Another one for the Death Stairs FB group.
Marble? slippery as fuk
There is a weird moment as one desends, where one can't see the front edges, because it's all the same colour and merges in the peripheral vision. It's all the same color, kind of similar to dirty ice. naaah
Oh and did you know that 80% of people grab a handrail when they use stairs ... and that most fatal accidents are due to the lack of a handrail? No handrails is a crime against humanity in my opinion
Oh, but the stairs are so wide, so that lots of people can used them, it would look reidiculous to put handrails everywhere, and anyway are you some sort of health and safety nut?
Not even one ickle bitty one one the edge? Naah. Let them fall. It's more intimidating and a symbol of the nation's disregard for human life.
I have six cats and a hyper-alert watch-dog. So when the fireworks are gunna go, We have a wee siege inside, with comfy lighting. Batten down the hatches.
I do always wonder that it sounds and feels a little like a combat zone, when the neigbors start popping, so I am not surprised someone had the idea to do it for realsies.
The H1B system tracks foreign workers. Without it, all foreign workers would be illegal. Duh.
When one defends this widely utilized system, one is labeled insane or unMAGA, by what I have suspected are glowing individuals. After all, we hate foreigners taking our jobs, or something.
It's a fake squeak.
Governments keep labor shortage lists, which they then 'advertise' to foreigners, so they can plug the gap immediately, instead of planning to make up the short-fall by other means, such as training people themselves. This, however, can be seen as a short-term solution, which will gradually stabilize as the training programmes kick in. So, pragmatically, maintaining skills-shortage lists works, as long as governments follow through with internal education programmes to fix the long-term.
Commonly these skills-shortage lists include doctors, nurses, teachers, and building trades, also IT. I know this sounds like a meme, because obvio "one finds H1Bs working in a fast-food joint, taking low-skilled American jobs, for cheap".
However, with an identifying system in place, one can differentiate, and if that is a 'digital' ID (i.e. the system is maintained online and publicly accessible) then one would be able to check on the spot, and audit lists satisfactorily. Otherwise, with traditional 'papers' It's a matter of audiitng employers, which has failed since forever - it also has totalitarian overtones - 'busting employers'.
Such digital ID systems work for civil engineers, for example. Registers are kept so that anyone can find the designer as legit. < this is the reason (tracking H1Bs) that I think Musk is involved, actually. And no, there is no rift between MAGA and Musk. That is fake news.
The social problems are caused by illegal immigrants working without paperwork at slave-labor rates, perhaps while locked into compounds, breaking laws because they are already illegal, etc. < very easy to harp on this aspect and equating these arseholes with H1B workers.
But what is one to do?
As I see it, the problems are not the people WITH paperwork. The job ahead for the Trump administration means getting rid of the criminals without such 'papers', and making the process of deciding which is which, be more efficient.
I'll put it in the box of keep an eye on it. Such theories cannot be refuted easily. The Lennon 'appearance' behind McCartney, just as JFK Jr 'appearances' in the last decades, make me go Hmmm.
We are living in a world of deception ATM, so the theory is not too far-fetched, but then again, I think the author of that list may have been over-enthusiastic.
J6 Prosecutors FLEEING Dept. of Justice Before TRUMP Comes (RUNNING SCARED!)
32:10 Trump Going to SUPREME COURT! (NEXT STOP SCOTUS!) Carroll hoax
55:45 New Border Czar WRECKS Stuttering Congresswoman ('SHE'S NOT SMART')
1:08:46 CIA Whistleblower SPEAKS about Energy Weapons COVERUP (THEY LIED!)
Nice Caspar David Friedrich thumbnail
I think it is a way of opening a wider discourse. For example, a legal immigration scheme should be kept, while undesirable illegals are kicked out. No-one is going to disagree with people who obey the law, after all. Even legal migrants are against the bad apples spoiling the barrel. This sort of thing needs smart legislation, where some will have knee-jerk reactions and want to ban all foreigners, for example, or when someone announces a preponderance of Indians in IT.
A healthy society debates things civilly. I believe the 'disagreement' is adulting the narrative.
Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquin, Iodine, and quinine, big doses of Vitamin D, C, magnesium, and don't forget aspirin. Just as if one was sick. And she might well get very sick.
But keep up the intelligence campaign, because avoidance is key. What are they afraid of? That their daughter will catch a sexually transmitted disease? Or is it perhaps deeper - that she might even become sexually active? [mic drop: NCSWIC]. Why are they not educating her on how she only needs one man, not many? Sex is not a crap shoot that requires 'preventative immunization', neither can virgins be 'protected' from the big bad wolf.
How old is the daughter? Old enough to take Nicotine Patches? - it saves lives because nicotine occupies the receptors that would be invaded by viruses, but that treatment may be controversial in context.