RoosterHeadBad 4 points ago +4 / -0

It is their identity and everything is contingent on supporting that. It took me 48 years to finally realize that my identity is that I was created in God’s image. The juxtaposition between those two identities is enormous.

RoosterHeadBad 2 points ago +2 / -0

It makes total sense. When AirTag first came out, assholes started using them to stalk and track their victims. When this came out, Apple added a feature to the AirTag. If an AirTag is on someone (ie, their phone within range) over 8 hours (IIRC) with the owner not around, they will get this message on their phone informing them that they have an AirTag near them. The owner does not get this message….the potential victim does.

I just worked with a guy whose wife put an AirTag on his business bag so he wouldn’t lose it. I received this message on my phone and asked if he had an AirTag on him. He said “yes” and that everyone he works with will get this message at the end of the day. I was confused as I work with an AirTag on me and nobody ever got that message. Figured out that it was because it was under his wife’s phone, not his. Told him to tell her to add his name (phone) so it won’t happen anymore.

RoosterHeadBad 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m not a tech guy by any means. I have an AirTag on my daughter’s shoe, so I researched how it worked. The AirTag does not have GPS. It piggybacks on other people’s cell phones (and it doesn’t matter what kind of cell phone it is.) The AirTag only has to be within 50’ of a cell phone and that person’s cell phone sends the location through satalite or WiFi, which is then sent to my IPhone. Through experience, I have found that the location can be off by up to 200’ if the person’s cell phone was in a car driving by the AirTag. Also, it doesn’t continuously update, which confuses me. When my daughter is on the school bus, it can be off by 10 miles or so. I don’t remember anything about Bluetooth, but if you know, please inform me. Thanks.

RoosterHeadBad 3 points ago +3 / -0

Same thing, no? Whole armies fighting against the Israelites would turn on each other and decimate themselves on the battlefield.

RoosterHeadBad 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for being you and standing up. I felt like I was in the movie “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” with how crazy people were behaving. Smart, rational folks acting irrational. I don’t trust any government agency at all anymore. I feel like everything we have been taught since childhood should now be questioned. I now just trust Jesus and my intuition to not play along.

RoosterHeadBad 3 points ago +3 / -0

As I always say, “If only the men had decided that we should pick our own cotton.”

RoosterHeadBad 2 points ago +2 / -0

Very good, but I would like to add that ungodly men treat women this way and women are taught through feminism that all men are like this. It’s a lie. My divorced neighbor (a man) keeps shacking up with loose woman over and over again with the same outcome. These woman are nuts, but he is as well by propagating the problem by being promiscuous. It’s a vicious circle of untempered sin where both sexes are guilty.

We need to get back to healthy families and the Godly hierarchy God set forth in Genesis.

RoosterHeadBad 3 points ago +3 / -0

Feminism is extremely toxic on the female mind and opens a door to the spirit of Jezebel, a powerful demon that ruled under pagan societies before Christ.

A majority of demonic possessions are women for a few reasons. Women are more easily manipulated through their emotions (Eve and the forbidden fruit encapsulated this truth, and God rectified it by creating the family hierarchy to prevent this from happening- Christ as the head for guidance followed by the husband to make the final decisions for the family, followed by the wife over the household and children.). Demons have a special hatred for women as women hold the testimony of Christ through their ability to bring life. Woman truly are the key to humanity and Satan hates them for this.

Be safe out there, Fren.

RoosterHeadBad 1 point ago +1 / -0

God is giving evil people over to their depravities, as predicted in the Bible as a marker of end times. A 15 yo in my town is possessed by a demon. The demon just made him burn all of his finger tips with fire. It’s getting real out there. The veil between the our world & the spirit realm is getting thinner every day.

RoosterHeadBad 3 points ago +3 / -0

High school buddy just died at 54 from bladder cancer. I assume he was fully jabbed as he suffered terribly from TDS.

RoosterHeadBad 3 points ago +4 / -1

Do drag queens showing their big fake boobs and panties, dancing between church pews count?

RoosterHeadBad 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ironically, the Deep State Satanists do the same exact manufacturing, as they believe Satan will conquer Christ.

RoosterHeadBad 17 points ago +18 / -1

Jews don’t believe that Jesus was their Messiah. Israel needs the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque destroyed so they can build the Third Temple where they believe the Messiah will rule from. (It will actually be the Antichrist that will rule from it through deception.). Israel may use this tactic as a false flag in order to start construction. On the flip side, Iran may also be planning on destroying both building to galvanize all Muslins worldwide against Israel.

I need more popcorn…

RoosterHeadBad 0 points ago +1 / -1

Who gave a day or the hour? You need to stop using that verse in this manner because Satan uses it against Christians to not take Biblical prophecy seriously. That verse is meant to teach us to live in Christ daily, not just to try to time our salvation to His return. Remember, Jesus was constantly berating the Pharisees for not interpreting the signs of His coming. We are to expect His second coming though Scripture and, in the meantime, be tools for God’s will.

RoosterHeadBad -1 points ago +1 / -2

Anyone who doesn’t believe that we are in the end times hasn’t been paying attention.

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