it would be "amazing" if a person drew it and not a computer generating.
It's like calling microwaving food cooking. "Omg this hotpocket is so amazing. How did you do it?"
AI art..... shame
Spez: starting at 9:30: bit on AI art.
"Solar geoengineering can seem like an answer to that question. Spraying a couple million tons of SO2 into the stratosphere is scary to some, but for others, the idea is comforting, a reassurance that there really is a quick fix for climate change, that we can just try it out, roll the atmospheric dice on some neat tech-fix, and then get on with doing things basically the same way we’ve been doing them up until now. Hey, it’s worked pretty well so far, at least for some."
So are we still "chemtards"?
Some of the home screens I get from Brave have been pretty sus. Pro cyrpto/NFT ads, petty sure I saw the illuminati triangle once, etc.
I like this interpretation.
Funny, coincidence. I've been working on a piece today to symbolize brainwashing using the Pink Floyd thing as the background. Not done yet, but gtg to work now
How does he not know about the Cuomos? kek
the possibility that this board was being controlled by Russian misinfo
top kek
I don't either. Still banned and they still haven't even respond to my email.
He's still cucked the the cabal's honeypots like that Eliza grifter and bana truthers on their behalf.
Stop glowing.
They won't even respond to mine. 😏
It gets worse. If you ever feel like you're getting more than usual it's because you are.
When people use ad block, they still force people to watch them anyway by punishing the people already doing what they want (not using adblock) but shifting the burden onto them. Thus pushing more people into using adblock
Miss me with your commie gobbledigook word games.
Ah yes, the tired antisemite under every rock and behind every blade of grass routine. Give it a rest dude .This board doesn't hate the jews, it hates "jews who say they are jews but who are not."
Satanists, if you need me to spell it out for you. Now is your butthurt because you are a jew? Or because you say you are a jew and are not? Get the fuck out of here.
Nope. they ban you upon creation. and if you do somehow get around the ban with a new account, they will slap that one with a temp ban until you give them a phone #
For reals. Elon pussywhipped by that Eliza blackhat grifter and banning truthers on her behalf
Covid doesn't exist. The jabs are the poison.
Ty, I need to try it still.
The anticipation is killing me
Yeah, you'd like the snakes to stay at the head, wouldn't you?
If you don't mind the pro-china, Canadian communist chat moderators heavily censoring the chat menus, that is.
Well that explains why I got banned. kek
Were*, not we're(we are)
sorry :P
You realise it's just mashing together other people's art(often without permission) as well as every image they can scrape off search engines and putting it in blender and generating multiple images based on you doing nothing but "keying in a few words" and you just pick what "looks passable."
There's nothing amazing about that.