Hm. And here I though the individual may have been on to something. Still a possibility to consider about how a message might be hidden in plain sight as a QR code while also presenting a message in Braille when arranged right.
That statement isn't even valid considering what I said. She gave a prophesy about King Charles never becoming king and he did. She said that Big Ben would be struck by something and greatly damaged as a sign that Charles would never sit on the throne. Nothing happened to Big Ben and Charles is on the throne.
As to Biden making it, it is possible to get some things right by sheer informed guess. QPosts, as taken literally and Trumps own statements indicated that Biden would likely win by election theft.
I've seen many other false prophets crop up since around the 2000, each just as false as the last. There is a high biblical standard for prophets and Julie Green has already failed it.
Interestingly, I have yet to hear anyone, that I can recall, bring up a false prediction by Clem Clement.
No, the issue is that she has made several prophesies that certain things would happen but the time frame she described them happening in has already passed or she was outright incorrect.
For example, she once prophesied that King Charles would never take the throne and that Big Ben being heavily damaged by an attack of some kind would be a sign. Big Ben is still undamaged and King Charles is on the throne.
We could call pasteurized milk "Rotting Milk" because without the natural enzymes and thriving ecosystem, it is literally a dying and rotting things that is a great petri dish for bacteria. We could also call pasteurized milk "Pus Milk" because up to about a fourth or so of it could be recombined puss which is produced by unhealthy cows.
Based on my understanding of scripture, the mark of the beast is a very specific thing that's meant to symbolize DIRECT LOYALTY to the antichrist in the same manner of the fatal injury that the antichrist endures and survives.
In other words, the antichrist essentially being revealed is a REQUIREMENT for something to be a mark of the beast. It is also not something that is done unknowingly but a knowing gesture that you are accepting servitude under the antichrist.
I'm not defending Oz, just clarifying scripture.
If you're going to provide an image, at least provide a link to view the source. We're supposed to be researchers here. A huge part of being informed and not falling for hype is GOING TO the source to examine it directly.
Stop listening to this woman. I followed her for quite some time, for most of it just out of curiosity to test her accuracy. By volume, she gets some things right, but that kind of accuracy is that of a false prophet. She doesn't say things like, "I feel like God has given me this message," which I myself have used because sometimes I feel like something has come from God but I leave room for the possibility that it didn't and I was tricked.
I do this because I'm aware of the Biblical standard and never want to fall into the trap of being puffed up with the thought that I, and only I, may have been chosen to deliver something without the thought of testing something out first.
Julie states her revelations definitively come from God and stands on that, even when her revelations often, if not most often, turn out to be wrong, yet, to my knowledge, she does not test them out and reevaluate what she's said. She continues to spout them out. If she is not aware of the times she's been wrong she is either deceiving herself, being deceived by something else, or willfully choosing to continue to deceive everyone her 'ministry' reaches as she continues to be enriched by it.
Also, for anyone else coming to this topic for links, I found one on my own research. OAN footage of Ruby Freeman in Georgia.
As this is a rehash topic, I'll summarize what was in my previous reply to this.
Pasteurized milk lacks what your body needs to properly digest it. Minerals are leached from your bones to digest it, leading to problems like weak bones.
Raw milk bolsters your immune system. They did a test back in around the turn of the 1900's where they had people go on a milk diet of about a gallon a day as their primary sustenance. If someone needed more solid food, they were given a supplement of healthy bread and/or chicken soup.
The result of the diet after a month was that conditions like diabetes, chromes disease, and other conditions were healed.
The Civil War - The war was not about slavery. Southern states tried to bloodlessly begin the emancipation of slaves twice before northern extremists invaded each time (John Brown and Nat Turner) and tried to start slave revolts. Some 70% of federal revenue at the time was from tariffs on southern trade but the vast majority went to purely northern interests like railroads and factory construction, and many more things.
Pearl Harbor - Direct warnings of impending attack were buried.
9/11 - A sad but obvious one for many here.
Star Wars Program - Damn it! Why is it that almost no one acknowledges that fully functional base units capable of hitting satellites but were demonstrated ON TELEVISION as part of an experiment to show they could be used to propel shaped metal cones into the air and could be used as part of a launching system? Reagan was hindered by Bush being forced onto him, so yes, I am annoyed the left has made a potentially monumental defense system into being a joke just so they could bash Reagan. The only thing they fell short on was a satellite relay system for the beams to extend the range.
I listened through enough. I'm also already versed in the theological aspects of that view in general.
A few points to consider, the two Witnesses have not come. According to Biblical clues, they will mostly likely be Moses and Elijah, who also met with Jesus on Mount of Olives. Moses' body was fought over and kept from Satan and Elijah was taken directly to heaven. They would be calling out the ENTIRE world and we would know if two witnesses were doing that or had done it.
The Bible says that every eye will see the returning of Jesus and Satan would only then be sealed. Frankly, we are not during the millennial reign of Christ and he would not be ruling in secret. We would also certainly know if the reign of Christ had already happened because Satan would only have a short time afterward before the ENTIRE universe is wiped clean with fire. Interesting scientific note on that, enough heat can even break apart atoms and the smallest of molecular bonds, so very appropriate for the purpose.
Now, as to when Jesus said, "This generation shall not pass away ..." I found this handy reference and theological explanation. ( ). In short, Jesus was referring to the destruction of the temple and other matters, not his full return as the conquering king.
There's just so many other things that HAVE to happen chronologically BEFORE Satan is bound. We're just not there yet.
Bear in mind, Satan is a great deceiver. What better trick than to make people thing that a) he doesn't exist, or failing that b) that he is bound and not actively working his plan.
I fundamentally disagree with this notion for the simple fact that the Bible says the Holy Spirit would be pulled from the world. All true believers still have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that helps guide us and allows us to pray directly to and get answers from, in various forms, from God.
Where I believe we are, is in the lead up. The condition of God's word being heard around the world hasn't been met yet, ( but with StarLink allowing high speed internet around the world, AI that could help translate for unreached language groups in record time ... We're on route.
Also, from what we know about the world before the flood, the world was a surprisingly advanced place. Consider what advanced things we found of clockwork mechanisms that we can barely comprehend WITH modern computers. Our brains have not only been degraded by pharmaceuticals and other poisons in our environments, solar radiation degrading DNA each successive generation, but entropy in general. We, without a doubt, are all dummer than our distant ancestors. However, with advances in computers, we're on a trajectory to have advances that may very well rival that of the hidden, distant, and deliberately burried past.
About the last part, I'm not being conspiratorial, but I've seen enough stories come out about archeological discoveries that have been sealed away because they indicate the existence of far more advanced societies far earlier in history than our modern 'science' says would have been possible. Some things bore a striking resembles transformers and pole insulators.
I could make an entire post by itself just on what all likely went on during the flood and how thoroughly it destroyed evidence of the past ... But I'll just summarize that it involved likely nearly liquification of the Earth's crust due to intense seismic waves emanating from multiple asteroid hits, accompanying geologic upheaval that unleashed the literal oceans worth of water contained within ringwoodite (look it up) within the planetary crust that are the cited fountains of the deep within the Bible, extreme volcanic activity, torrential rain likely caused by what would be going on in the atmosphere at this time, and probably more. Needless to say, it's amazing that we've gotten the small clues that we have about the time before the flood.
To the point, there's been some hints that, even with our advancement, we may be behind our pre-flood distant ancestors in a lot of ways ... but those gaps are closing in my view.
Sounds like that was just from the alcohol and soaps pulling too much moisture out of your hands. I have problems most winters with my hands getting real dry when the weather turns real cold and dry.
Application of lotion is the best counter, as well as trying to avoid getting soap on the backs of your hands.
Colloidal silver. Twice a day sprayed on the troubled spots is my suggestion. I've seen it clear away moles, severe pink eye, help clear sinus infections, help a wound that was down the bone heal without a single scar ...
Look up Institute Katharos Colloidal Silver 40 PPM
Silver is a natural anti-biotic, anti-viral, and even encourages nerve healing. I think it also naturally helps with inflammation.
The brand I mentioned is about the highest concentration of silver I could find that is also not overly expensive. It's billed as a skin product, but is no different than the silver billed as health supplements. We use it in nasal spray bottles to help prevent sinus infections (which USED to be a reoccurring issue for my daughter) and I often use the included spray bottle to put it into my mouth while inhaling sharply to get it to my lungs to help some with asthma.
You might also try goat milk soap with no fragrances or dyes or plain glycerin soap. The goat milk soap, I think, has some moisturizing properties while glycerin soap is about as neutral as you can get and still call it soap.
Switching to hypoallergenic detergents, if you haven't already, would be a good thing to do as some residue remains in the clothes and may agitate skin.
You site the Old Testament in number one ... That is pre-Christ comming and therefore under the law. In fact, you did that for ALL of your examples.
We are now living under Grace and not a law that NO ONE can fully live up to.
As to the population issue? The entire world's population could be settled in the state of Texas, be given small yards around their homes, the state STILL WOULDN'T BE FULL.
Also, Jesus himself said for some any day is like any other and established the teaching that those living under grace can work on any day they want and that the Sabbath (historically Saturday, by the way) was made for man and not the other way around.
Your doctrine is off on so many counts. The greatest of the commandments is love, that we should love our neighbors, reach out to those in sin, and try to bring them out of sinful lifestyles.
Criminals should still be prosecuted according to the law, but the law should be tempered by the greater law of Grace that God has given us through the 'New and Greater Moses.'