RollOnThicc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks! As a serial fast forwarder i decided to start at the end and work backwards. Something about syntax.

"Significant Deficiencies",

an Introduction to Federal Fraud!

"Other Material Weaknesses", or

a Table of Griftings.

Foreword by Al Capone?

Its like they think we will accept their cliff notes for the final. a good meme for the cover too!

Please bend and swallow

This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,

"Financial Report" by the "Federal Reserve" !

Digitized destruction pacifically for your digestion presented by the United Tates Federal Gubmint!

RollOnThicc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its zero hedge. Keep your pow pow dry !

RollOnThicc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Edit extra choices after braining: heap of scorn, publically humiliate, bind in stocks, rotten vegetables, defrocking, shame. Running tablature of public officials underpinning every highly touted success. . Sincerely, every well armed vegetarian in the northern hemisphere

RollOnThicc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Facebook : Poke

New X : Smite

Same expectation, New result. Its a no brainer

RollOnThicc 4 points ago +4 / -0

I had to google forswear! Matthew 5:33 Again you have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform your oaths to the Lord.’ 34 But I say to you, do not swear at all: neither by heaven, for it is God’s throne; 35 nor by the earth, for it is His footstool; nor by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. 36 Nor shall you swear by your head, because you cannot make one hair white or black. 37 But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.

Can somebody halp me out with an explanation of proper oaths before God?

RollOnThicc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its the very last thing said while the alarm clock is going off and the curtain draws...? My bad i thought u liked mr bean !

RollOnThicc 2 points ago +2 / -0

God bless both parties.

Father we are grateful you have shown the way for us in uniting the power, love and fortitude of these two men and the future they represent.

In a symbolic passing of the torch and bringing the power back to the people, we are grateful to you for restoring normal Presidential, dialogue on the world's best platform for free speech.

Please bring your heavenly light and love into our hearts and help us unite our country again. I ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.

And While we may face difficulty in reforming the texture of the dark into a lighter material,

Let us remember Proverbs 15:15

All the days of the afflicted are evil, but he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast.

RollOnThicc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good question! I didnt know but i heard from an ancient master

Poetic zen blood

Filling cup of life

engel sips tea

No pinky finger


RollOnThicc 2 points ago +2 / -0

Vance improves AF 2 after he gets it back from the kackler...


RollOnThicc 7 points ago +8 / -1

Did we make a haiku? I think we made a haiku.

RollOnThicc 6 points ago +7 / -1

Every piece of foil has 2 sides. One is non stick. The other sticky af

RollOnThicc 4 points ago +4 / -0

If I think mirror on this i imagine a scenario in which the j6ers plot to ruin the rnc. Interestingly and gratefully, that never came to fruition. I pray those with good intentions are lifted up above those with evil intent. And those with evil intent become burdened by their chains or yokes tightening and binding them around their greatest fears and thus causing them to implode from their own negative opposing frequencies and born again through the unwavering arms of Jesus.

RollOnThicc 2 points ago +2 / -0

The last time i saw a fat lady sing was in the drive thru at kfc. And dem bitzes was not about to run out of drumsticks, let me tell you!

RollOnThicc 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree with your comment, although i am inclined more toward the humanitarian side nowadays and less spergy than in the past.

However, i still care about the end not being for everybody and the majority of the action taking place away from public view so as not to disrupt hard-working people.

The normie-as-retard de anti-christ Is being turned away by either leftward or rightward thrust. Some will go through the veil to return to the beginning and some will be smart enough to self-stabilize

The most plausible reality is that all the main events of Q have already happened and what we are going through at this point is to prevent literally everything you have just said by smoke and mirrors, which is a spread ever-so-thin, non-hindering effort, and not meant to be slurped by self-gratifying anons. The more you know -- the more sorrow you see.

If people and dna can be changed in an instant and mind weapons are on the table for land dwellers then we would be preparing for an entirely different hellscape dystopian scenario which requires a clear field with neutral players going forward with vets clearing the rooks.

Thats why so much of djts efforts have been getting smart magans into leadership, to govern the rumor mil.

The "out of control ai runs the worlds intel" is a better argument to run and without a doubt will underscore the need to abandon the more "thirsty" points of view.

The blame shift to tech pivots off of the backs of ignorant Americans as the Q op closes and the rest of the world joins us in democracy 2.0, blamelessly underwritten by ai-enforced goodwill-among-men after witnessing wars and rumours of wars in faraway places.

What we want to prevent are casualties associated with normal people in normal everyday interaction, a new union of perspectives based off the events of the past 6 years! The refugee onslaught is heading for america and the evil ones think we will reach for the sword. What they don't have is our intelligence, righteousness, and love for others including true refugees!

Glory to God and Halle frickin leuliah!

RollOnThicc 4 points ago +4 / -0

Some say its a helluva plan. Others say its Gods work to awaken his chosen. It is important going forward to choose appropriate terms and not terms of deception. Freedom and security in yhe name of God will ultimately be built upon a broad expanse of interconnected truth. The ultimate singularity of ai is a currency of goodwill that gains wealth for its bearer by sharing in Goodwill. The opposite of a social credit system! See! The path forward is to imbue into reality the concurrent inverse of evil. God please forgive me if i have sinned. I only opine from the depths of self centerdness for I am a sinner of the very worst. I wish to be a positive example for those in a place of uncertainty. That is why i plumb the depths of fear in the middle of the night. Tryna bring the dark to light. Bugs come out when i turn on the light. Aight?

RollOnThicc 2 points ago +2 / -0

As a manner of recourse all matters pertaining to the one re:musk are to be utilized only iaw the original us constitution and interpreted by the one who is best at conducting polls . For real tho. The ai can only be used against enemies of america and not Americans abroad or refugees on american soil. Enemies of the state must be dealt with internally and minimally. Continuity must remain as an index as future life depends on it as a blueprint. Whipping the masses must cease as it is evident that 100% of true intent has been successfully subverted. Thus the poll conductor will render the appropriate timing and approval of the ballet. With love

RollOnThicc 3 points ago +3 / -0

The American We! We the people! The not so fast Hold your horses The yanky doodle The anti-royal Forever loyal We. The Christian we? How dare ye mock The christian we! We are! We are! (The youth of) A nation!

Distressed nation? Distressed youth

I pretend to be strong for my kids I am unable to pretend. I am strong Who is my we? Our angelic forces? The US Military? God? Murica!

I dont keep anybody out! I keep nobody out! I dwell with them all. They exclude themselves if they cant respect the common sense laws of america and wherever they left before it went by the wayside.

Therefore we have a moral obligation to educate using ai at no cost while housing the refugee to indicate to the world we are indeed a supporter of the true Israel (and therefore) all the fake israels have to be fully examined to find the real israel and we will rip the entire fabric of the earth apart to find and educate them to create more fully Gods vision on Earth.

Does that spell impending interwoven intermodal indominance or what? They will never forget the innocence that was taken from all of Gods children.


RollOnThicc 3 points ago +3 / -0

Confine the grind to the upper intestines. When it hits just crunch the abs. Play your worst fear music at 3am and picture it as a baby.


Maybe speed it up a little to make it sound more real. You care for it. Give it life. Nurture it every morning at 3am. It cant come back to hurt the you it remembered. You become the general of your own fear troops and send them out to shock as God intended. Ive already been condemned to die so dont worry about me, im saved by Gods grace and the death of Jesus!

After a few days any fear will become humorous and thus defeated through this method. Dont try it unless youve had some coffee. And maybe some nicotine gum.

But it will go on through your prayers to defeat true evil. Use caution, a true measure of the divine instrument against death and destruction.

We ride at night

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