It could have been a teacher just going off topic without the knowledge of the Superintendent. For those of us raised in public/government school there are teachers who teach with a political bias. (I condemn this though whether it be left leaning bias or right leaning political bias as I feel students time is better spent actually learning real skill.) Look at the bright side though the student definitely was given a heads up by someone cause they filmed the propaganda, and it got reported! I count it as a win. Still I encourage the parents to follow up with this definitely.
IDK watch the video emerging from the Netflix protest where YouTube personality Vito Gesualdi showed up with a sign that said "Dave is funny".
The crazies get so riled up that they take his sign break it, hand him the broken stick, and then say "he has a weapon". Now saying "he has a weapon" I mean you'd have to talk to a lawyer about it but, IMO it is the same as saying "fire" when there isn't one, someone could be harmed.
The behavior is definitely getting more erratic. I admit I am not sure how this ties in except to say even the side that "won", is getting crazy.
Love it... not a fan of using the left terminology "punching down". I think these are lateral swings ok. Punching down implies that you are hitting someone or something smaller than you when this is not the case. WHOLE E. F. these lefties are huge maybe not in numbers but their infiltration game is on point. So it's not punching down on little Fauci cause he has been stood up on giant pedestal.
So does that mean the fix will be in cause... I am looking at Dems IRL and the ones that have broken programming are telling me they are telling me "sorry I voted for this mess".
I mean not sure this is real or a shit post but it is funny!
Haha yeah we shall see.
I am not sure lol. I will give you that there are certain people that do want a great reset or whatever but this message could be as simple as an order to consume hoard consume for sales or whatever they want to accomplish here. Doesn't bother me. Most of these panic buys are followed by re-stocks. If for some reason this one isn't I got shoes and other essentials but I refuse to panic buy X-mas nonsense.
Well... I don't know but I would hardly use an urgent care facility for the needle on where all health professionals stand. Unless it is private. I went to a private one flat fee, no health insurance accepted and it was great. Was diagnosed with something other than Covid go figure.
Yeah part of me thinks they want people to panic buy again... I could be wrong.
Um here
Sorry if that isn't the link I am trying to type it exactly off my phone... it's from a thread I saw here on GA earlier called Economies Coming to Halts To Resist Governments? Isn't That What The Cabal Wants?
basically from the article a religious exemption is not a privilege you have to beg for it is a right. By not granting them or questioning them they are actually violating the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Now supposedly there is to be a flood of lawsuits for discrimination coming against these unsuspecting businesses the article explains it in more depth. It has something to do with like the businesses are rushing this in hopes that people will just comply or quit before the courts have a chance to catch up to them and destroy them. Anyhow how to document your own wrongful termination case is outlined on the page.
Look to clarify she may get in. The point I am making is everyone hates her. Think of it like the old WWF right. The old WWF is a wrestling show with a script. If the television show ratings dip they do something called hot-shotting. Hot-shotting is when your ratings are sliding down and they need to get a ratings grab so they will bring in a hot-shot and Hulk Hogan comes in for a week, then its back to normal and they hope to keep some rating and that they can hold some of that audience. They may try to hot-shot Kamala Harris but hot-shotting is a practice that doesn't work! I would expect if they try this shit you would see a small boon to presidential approval but it won't last cause she is just a terrible person. The ratings will start to slide again especially if she is under the same handlers as Biden. Hope this all helps you get over it. This practice never works. :)
Won't work everyone hates that cow.
So a couple of things. There are not enough workers. They aren't coming back. There were several people me included that when they took time off for the shutdown they streamlined their income and probably found out just how much they were paying for strangers to raise their children vs how much they were taking in and just made a few cuts here and and there. There are also quite a few that are making money non-traditional ways and they aren't coming back either (this may be the reason Xiden is pushing this $600 reporting thing). So there is that. I am not sure what the real answer is but giving up medical freedom is not an option. I like the idea that we are supposed to just ignore Xiden but there are way too many people that are conditioned to pursue legal options, strike, or comply. So I don't know the answer wish that I did.
FUUUUUUuuuuuu... everyone dies! Colin Bowel was in his 80's with blood cancer. And then on top of that he took the thing that you know sometimes kills people because no drug interactions/allergies/anything is being recorded for study. The real point is everyone dies! I am not sure why anyone is acting like anything at all can prevent that.
Apparently at the bottom of the letter she gives her permission to share and asks for credit and tags (which as I have said I cannot do). The other way you can get this if you lose the archive link is in this description.
Yes YouBoob but sometimes I don't mind giving certain creators views...
I heard castles like the ones in medieval times let the livestock in like the post 4-5 dog night says. The other thing they did was hang huge tapestries on the walls as a form of insulation. Rugs are still cheap so IDK get some I guess before they are gone if you like the suggestion. I know it is weird. Um those curtains Scrooge had same deal apparently. They also had bed warmers which were metal that they would put coal in and it would just sort of radiate heat but it was slightly dangerous as sparks were known to leap out and ignite bed covers... water bottle will work in a pinch if you can still heat the water.
Here is the letter penned by Africa Brooke from the extended version of the interview. She requests that she be credited which I have done and tagged but I lack the means to do that.
IT IS AWESOME! At least for me, I also left the group think cult but did so very early on. In the letter she voices a lot of things that I cannot believe the remaining cult cannot get wise to.
I was not paying attention until recently and honestly I am a bit petrified because to me things tend to look hopelessly tangled. Maybe it is just me wanting a leader, because when you see the mess all at once it is hard to figure out where to start.
It's super dumb.
Yeah. That feels like it should be in the pistol space meme. Anyhow I also replied to another one of your replies. I like the cut of your gibe but I still think we need some kind of leadership or some more organization to truly get away from the old matrix.
Thanks pede. I am feeling a little lost as well as you can see by my reply. I do think that if we are going to move forward we have to get a leader and get going. That is the roadblock I am currently seeing.
So what is this supposed to be Scientology or something? I was kind of wondering why everyone rich decided to lose their minds instead of relaxing on a beach or something.
Yeah people care look at the awards and likes on that post. Sadly I dunno what to do the media was supposed to gatekeep and call everyone on their shit but they don't work for us anymore.
Well I went to the website and it looks official. I am not an Ireland pede so I guess I don't really know if it is. There is a section for side effects reports as it says on this poster.