Sadness 1 point ago +1 / -0

A couple of days ago, Daniel Davis was showing what looked like a Russian drone flame-thrower, working its way down a forest belt. It looked like a murderous UFO.


Sadness 2 points ago +2 / -0

Finland is a curious case, from what I have gathered. There still is a Russian speaking population, as there is a Swedish one and a Sami one - let alone the Finnish speakers. So it is diverse in that way, but also in a socio-economic way where there are a hardened survivalist settlements up North, and city and Ports in the South. So Local Government is disparate in its needs. This has led to some very interesting academic papers - at the leading edge of Local Government Public Service literature. The issue is that the WEF-pushed theory does patently not work. Especially the smaller councils have found that they must make their own rules if only to serve their infrastructure-deprived communities.

What I am talking about is an extreme divergence of values.

So I believe there is hope yet. The inherent pragmatists in the population will vote with their feet, no matter how much propaganda is thrown their way. They've seen it all before, and they are getting mad at the blatant lies, just as you are. Although there also will be some keen disaffected lads wanting to fight Russians at first, which is a shame, but let them, I suppose.

Sadness 3 points ago +3 / -0

Darts and shooting sports, even light archery, are domains where women CAN compete against men. So it is ironic to see them speak up - nevertheless, one has to admire the general spirit. No need for wokeness to spoil the actual sport.

Sadness 6 points ago +6 / -0

LOL when pragmatism rules.

She certainly treated herself to an experience.

Sadness 1 point ago +1 / -0

kewl /s

A bit like swiping people off the street, putting uniforms on them and sending them to be cannon fodder.

It's criminal.

Sadness 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's only a screen for one's phone.

Until one tries to get a haircut, or go to the gym.


Sadness 9 points ago +9 / -0

Paper ballots and ID. Use an ink stain on the thumb if needed - they did that in Iraq.

As for government, they only spend more money if they are in session. They spend borrowed funds on useless things like killing people. What? me? worry? Let them take a loooong break until elections.

Sadness 16 points ago +16 / -0

there are layers of meaning here.

He hints at a shadow investigation, and points at the weird shenanigans where 16 out 19 Benghazi terror-suspects were NOT prosecuted. I mean WHY? i.e., the inference is that his team were collecting evidence against the DoJ and FBI and their mysterious workings, during color revolution wet-work black-ops (secret and dark-money playbook).

Given what we now know - were those suspects operatives? Who ordered the stand-down on prosecutions? Kash knows.

Sadness 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mistake was to become TOOOO visible for being a spy. I mean: lavish trips, corrupt import licensing, mansion and Ferrari. Not obvious AT ALL.

AND, blocking Taiwanese bearing silicon-chip gifts: a bad un-economic deal for USA, whose silicon valley will collapse if they don't have bridging from Taiwanese chips until they can make them in Arizona.

Sadness 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would mock them, but a friend on ours' son died at a Burning Man concert.

He was cooking on a gas stove inside his car, and fell asleep. Carbon Monoxide poisoning.

Sadness 3 points ago +3 / -0

I like the fiddle etc.

A nice country feel.

Sadness 7 points ago +7 / -0

She staid on pitch, and managed some extra 'lil bits. Her voice didn't crack with fear.

Not bad for an imptomptu.

She's doing all right.

Sadness 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ukraine section - Trump says that he will be able to make a peace deal when he is president-elect. So Date-fagging November 2024 for an end to the killing.

Remember to click through and put a comment and a like. Let's do this! Trump is predicting a 10X Bump for Lex.

0:00 - Introduction

1:09 - Psychology of winning and losing

3:51 - Politics is a dirty game

5:28 - Business vs politics

8:04 - War in Ukraine

9:53 - Kamala Harris interview on CNN

10:36 - Trump-Harris debate

13:33 - China

15:47 - 2020 election

24:03 - Project 2025

24:52 - Marijuana

27:13 - Joe Rogan

30:54 - Division

38:00 - Communism and fascism

41:36 - Power

43:36 - UFOs & JFK

44:16 - Jeffrey Epstein

45:55 - Mortality and religion

47:25 - Lex AMA

Sadness 1 point ago +1 / -0

Rules based order: Rules for thee, but not for meee

Sadness 3 points ago +3 / -0

The first trick is to get a supply of strong white flour. Not standard cake flour. The main trick is patience and a warm room. It's all about nurturing the yeast.

I am going to write the recipe like a Victorian, not giving quantities, because making small batches is easier on the arms, but it is messy, making large quantities depends on the size of one's oven and also how much time one has to bake multiple oven-loads.

Start a tablespoon sized piece of yeast, or the dried granules, with a little warm liquid that is sweetened. Milk will do at a pinch, (but I don't like the smell when it is yeasted) - honey or molasses is good. After ten minutes or so the mixture should be frothing. Add a handful of flour and mix to a saucey consistency - like a smooth paste. Wait for another ten minutes. Now add the liquid for the main recipe,(should be like comfortable (not too hot) bath temperature when testing with your finger). Stir it all up and start adding flour in stages.

For reference the ratio is about 3:1 flour to water - depending on how high the moisture content of the air is around you.

First mix the dough to a porridge consistency, and let it double in size. Now add flour and any salt (or kelp), and mix to a stringy dough. At this point the mixing-stick or wooden spoon can go - dump the dough on a floured bench and use hands to keep just dusting the flour in. One hand for dry flour and one folding and mixing. Have patience, the flour goes in by small handfuls at this point. Knead. After a while the dough will feel springy and alive. Twenty minutes of pure exercise. Now, the lump should be left to rise with a floured cloth over it.

Preheat oven to hot 450 deg.

Knead again and shape into buns, loaves, knots, whatever takes your fancy. One can flatten the loaves into flat-breads and cook on a griddle at a pinch, or as a taster, while waiting, because everyone will be going crazy at this point.

Rise the loaves 15 minutes or so (and flatbreads) again and bake.

Sadness 3 points ago +3 / -0

They banned Farage from being a Conservative. He is seen as a traitor for speaking up. As if that will stop him. But still.

They villified and un-personed Tommy Robinson just recently, in parliament. Just because the guy is a meme at this point (and they broadened the accusations to guys like him - as if it is an archetype - i.e., white, working-class Brits waving Union Jacks - how dare they), and the politicians believe that TR is rarking everyone up with his videos, or at least, he 'started' it. INB4 Israeli plant, because he 'hates' Muslims. Well, he can quote the Quran, so he bothered to read it, so whatever. TR is an opportunist for sure, just because he is a persistent, one-issue, live-streaming journalist. But he is defending young teens from murderous grooming gangs. I'll take the W.

The politicians are all 'on break', so the police-state is grinding away during the hot month, without restraint. There is effectively no-one at the helm, while old ladies with pace-makers are locked up, for standing in the street near a protest, or re-tweeting. At some point there will be a much greater backlash, greater than the current fiery but peaceful protests. I dunno, France was busy cutting off heads in bulk, at one point.

I saw somewhere that cops are resigning because they do not agree with what's going on. So there is that. This mess will take generations to fix, and it might never be fixed.

When law and order fell in Britain before, (Fall of Rome), it took at least 400 years of dark ages before anyone even thought about governing the place again.

Sadness 8 points ago +8 / -0

Read your bread and cookie labels. Make your own after that. Or stop eating them entirely. Soy is added to most convenience and fast foods now. Why is soy added to bread?? I know this, because one of our family members gets really ill from legumes.

The best bread BTW, is made from strong (high gluten) white flour (Wholemeal tends to trigger allergies - happened to me), yeast, a little milk or honey, or molasses (to start the yeast), and some salt. Nothing else. People knew this before WW2, when white bread was considered the most dogestible. War-time food shortages set off what my mum termed 'poverty bread', which was then marketed as healthy. It isn't. (Same thing counts for brown rice vs. white rice)

Adding soy to bread (I tried a long time ago) makes for disgusting un-risen concoctions, that taste disgusting too, and people will refuse to eat it and beg for the 'regular' recipe.

Teenage boys especially, are vulnerable to soy, not only because they do not care what goes into their mouths, and are learning about spending money for themselves, so are likely to buy sheaky ready-to-eat food.

Sadness 1 point ago +1 / -0

what did the signed comments and statements say?

Sadness 3 points ago +3 / -0

I just like body language analysis. She is busy denying stuff while saying it.

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