If anything happens to potus in the next 16 or so days they could fully expect the hounds of Halloween to refuse their chains. I pray to God for POTUS safety during this time and please Secret Service be fully awake to any threats from the other side. God speed!
One mans invisible reach around is another mans opening monologue! Gutfeld seriously has some great production value
Good day frens.
How bout that full moon ? Man oh man! I was meditating on how to turn more LGBTQ votes Red and I realized something. Its all about the break of the Gubernaculum.
There is a method to the madness and it is encoded language.
" Chryptorchidism or undescended testes are observed in INSL3-null male mice . "Incel" 3-null. Could Null be negative, if?
Im working on a code. I cant tell if 3 is mammary or testy..
Im not trying to resurrect blind melon chitlin but if i were to guess, the goal for the next age will be to prevent tunic wars from becoming punic wars by keeping them as pqneary wars. Ha! With enough juice Weall c 2 stay a way for she.
Those who are called will retain D sealed in P. In defense of those who cannot rear or bear children yet also produce and protect. Rise and accept your rightful place and be as little children before Christ, be as ye may among the resurrected.
Those who protect the littles must be responsible always to the littles. Q is awarded u and claims it as a singular, thus meriting and reaffirming its status as hostage to the S by the American R, the hardest, toughest, meanest R that ever fought for its existence containing death and allowing its little to hold q under the bone via the faun.
Ye who have sniffed death shall not taste. Ye who hide are free to waste. You were only told but never lost. Your battle is between you and the one who comes after ost. You are not (they), ru? You r rs. We loves our. The inner circle protectors are most needed at this important time. the austerity of infertility is to be respected and not maligned by those who would subjugate the arc of the littles.
They are fighting to replace natural creation with that which is unnatural. True recognition of self lies within those who identify with the q and yet expect nothing for themselves and everything for the littles who will ultimately have to be the ones to bear the shame of being compared in an unfair pyrric victory for the mean, in the form of awareness of hybridization between humanity and ai. The compass and square protect the grandness of the union of nature and man and you are hereby borne into the status of protector of mankind. Im not pushing Sin to Cos with a 10 ft pole until i whip up some charge.
Father as a sinner I humbly ask in the name of Jesus that you remove the splinter from the eyes of those who self censor and cause harm to your spirit, and that you bring them comfort in their time of judgment. Father I ask that you raise them from the dead and into your loving arms as little innocent children who have been raised in iniquity as 'wicked away' from You father. As many have been called and turned away from your call Father I ask that you not give up on calling out to those whom the church would turn away and bring them out of their sinful lives and into your hands through Rqna, and may it provide a lasting not terribly dasting illumination of the path of righteousness in a water ring of strength, compassion and consciable action towards all.
As pride goes b4 the fall I ask that you bind the pride of LGBn2q with your power, which is that of null, and erect the pillars of life and love in the hearts of the Oeste. Quest, Test, Rest. May the kingdom of the Father be exemplary in the eyes of his children who stare at their reflection and may it circumcise pride filled hearts and allow the honorable discharge of duties to the parents and protectors of the Union between PRQ as to maintain the cosmic inflow of the verse.
All are welcome, to be sniffed, happily find an (un occupied) space and get some lovin in ur face . Lets make America happy again this time and put forth the pride in love of the sacred little.
Thanks JD Vance for taking back weird.
Hey thanks for saying what i was thinking. There is an amazing source of guidance and love out in the world and Im humbled and haunted by something that I would consider an essence of memory.
Watching events play out over the summer made me feel like an integral sideshow of a holographic overlay in a magnificent multi dimensional snuff noir with an all star cast of electric meat puppets tube-riding in the green room of the unholy megalithic wave of ignorance.
I just watched super troopers again this weekend and i felt like i was being hypnotized into the early 2000s mentality. Not to mention picking up on all the antique occult symbols and devices deployed to maintain the timeline.
I really want to work with the professionals on this one. I only accept roles with happy endings for me and my family and my other loved ones, and there are many.
This place has helped me a lot and I love and respect you all for helping me along my journey. The reason for being tongue tied and mis heard is part of the ultra experience, the one people wish they could pay not to get, but eventually it becomes a source of amusement.
Even though I havent felt like praying outwardly anymore I still think of all the times i fafoed and learned from it Thanks!
Sorry, my teleperambulator is dislexifying with disasstarus resaults. I saw someone digging a pit so im here to help dig another pit. And at any rate, schizo is just another term for crasy. Or however it is the kids are saying it now. What a time to be alive!
Heaven is crying out get with the Pro Gram. Oof. Tough crowd.
Yeah i feel you. But you know what? Judas took his 30 pieces and wasnt allowed to feel bad. Whats most likely to me is that jesus paid simon peter 60 and he split it with judas and used the rest to communicate with heaven and its why he was of two minds and eventually crucified and torn in half so they could make sure he wasnt hiding the holy from them since he was in charge of pretty much everything and he let the deception take him and then had to pull out or else who would be left to see to it that the dead stayed dead and the alive stayed alive in His ❤️
"Brah I swear da Menehune made me do it".
Here, you dropped this... https://christianity.stackexchange.com/questions/92560/what-do-christians-believe-kaneh-bosem-translates-to/92561#92561
In what feels like a previous life I actually believed in kane bosm first and then I was introduced to the miracle of the gospel that way.
A lot of repentance and acceptance brought me here, and the residual effect, a desire for mass repentance and living a life that is free to have coincidences, is what remains.
They cant say they werent warned
Im trying to disambiguate your argument. Does it play along these lines.
I think we learned the real truth about "her"intentions. Totally biblical, but there was a golden hat tip and the sharps are all over it. Not a woman, not a man, but a liquid nitro cyborg sent from the future to end a bloodline and stop pet cannibals from getting their airtime. Looking forward to the next debate!
Rage Against the dying of the light? Or Rage against the machine. Pray dont choose cratzy!
In that context, many other things could be Satanic as well. The trouble is allowing fear to dictate policy, as fear of fear leads to trouble. Satanism is stealthy and cannabis makes people prefer to initially not be stealthy. People become paranoid when they feel targeted by fear. Where fear becomes paranoia is the real theme between Good and Evil.
It is the most powerful drug in the world because it has the ability to induce truth and discernment and self realization and even mania. The compassionate route is difficult to defend and goes against the grain in many respects. We have a lot of ground to cover in a short time, perhaps for a very good reason. Trusting POTUS!!
The only thing I can picture right now is trump doing the typewriter around kamala to mc hammer. Oh ho oh ho oh ohhhh .... cant touch this!
Scottish! My bad. Aloo minnie um. Ami rite? Yeah i was just checking to see if yall were awake... He clearly said Ilumillenium. As in, rule by "Its Lit Fam!"
Here here! And to the memory of his holy mother, may she always shine in the glory of the father in the ultimate love for the son
Please God, Protect President Trump from harm today and make this rally the best one yet! Wisconsin loves Donald Trump!
Foghorn Langhorne it is!