RetLeoVet80 2 points ago +2 / -0

I dont hold bc I want to destroy the US economy. I dont hold bc I want bankrupt peoples retirement funds. I dont hold bc I want the stock market to crash and be reset. I hold bc I want the people who have been manipulating the market and standing as a barrier to common folk acquiring wealth to pay...I want them bankrupted, jailed, humiliated, and black listed. The fallout, as unfortunate as it may be for some people, is needed. This not the great reset we hear about and fight against. This is a reset of an unfair, unbalanced, and unrealistic financial system that will benefit ALL in the long run, not just the richest and most powerful few

RetLeoVet80 4 points ago +4 / -0

What? This video clip cant be more than a few days old

RetLeoVet80 1 point ago +1 / -0

XXX GME shareholder here...along with ONE share of AMC (leftover funds from GME yolo). There is only one thing you need to know...all shorts must cover. Eventually, that will need to happen. Whether its via margin call, or some kind of share recall where a merger causes the GME symbol to change, or whatever. All shorts must cover. Media is behind the institutional investors 150%, so you have to research your own DD. GME is undervalued imho as it sits NOW. No debt, forward looking rockstar board members, company transitioning. Couldnt be said in December, but it is no longer a “failing brick-and-mortar retailer”.

Buy and hodl. Tits jacked! Hedgies r fukd

RetLeoVet80 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can not say a god does not exist just as I can not say dark energy or the big bang or intelligent alien species dont exist. I am agnostic. I believe Christian values to be a good thing, and I was raised in a Catholic home. I will not argue the point of God/no God, as my views are my own. Great replies on here and great discussion. Everyone here need not agree on all things.

RetLeoVet80 5 points ago +5 / -0

??? all I know is buy and hodl. Still on sale so get in! Buy it and forget it. Floor is $5mil lol

RetLeoVet80 7 points ago +7 / -0

I will persecute NO man for where he comes from, only for what has become of him. Bad Israelis, bad Iranians, bad Russians, bad Aussies, bad ‘Muricans...all go in the same pile. The good are my ally, regardless.

RetLeoVet80 2 points ago +2 / -0

The only Cleveland mayor worth a damn in the last 40 years oversaw the Browns move to Baltimore, was corrupt in his own right, and now raises alpaccas. That is the best this town has done. Seriously.

RetLeoVet80 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is a big big difference between being personally more comfortable living as a woman than a man, and believing that living as a woman MAKES you a woman. Jenner is part of the former group, not the latter. When have you ever heard Jenner speak as a cult leader, and not just as someone with a personal preference? Is it weird? To me, yes. But its NOT me, so why care?

RetLeoVet80 1 point ago +1 / -0

The ONLY thing you need to do in order to make giant profit, no matter what the price right now, is to BUY and HODL. There is no way out for the hedgies with how theuve shorted this thing.

RetLeoVet80 1 point ago +1 / -0

Idk what to even think anymore. On one hand, spree killers and mass murders do exist and people are killed by them. On the other, there is so much abnormal, what-in-the-actual-fuck, shit going on in this video that it borders on comedy. You have a literal trail of bodies leading into a store, another just inside the door, and peeps are just milling around the entrance? Dumb fuck “oh oh yeah he went in there” as he lazily points behind his back while standing in the entrance trying to figure out how to apply his med-rx discount from his phone...back to the fucking door and just hangin out knowing theres some psycho in there piling up bodies. Nevermind the “journalist”...Mr “I think it was a SHOT-gun. A SHOT-gun”.

Then we have the active shooter response by the PD that is as anti-textbook as it gets with the surround and wait strategy. Police training for a modern active shooter incident, like this one, in a public place, like this, with the threat of more victims imminent, like this, says you get there and run directly to the gunfire and handle business. You are not trained to set a perimeter while more people die. I just, idk

RetLeoVet80 3 points ago +4 / -1

Sometimes a good scotch is just...so good. Live and let live

RetLeoVet80 7 points ago +7 / -0

I didnt realize Stark was so red. Im in Cuyahoga...ALMOST in Medina, but, sadly, not quite. I know it is a lost cause up here, good thing frens it is surrounded by frens

RetLeoVet80 1 point ago +1 / -0

I love the diversity of Ohio: Big cities, cornfields, hills, forrests, the lake, etc. Really a great place. Aside from a handful, the politicians are awful

RetLeoVet80 5 points ago +5 / -0

Btw Ohio is TRUMP country, bigly. I live near Cleveland, which is rife with lifetime democrat rot. Even here, youll find more Trump signs than Biden, and the Trump signs are STILL flying

RetLeoVet80 3 points ago +3 / -0

He, and the rest like him, are the reason I will be moving to Florida in the next few years. Them and snow. I hate snow

by skanon
RetLeoVet80 2 points ago +2 / -0

Live and let live. Some things are inherently evil and need regulating. Abusing children, for one. If consenting adults open their sex lives to the masses, and other consenting adults consume that product, why control that? Its still a slippery slope to try and force moral change thru law and regulation.

What you can do is live your life according to your own moral compass, and try to be a role model for those close to you. Effect change from within, and try to steer others in the right direction. Forcing compliance on the masses to follow your own personal principals is a loser. The immorality of murder, rape, theft, unwanted physical violence, kidnapping, animal abuse, etc is plain to see and requires action for the stability of humanity. All are offenses against others, without consent.

I understand many will quote the bible, and quote our founders quoting the bible, and show links between our Constutution and the bible. All are valid points. What is not valid is claiming that this country can not survive without its people believing in Jesus Christ as our savior and denouncing all things not in line with those values. One can easily adhere to the values of Christianity without being a believer and living life fully in the reflection of that.

A man who has affairs with other men, watches porn, and uses cocaine may be an awful person with a warped sense of morality. However, was it his choice to be attracted to men? Did the porn go looking for him, or was it the other way around? How about the coke? Would creating a law imposing criminal sanctions on adulterers actually have stopped him from cheating? Just as criminals are criminals because they dont care for laws, immoral folk are immoral because they dont care for morality. The answer isnt more restriction, and there is no quick solution. As with everything, it starts with YOU and FAMILY.

RetLeoVet80 3 points ago +3 / -0

You all realize this JewredKushner2 retard is just here for screengrabs to prove how we are all bunch of Nazis, right? Deport that faggot

RetLeoVet80 2 points ago +2 / -0

I always thought they claimed libertarian, which really fits what the show is. No one is safe, especially if they have obvious flaws to pick at. The show isnt about a left or right leaning talking point narrative. Its about shitting on what needs shitting on, and roasting the shit out of all the rest.

RetLeoVet80 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ohio COULD be one of the greatest states in the nation. There are patriots abound, and the legislative groundwork is there. We just have these weenie politicians like DeWine, Kasich, and a laundry list of others that always seem to be pulling the brake and slowing down the process. We also have like 6 major metropolitan areas that have been deep blue for years and have been destroyed by lefty politics. Its always an uphill battle

RetLeoVet80 1 point ago +1 / -0

That would be Christopher Walken, for certain, in Pulp Fiction, I think

RetLeoVet80 1 point ago +1 / -0

TKD teaches plenty of hand, elbow, and knee strikes that are practical. They are also integral to the “showy” kicks and forms, so the simple strikes are more likely to be second nature. Many of the strikes have blocks associated with them as well, or in similar form and fashion.

Yes, someone using ONLY form correct Krav Maga or BJJ would likely wipe the floor with someone ONLY using form correct Taekwondo. However, in an actual fight, that would not happen. Especially in a self defense/abduction situation, your attacker is unlikely to be a trained assassin or MMA fighter. Just like in firearms training, when the pucker factor is introduced everything breaks down to your proficiency in the most basic skills youve learned. If attacked, everyones genetic baseline is fight/flight.

So for those who move to fight, anyone trained in any type of discipline, even just street fighting, knows that creating some kind of distance is an essential first step. If you can, you gain an advantage to make a decisive move. If you cant, many of your options, outside of simply fighting like hell til you CAN create distance, are likely off the table. While some disciplines are certainly better suited for regaining an advantage once you are grabbed, you STILL have to remember that, once puckering, you revert to your most basic level of instinct and training.

Thats a lot of words, but just pointing out that nearly ANY disciple, and TKD specifically, will be good for self defense at its core. Its easy to say such and such is better because in sport it may be. Just remember that fighting for sport in NO WAY equals fighting off an actual attacker. Especially in regards to our kids. They need the skills to fight off an attacker and gtfo. Being able to choke them out or break their arm or kill them would be a great bonus, but thats not the main point of self defense.

RetLeoVet80 2 points ago +2 / -0

...and also crotch shots. She knows NOTHING is “unfair” when she fears for her safety

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