Pastor Mark Driscoll Gets Kicked Off Stage for Criticizing 'Strip-Show-Like Performance' at Megachurch Event (VIDEO) | The Gatew...
Controversy erupted at the Stronger Men’s Conference in Springfield, Missouri, organized by James River Church, a notable Pentecostal megachurch, when Pastor Mark Driscoll publicly criticized a ‘strip-show-like performance by Alexandr Magala, a sword swall...
The subtle invasion of sin in every aspect of our life. Always in the form of something just crossing the line till it’s slowly accepted. Then it becomes outright and you are trapped in the darkness. Thankfully they are some who will take a stand from the beginning to save us.
Normalization of deviance. We talk about it in the fire service...but it’s a danger in all realms of life.
Everything’s fine...until it isn’t.
The DS/cabal focus on large, centralized, top-down types of organizations. Those are the easiest for them to corrupt by controlling the small number of top management.
The solution to fight against this is the same for everything - decentralization. Reject the large, centralized corporations, or the large "mega-churches" in this case.
Local food, local industry, local businesses, local church (assuming the local church has not gone woke to pander to women), etc.
Who -1ed this??
This is the answer.
Go home, glowies.
Watch 50:55
Ah yes let's blame Russia for Jesuit intrigue been going on long before the KGB was even a thing! Deflect all blame away from the Vatican to "Israel" and Russia! top kek! Russia Russia Russia and muhjoo from long ago?!
No, the Jesuits infiltrated America right from its founding, they infiltrated the "seminaries" and "new Bible" translation teams, used fake manuscripts which favored Rome many times, and before Jesuits we know the Vatican was tippy top blackmail spy ring via confessional booth, from your nosy neighbor saying they saw you with a Bible, to your governor confessing his own affair! The counter-reformation never ended! Rome's crusade to stop "Protestantism" continues to this day! Clowns In America, Catholics In Action! Morally subvert society and all Protestant churches STAT!
"The whole corrupt temple..."
oh and he says TruthSocial is the new money laundery for drug and human trafficking?? Vatican shills are running on fumes in 2024!
lol the Catholics are the source of all the Gab / 4chan - style NeoNazism, white ethnostate, theocratic monarchy, PEPE CRUSADER MEME.jpg, We call them "clowns", CIA, Catholics In Action! I'm now convinced. Vatican / Hitler relations! kek. Rothschild Vatican banker Balfour declaration! it's da jooooos though, said pepecrusader on Gab! kek.
In the 'Vision' 1973, David Wilkerson prophesied "Nude dancing in the 'church'. We'll see.
Do drag queens showing their big fake boobs and panties, dancing between church pews count?
Do they realize they're just pushing real believers out?
While converting some to a sinful lifestyle. It’s a numbers game to them.
KINDA getting the feeling that exposure of much of the so called churches is tied to Israel,s exposure. The 501c3 has compromised many churches and Tranny bible story hour is probably already around the corner. BUT this is the Great Awakening and the so called church is not exempt. Reading the comments on Gateway many like me have temporarily walked away. BUT we will be back to help usher in reform when more are awake.
The megachurches were started by the DS back in the 70's: watch 50:55
Never seen this guy before, but he's on target. Also didn't know the Russian/Israeli connection on the mega churches, though I am aware of several SRA survivors who have pointed out some of the leaders of these things as having been their abusers.
WE are the church.
We are seeing the "falling away" that the Bible predicted. The Antichrist will soon be revealed.
If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, I would do so without delay. If you have accepted Jesus Christ, know that He is coming for you very soon. God bless.
Why have that shit at a men's conference to begin with? The fuck is going on with the church these days?
I used to go to Marks church when it was in Seattle then again in Phoenix. He's always been controversial, but good for him for speaking up about this. He at least stands by what he believes.
Why are the only colors red & black?
Before anyone cheers Driscoll on, take a moment to read his magnum opus, a treatise on penis homes
"The first thing to know about your penis is, that despite the way it may see, it is not your penis. Ultimately, God created you and it is his penis. You are simply borrowing it for a while.
While His penis is on loan you must admit that it is sort of just hanging out there very lonely as if it needed a home, sort of like a man wondering the streets looking for a house to live in. Knowing that His penis would need a home, God created a woman to be your wife and when you marry her and look down you will notice that your wife is shaped differently than you and makes a very nice home.
Paul tells us that your penis actually belongs to your wife, and once you are married she will trade you it for her home (I Corinthians 7:4), and every man knows this is a very good trade for him to make.
With his penis, the man is supposed to learn to please his wife and learn how to be patient, self-controlled and be educated on how to keep his home happy and joyous (I Corinthians 7:3). The man should be aroused by his new home, and the wife should rejoice at seeing his penis rise to greet her (Song of Songs 5:14b)."
Not a fan of false Penetcostal pastors but I don't think he's too far off in this, though it's phrased in a bit of a crass way.
My issue was the crassness as well
I get the general idea..but it is stripping the man and the woman of autonomy. I do not sleep around because I love my wife not because slut A or thot B are someone else's property.
The pastor needs to reread his Bible and maybe some Jung too
🎶Detachable penis🎶🐸
Take my upvote
Watch 50:55
SPEECHLESS. I am glad I posted before you, I was trying to temper my disgust but you just reminded me I didn,t need too.
When the church became a separate entity from the "ekklisia", it became an entertainment venture. You have heard the Deacon proclaim, "the people are chewing gum in the sanctuary"? NO, the sanctuary is chewing gum!!!
Who said that?
It's just a for example!
I'm sick of sacrilegious cretins welcoming depravity into their halls of worship. A pole-dancing sword swallowing ex male stripper? Really? Pastor Driscoll did the right thing. Churches have been leading the way into insanity since the 1960s instead restoring people's connection with God which is their only valid purpose. They are sick and I hope their cooperation and connection with the satanic Cabal is fully exposed and Justice exposes them for the FRAUDS they are.
I'll add too, that if anyone in the audience had any balls at all, they would have gotten up and left the moment this psycho took off his shirt. That freak show doesn't belong in Church and is not what the message of Jesus Christ is about. I'm glad some of them at least yelled at their leader after he told Pastor Driscoll he was "done."
The whole point of church is to come together and worship and glorify God. How in the world did this come close to glorifying God?? If you want to see this sort of entertainment, go to Vegas.
Why does this not surprise me. That church is actually in Ozark, Missouri just outside of Springfield. It’s been reported the pastor is paid 7 figures a year. They won’t let you join their church unless you give them your financials so they can determine how much you will pay in tithes. It’s part of the Assemblies of God church which is corrupt to the core. My mother worked for AG headquarters in Springfield until the early 2000s when she was fired because she discovered that they were sending money to missionaries in countries that they didn’t have missionaries so they quietly let her go. I cannot wait until they get investigated.
Gee who knew they'd find a way to make going to church creepy
I stand with Mark Driscoll on this. He is right to call it out, rather than to just go with it. That's what's wrong with most churches today ... they just just go with it, rather than preach the truth. He wasn't willing to water-down his faith, and was kicked off the stage for standing firm in his faith.
I wonder if Mark Driscoll knew that if he had spoken against the 'performance' beforehand, he would have not been allowed to speak at the event. I think this was his chance to speak ill of the behavior, from God's perspective, so he watched it play out and then used scripture to say what he did.
ah yes, satans final trump card... turn all the christians gay by showing them a guy undressing.
satan is a fkn retard
anybody have the full video of this event? with good audio etc? It sounds like the crowd was not too happy with John Piper for kicking Mark off.
Mark Driscoll has a very checkered history as a mega pastor himself
Many churches pose as churches decieving their own followers. There is one body, one hope and one head of the true church. Jesus Christ. Divisions are already proof the devil infiltrated.
What kind of heathen would take his shirt off in public.
He would not do it to glorify God, but only to glorify himself. Pride is the ultimate vice.
The essential vice, the utmost evil, is Pride. Unchastity, anger, greed, drunkenness, and all that, are mere flea bites in comparison: It was through Pride that the devil became the devil.
Pride leads to every other vice: it is the complete anti-God state of mind.
C.S. Lewis
if you want to see this kind of stuff you go to Vegas, not a Church.
Reap what you sow.
In today’s lingo: play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Invite a worldly performer, what do you expect?
Invite Driscoll to speak without giving him full knowledge, control, and input on the event, what do you expect? He’s spent his whole career at the top of the human food chain.
“I heard another voice from heaven, saying, 'Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive any of her plagues; Rev. 18:4
In the end times the wheat and darnell grow side by side, they look alike. It is only at harvest that the farmer can tell. The wheat bows its head but the darnell’s is upright.
If he's fast he won't be late for the circus
Pastor who recognized this satanic nature driven from the stage, as corrupt pastor claims personal authority over this "church."
Despite anyone’s opinion of the performance (personally I see nothing “sexual” about the Vegas performance )of this acrobatic sword swollower at a men’s retreat; itwas not at a Sunday church service. The pastor handled it wrong and I agree that he was reprimanded for how he handled his distaste of the performance. NCSWIC!