Razo 19 points ago +21 / -2

It wasn't referring to 2021. It was referring to the fall after RvW was overturned

Razo 7 points ago +7 / -0

This here. That's the only line that matters.

Razo 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is indeed a storm. A real, tangible storm.

by gamepwn
Razo 1 point ago +2 / -1

Def not military

Razo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think they should delay it slightly longer.

Razo 17 points ago +17 / -0

This is about the biggest stretch I've seen in awhile. Just because his slogan has three letter "T"'s in it that means it's code for the "+++" in the Q posts? I mean hey anything is possible I'm not here to tell you it's definitely not but man that's really reaching. If it is I say it's poor form on Trump - I would have made it just a tad bit more obvious to add more confirmation. Even lower case "t"'s would have made even a slightly less obscure connection.

Razo 1 point ago +1 / -0

People are focusing too much on the "in the water" aspect. It's highly likely covid was engineered using certain aspects of snake venom in it's spike protein. Perhaps he was trying to convey that and had to add the "spread by water" aspect which was intentionally false so he wouldn't get suicided. Just how Trump hints at Q but never answers any question about it directly. You have to mix truths with some lies these days.

Razo 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is just an excuse for them to make a digital dollar. He even referenced it in his statement

Razo 2 points ago +2 / -0

The SS and Marshall logos look so similar. I will say the green coloration is a bit odd if they are SS

Secret Service pin

Razo 4 points ago +4 / -0

So from what I gathered here is what happened: Colbert is shooting footage for some BS skit about J6 to make fun of conservatives and wants footage from inside the actual Capitol. So they contact Schiff's office and since his SJW staffers are such entitled brats and were probably gushing that Saint Colbert contacted them they essentially say "sureee come on in after hours we will let you film wherever!" So they let Colbert's film crew and writer roam around the halls of Congress after hours filming outside Republican offices, banging on doors and making a mockery. The Capitol police happen upon them and they have no official clearance other than "Adam Schiff's assistant said we could be here reeeeeeeee" so the police booked them and they spent the night in jail. https://www.disclose.tv/id/1537952957601263618/

Razo 5 points ago +5 / -0

Great angle. And if they freaked out about a Trump phone call imagine the shade of brown their underwear is over Putin actually invading and seizing territory! I feel for the Ukranian people but I'm glad that cabal playground is being dismantled

Razo 1 point ago +1 / -0

So no one would notice if he just dropped his bombshell without prior notice? Especially if it's as super huge fantastic as he says it is? No one hypes viral videos - if the content is something unique and interesting the internet blows it up organically. That would absolutely happen if he just dropped it. The right is good at sharing info organically. We are built for it. It's the only method we have. Lord knows the media or Twitter or Facebook isn't going to spread it for us

Razo 21 points ago +22 / -1

I remember Lin Wood hyping. I remember Sydney Powell hyping with the whole "Kraken" debacle. All I'm saying is those that hype things the loudest usually fail to deliver. I hope Greg is different but I remain skeptical until someone can actually deliver the goods. I don't see what positive effect hyping this up has. It doesn't make sense. Just stay silent then drop it

by gamepwn
Razo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sometes.its just weather. I like to dabble in amateur meteorology. If a tropical.ridge sets up you get tropical heat. It's not Dr. Evil's death ray

Razo -1 points ago +1 / -2

If there was another way that guaranteed success with less collateral damage than they would do it. There is no "clean" way to do this - period

Razo 2 points ago +2 / -0

We know there was a post WWII baby-boom for obvious reasons. I would like to see the chart go back further to get a better idea of "normal".

Razo 12 points ago +12 / -0

The fact that you say this makes him a VERY good plant. The perfect plant speaks just enough truth that he gains the trust of those he is disparaging. That gets him embedded like a tick on a host - it further helps that some conservatives will actual defend him giving even more ammo to the left by way of more punching bags. "Look at all these people that agree with "crazy Alex Jones" it's the same way with FoxNews. Build up a loyal following so you can lead them off a cliff when they need you the most.

Razo 6 points ago +6 / -0

The left seized power in this country by infiltrating and eventually controlling the 3 main pillars of society: The Media, The Entertainment Industry, and The Educational System , This is documented communist doctrine. It is only when we wrestle away control of these 3 pillars that society will be free. I believe the whitehats are focusing on the media pillar first since this one can have the most immediate impact. The others will follow in time

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