leaving by his girlfriend if he voted for Harris like she asked. He laughed and said "No I voted for Trump!" then told her not to tell him who to vote for and she ain't his mom.


RMD00 4 points ago +4 / -0

She managed to get away before he could sink the entire thing into her. He got a face (and mouthful) of spray. Funny enough, she says the same thing along with "Don't tell the others, but i hope America does elect Trump and not that chuckling cunt."

RMD00 4 points ago +4 / -0

So my girl is heavily considering about becoming a US citizen. Says even in Nottingham she doesn't feel safe anymore after nearly getting mugged by two "future engineers". Don't worry, she used that bear mace i sent her so she got away with a small stab wound.

Now I'm a hot nervous wreck because i really wasnt DT to win. Normally im super calm about but fuck. Hate to ask this, can i get a few prayers my way?

RMD00 3 points ago +3 / -0

Saw RFK on the ballot here in Middlesex county, NJ.

RMD00 4 points ago +4 / -0

Worst journalist of the year 2014, Don Lemon. Worst journalist of the year.

Gotta say it twice because he's that bad and yes, this is an actual award he got.

RMD00 4 points ago +4 / -0

I just saw three trump signs in my neighborhood and one going to my job in princeton. People really are getting tired and brave. Good for them! Wake up samurai, we got an establishment to burn.

RMD00 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your predictions about nj seem to be spot on. Either NJ will be light blue or purple. The middle countries are definitely Dem areas while the more northern and southern counties will definitely be voting for trump.

RMD00 6 points ago +6 / -0

Of course Cuck Schumer would. The man is a secret communist along with Nadler. Btw auto correct changed Chuck to Cuck. Fuck it's staying in, WE'RE GOING LIVE!

RMD00 3 points ago +3 / -0

Guys, I can't vote hard enough. While my dad wants to do mail in, I'm going in person. However I'm hoping getting a paper ballot is much easier this time than in 2020.

Most of us here in Whole Foods in the belt of New Jersey is voting Trump. We see the Commie trickery and are unimpressed.

RMD00 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know I keep saying I'm trying to move out but damn, seeing this hurts. Murphy really wants this state to be like California-Lite. It's a shame I can't drag my doctor and dentist with me where ever I go.

RMD00 2 points ago +2 / -0

Stopped drinking their trash when I first started body building. Absolute fucking trash. Like it's hand crafted to make a person, fat, diabetic, prone to heartburn/acid reflux, and just generally unwell. I'd say drop that shit like a bad habit but thats too good for it.

Inazuna Drop that shit into the 9th Layer.

RMD00 2 points ago +3 / -1

I'll always listen to their old stuff. Same with Nine Inch Nails. Now I won't even bother with their latest concerts. Dookie was my first jump into Green Day after seeing one of their vids on Beavis and Butthead.

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