RaymondBPanelli 15 points ago +16 / -1

-81 is 9 to the 2nd power, and 3 to the 4th power


-81 is also 27 x 3. 3 is the maximum multiple by which a spell can be multiplied (see 3*17=51)

-81 is the atomic number of thallium, a tasteless and toxic chemical commonly used in rat poison.

RaymondBPanelli 1 point ago +1 / -0

At this point his death would be on page 3

RaymondBPanelli 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is Hilary the new Cankles? When did Loretta Lynch lose that title? I need pics

RaymondBPanelli 1 point ago +1 / -0

All the other shots line up perfectly, including the first and last gunshots in the volley. if the first and last match up, why wouldn't all the ones in between? It was another gun in another location, or else it was some other anomaly such as an echo or one of the SS snipers.

RaymondBPanelli 1 point ago +1 / -0

That may be so but as long as the scale is the same on both tracks/screenshots, it shouldn't matter whether it was screenshots or actually two tracks. I have used audacity for over a decade, I know how it works.

RaymondBPanelli 4 points ago +4 / -0

The most important takeaway from this video comes a few minutes in when he takes audio #1 and audio #2 and lines them up. Some of the shots do not match. Since the two recordings were made from different locations, this suggests that certain gunshots came from a different location. Supposedly the SS sniper didn't fire until later and shouldn't factor in here.

RaymondBPanelli 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, in order to triangulate properly you would need an additional angle or two.

Some folks are using a crack-boom analysis on the podium mic feed, but that only gives you approximate distance to the shooter.

RaymondBPanelli 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you. I suspected something like this would explain why the first batch of three shots sounds different.

However, I don't think this explains how any of the shots would fall out of sync as they seem to when the waveforms are lined up, unless the person recording was somehow able to move 50-100 feet in the span of a few seconds. The existing video does not seem to indicate that happening.

RaymondBPanelli 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know about the first three shots, but I think the most undeniable evidence by far is when he lines up the two audio clips, and the shots don't match up perfectly. Either the shots came from two different locations or the bullets from the same weapon were somehow flying at different speeds. I don't know enough about bullets to rule that out.

RaymondBPanelli 1 point ago +1 / -0

Edit: If people want to send me links to all the angles available, I will try and do this analysis myself.

Overlaying the audio from different angles is a brilliant way to show the incongruity.

Theoretically, all gunshots (minus the counter snipers) should line up precisely in the audio waveform. As long as we are careful not to mix up echos and gunshots, they should be an exact match.

Any difference at all in the timing of the gunshots means that the sound had to travel a different distance in order to reach that specific recording device.

Using the known locations of each recording device, we can triangulate the position of each gunman by drawing circles with a radius proportional to the incongruity between the sounds in the different recordings, and seeing where those circles intersect. One should match Crook's known location. Where would the other one land?

I'm curious if anyone has done this exact analysis yet.

RaymondBPanelli 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think I saw that video too... Do you have a link? It sounded like it might have been some kind of fakery because the wording on the hat was mirrored.

RaymondBPanelli 13 points ago +13 / -0

I'll be honest, I don't fully trust this guy.

Edit: I got 45 minutes in. 90 percent of this is Derek bitching at the audience for not "fully understanding the plan", and very little about his take on the details of the assassination attempt itself. What he does say is that Trump used a blood capsule for fake blood on his ear. If the video gets any better after 45 minutes someone please let me know but God I'm so over this guy.

RaymondBPanelli 4 points ago +4 / -0

Everyone looks the same in sunglasses. It's why they wear them.

RaymondBPanelli 1 point ago +1 / -0

Never seen this angle before. That's wild.

Edit: Video got deleted? Maybe it was fake

RaymondBPanelli 7 points ago +7 / -0

Don't let up. Demand answers. This is how we unravel the truth. We drag it out kicking and screaming. Force her incompetence out into the open on full display. Don't let this bitch stonewall the truth. Either resign in disgrace or spill the fucking beans.

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