Richmanstrick 3 points ago +3 / -0

Find a good Vet. One that puts the health of the animal above all else. You will know.

If you do not have a Vet like that, then get ready to spend some doe. It is all about the money.

Annual shots and checkups are approx 300 per year for one visit. It is required by law to have a Rabies vax, that is it: ~ 25.00. The rest is up to the owner. The vet will try and pressure you into the rest of the shots. Look for another Vet or submit to the programming, your choice. They take advantage of our love for animals to line their pockets.

Some animals, just like people will be affected, others will not.

Richmanstrick 3 points ago +3 / -0

I believe that in order to restore power back to the people, the political parasites must be held accountable. Right?

Our society is weak minded and physically sick, we have been betrayed and debate silenced.

Western law has collapsed and a growth of cartel international law has forced its way into our system.

All those who stand to fight back are destroyed and jailed.

Western Sovereignty disappeared by invasion

The worlds coffers were systematically plundered

People are being poisoned and murdered one way or another.

Centralized power is now structured so that there is NO ACCOUNTABILIBY.

This is a war that can only be won by a Righteous people. Pray for mercy. Pray for guidance. Read His word for the answers.

Richmanstrick 4 points ago +4 / -0

The ICC IS prosecuting Trump..... using Jack Smith via his twisted lawfare. And all of it granted by a corrupt President, corrupt Merrick Garland, corrupt Intelligence Agencies and correct US judges.

Richmanstrick 3 points ago +3 / -0

Asleep.........not at all, but I did once hope that we would keep our country from becoming a vassal.

Richmanstrick 7 points ago +7 / -0

Why is no one talking about the the fact that a UN Prosecutor, Jack Smith, is working on behalf of the International Criminal Court (ICC) ?

How can he be granted "evidence" and demand it be kept secret from the American people?

Has the Republic already fallen? And we don't know it?

Sounds like it.

Think about it........Our country along with our freedoms have been taken by Lawfare.

Richmanstrick 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is the day we lost our Republic! The rest will be just a formality by the UN.

Richmanstrick 3 points ago +3 / -0

We have Patriots in Congress fighting like hell for us, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. It would be prudent to keep a list of those who stand for traditional values and are willing to fight ....and they are:

Jim Jordan Chip Roy Chuck Grassley (He wanted to retire last session but stated there is important work to be done.... He knows) MTG Ron Johnson (He knows) Matt Gaetz James Comer Tommy Tuberville John Kennedy Elise Stefanik (presidential material) Thomas Massie (Smart MIT grad) Mike Johnson (LA) Harriet Hageman Kat Cammack Ken Buck Andy Biggs Kevin Kiley Wesley Hunt Tom Mcclintock Tom Tiffany Dan Bishop Jeff Van Drew Troy Nehls Anna Luna Byron Donalds John James Nancy Mace

These Reps are America First, Pro Constitution and Patriots. I am sure there are many more that are sleepers. Learn about them, support them.

Richmanstrick 13 points ago +13 / -0

This is Maoism on display for everyone to see, if you have eyes. Fight it while you are free. NOW

Richmanstrick 8 points ago +9 / -1

So, Jan6 prisoners are collateral damage to "the plan"?

Richmanstrick 1 point ago +1 / -0

WHERE WE GO ONE WE GO ALL It is about unity; in my context it is about American unity. In the broader context, it is about what can happen to humanity if unchecked. If one of us fail, we all fail. If one nation fails, all nations fail. For when we find ourselves hurting we all hurt, when we are hungry, we are all hungry. When we weep, we all cry. To me it about not leaving anyone behind to suffer and sharing the bounty of what God has bestowed on each of us. We once had this spirit in America, especially in the South, it was unspoken.

In the last 5 years many of us have seen things we did not want to see and now have to face that we cannot un-see them, literally murder, assaults and torture of children, catching us all off guard. The continued media coverage and social media communications of these life altering events have traumatized a nation, a people and a world. Real Trauma for those that see and for those who are victims. A blanket of chaos has landed on our country, dividing us just as in the days of Maoism.

When I was growing up we were shown commercials to give aid for the starving children in Africa, yet people are still dying from starvation more than ever in history. We gave our tax dollars for the war on drugs, just say no; Yet we find many blue cities war zones due to addiction. When we send a representative to DC, we sent them to help us create better lives for ourselves, but find they have betrayed us.

The Majority of men and women in government are there to enrich themselves and care NOTHING for any of us. They will drag us into a tyranny of hell we cannot fathom if we do nothing. Those that govern have made war on other nations, robbed resources globally and murdered leaders they disagreed with. Those that currently govern are criminally insane. China still suffers from Maoism. The people are imprisoned, murdered for their organs and raped. Yet the President of the US and his son are selling us out and gloating about it? Joe Biden said, "Where's the money?" They think we will do nothing?

Where we go one we go all is what will happen to the rest of us unless we STOP IT while we are free to do so because literally, red or blue, where we go one we WILL go ALL!

Richmanstrick 1 point ago +5 / -4

I don't see anyone who is shocked. I see a ton of Angry Anons that are wondering why there is NO accountability for the people that keep running these same dirty tricks upon the population, using our government.

It has dragged on for 5 years now and I don't see anything getting resolved anytime soon. At this rate, nothing will happen in the next 13 months. So brace for impact!

Trump and the American people will be cheated again in 2024.

I think Trump will go to prison and be Epsteined. Then, all hell will break loose.

Our world will change forever and there is no turning back. The elite parasites care nothing about the people or their constitution. These people are globalist.

Right now, they are just trying to keep us occupied. Don't be deceived. We will pay for our cowardice in NOT protecting the children.

Richmanstrick 4 points ago +4 / -0

It is the State Flag of AL.

I have frens that landed in Huntsville, AL. It is a very nice place. Very friendly. It is a place where time has stood still, in a good way. Men still open the doors for others. Everyone says Yes ma'am no matter how old they are. The women are beautiful. Alot of men are Mechanical Engineers or Military working on the Arsenal. People enjoy a type of protection from the craziness of what is going on in the blue state jungles. They still eat "supper" together as a family and attend church on Sundays.

However, the last time I visited, my fren said there has been a huge influx of new people moving in from California, New York and several other upstate areas causing property values to go up. There is a ton of residential building going on.

It has some stunning natural areas. We can ride around all day on our rail buggies and not see a single person on the trails. Fun, Fun, Fun.

I think it is about time for another visit. It is definitely Trump Country.

Richmanstrick -1 points ago +2 / -3

Q is like a nagging woman, after a while you just tune them out.

Everyone is sick of the crooks. Everyone is sick of the corruption. Everyone is sick of being robbed.

If the Republicans who represent us don't want to save our Republic, then why O why are we paying them?

Richmanstrick 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think it is very ironic that Trump grew up knowing and learning about it. He knows what the parasitic elite are trying to do. And they know he knows.

Richmanstrick 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do not be deceived, the UN is NOT our friends. It is where the parasite elite rule. To place this information inside this message is sneaky, evil, and corrupt. Change my mind!

Richmanstrick 9 points ago +9 / -0

MacArthur went up against the system - HEAD ON. He saw what was happening before anyone else in the nation. MacArthur saw and understood because Newsom was so aggressive in bringing California to heel.

MacArthur speaks absolute truth from God's word about what is happening right now and the elite parasites want to shut him down.

If you listen to him just briefly, you know he has God's ear and that is powerful. Listen to him any length of time and You know, You know, You know without doubts that God is REAL, and a lightbulb goes off......... Evil is real too.

We must all make a choice.

Listen to MacArthur while his sermons are still available. Watch his film and know what is happening. Big Red Pill!

Peace Brothers

Richmanstrick 4 points ago +4 / -0

So which is it, " A Movie" or " A War" ? They each imply different views.

All I see is talk, talk, talk, talk, talk. No Accountability. None. Zip. Nada.

As we watch the corruption happening in real time: I see a whole lot of suffering by Americans. Citizens dying, Children raped, Patriots jailed. Homes raided. Pharma killing. Lands confiscated. Cartels overpowering and invading our country. Congress corrupted. Crime unrestrained. Super high inflation. Farmers threatened. It is the largest transfer of our wealth from tax dollars in the history of mankind. It is going directly in the pockets of Biden's favored elites.

Do you know who owns Ukraine's debt? Blackrock.

Do you know how much US tax dollars were sent to Ukraine to pay their debt?

How much has the US sent to date? 80 Billion? 100 Billion? A Trillion?

Trust Wray? - I don't think so. This is where I have knowledge that he, Wray, is so far removed from the agents and the day to day activities. He has no idea what is going on. He surrounds himself with his own protection detail. He travels on a private plane. He answers to no one. He is more self important than Comey, Muller, McCabe or Hoover combined.

America's leaders are sacrificing an entire country, Ukraine, to try and get to Russia while rounding up it's children for the slave trade. Look back at each war we started. It is all for the same reasons - corruption and profit

So don't lecture me on dooming, the plan, or Trust.

There is massive collateral damage in the US and in the world........... and there is more to come. Trust only the word of God and prepare.

by BQnita
Richmanstrick 3 points ago +3 / -0

I worked in medical research and although I am retired, I stay in touch with my team and other contacts. Unreported: Millions over 40 are beginning to show signs of a protein buildup in their brains or blood clots. (spike protein anyone?) This is under the umbrella of Dementia. Researchers are afraid to bring up their suspicions regarding the unlicensed jab. This is VERY serious. Anyone in their 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's will suffer losing their ability to think clearly, walk, and eventually talk. (If this is what they think it is)

So while we put out hopium, our fellow man is being decimated; poisoned via medicine by our establishment.

If you or someone you know are showing signs of Dementia, no matter the age, please get tested. Dementia is NOT a normal part of aging. The protein and clots will show up on scans and MRIs. Search out the treatments, search out the doctors that will help.

Richmanstrick 0 points ago +1 / -1

I have yet to hear of your solutions to all those challenges, do share.

Richmanstrick -2 points ago +1 / -3

It doesn't matter what I think......

What I see is lady justice has been thrown to the ground, kicked in the face and continues to be severely beaten as Americans and foreigners alike watch in horror as she is raped.

A functional justice system set us apart from Communist regimes.

We are facing enormous external threats from China, yet our country has been set on fire by a corrupt FBI, CIA and AG Garland, used to further the DNC's ambitions to Get Trump and destroy Conservatives.

If anyone was in control they would help to lower the temperature of this nation before it's to late.

Transparency by our institutions would be a good start; but I don't see that happening. I don't want to think about the alternative.

Richmanstrick 8 points ago +9 / -1

You are correct, I also know many inside the military and all are conservative. But they are worried. Even confused. I do hear from some and they think the military is going to offer joining/opening up the ranks to illegals.

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