Why do they not want to feed the millions of people that they bring in and (need to house)? Do they hate the local farmers that much? Why? Because they speak Friske at home perhaps? For hundreds of years the Netherlanders have wanted their anglo-germanic language to be the lingua franca, but not these stubborn guys, who still speak it at home, only neatly biting out the Dutch, when 'visitors' come.
So, I call racism against the locals.The shiny-arsed ones attempt to block out the marshy, boggy land for the spreading cities, just to house the huddled masses from all the war-torn cunt-ries from the East. But planning is not just drawing a bunch of subdivisions. The bottom line is: Where is the food?
Oh he says, drawing a supermarket and a carpark next to the curly subdivision.
And then they meet the Frisian - 6ft5, keeps his 30 liters a day+ cows indoors in stables, cleans the stalls out with a shovel daily, rubs each shiny hide down, so no cold mud, while the girls are milked, and produces rich dairy for the whole village. The tractor is a luxury, when moving the bales from the barn.
Those animals are loved and he knows each one by name.
But no, some twat in the Hague decides to deprive farmers of their livestock, because they refuse to believe that Livestock farming IS CARBON NEUTRAL.
Oh but muh nitrogen - poisoning - is the dutch twist.
I see they are still peddling that MYTH in OP
This has infuriated me, since I was 12.
Actually what they are saying: that COWSHIT is TOXIC. Because they say they want pine-trees and heather (they pretend). Paint whatever Utopia you want. It will be better they say.
In 2022, the Dutch government under former Prime Minister Mark Rutte had aimed to reduce nitrogen compound emissions by 50 percent by 2030.
FFS. Smacks forehead
Let me explain:
The air in Earth's atmosphere is made up of approximately 78 percent nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen. Air also has 1% of all other gases, too, such as carbon dioxide, neon, and hydrogen. Every breath you take has those things in it. Suck it in baby. More than 3/4 nitrogen with every gulp of air.
So, first of all, you will have to prove to me that the nitrogen from cow-shit is poisoning people. HAHAHAHAHA
Second, you will have to prove to me that miniscule changes in air composition is eminently more important that food. (Pro-tip you can't. People breathe all sorts of air.
Ooooh, you don't like the smell of cow-shit? That's a damn fine FRISIAN cow, m'lord.
Get outta here.
I was hoping someone would catch the subtlety. It was a bit trolly of me, writing the title like that - this interview happened before J13.
I thought it was interesting because I am looking for a difference between then, and now, in Trump's demeanor.
One thing is true. Both men were sitting on the edges of their seats and were fully engaged in deep conversation.
It is OTT what Biden is doing, in his narcissistic rage, and collapse (when those types can be most dangerous, as they attempt to take care of the 'object of their hatred' once and for all). Nevertheless the whole world can see it.
Look at all the shills criticizing Trump behind glass - it falls flat. (THEY) tried to kill him. Oh, but he got from behind that barrier and hugged a lady who was feeling unwell. And if one thinks about it, keep moving is safer than standing like a sitting duck.
Nope, I think she was side-o-beefed into a van, and replaced with various doubles. She looks real-lay weird now. People say it's plastice surgereee.
I was actually LOL-ing at the way he phrased it: What would have happened if I had locked her up, after the people chanted it and wanted it, like that?
Well, what did happen? That's the question. That ain't Hill and Bill. Neither is it Joe. They ran around some doubles so that there is no panic or indeed civil war. All the traitors have to disappear. Never sleep.
that article does not mention hypersonics, nor Dark Eagle, nor Resolute, nor BMC2ISR
In order to test the Dark Eagle's launch capabilities, the Resolute Hunter 24-2 exercise was held at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington, in late June. Resolute Hunter 24-2 is the US Department of Defense's only BMC2ISR-class special exercise.
So I doubt ths story.
Ick, tell them to get a room. Same hand gesture clasped hands, left thumb on top.
https://sites.psu.edu/clarep/2018/08/30/crossovers/ also https://udel.edu/~mcdonald/mythhandclasp.html
Also, Left Thumb On Top…
Then it means you think with your HEART and are more of an emotional thinker. https://mikesblog.com/are-you-a-right-thumb-intellect-or-left-thumb-emotion/
LOL they thinking with their feefees, or something.
My new-born baby had seizures after one vax - the MMP one. Never again.
My thesis is that there is a second generation issue. I had received over a hundred jabs during my childhood (my parents believed the science), and I came to think that my children may be hyper-sensitive due to inherited issues; a damaged or hyper-alert immune system. I have never seen anything about such resistence. I just think it is so. My one-case-study opinion - boohoo KMA if it is deemed not scientific (it actually is). Maybe my baby had epilepsy, only he never did convulse again; maybe it was because a three-in-one vax; or maybe it was just the mercury - I don't need to find out. Just No. IDK but this 'opinion' is what shaped me into a filthy, un-science anti-vaxxer - to protect my babies.
And I objected big time a few years ago during the Covid, because I knew it was a big one. I also supported the children that lost their jobs because of it, with supplies of IVM and cash top-ups: Both of them had taken one jab, and suffered side-effects. One left in disgust with the company that were willing to damage him like that, while other went as far as going for a second, and the nurse heard about the seizures, so refused to give the next one (bless her). The Little Hitler (manager) at this child's job fired the best and most promising leadership employee, for not presenting the second jab paperwork.
People are so stupid. Not least my children, who innoecently believed the safe and effective narrative over my repeated warnings.
Now, I am the kook grandparent who babbles about Ivermectin and Aspirin, and dares to crumble an aspirin to give a tiny piece to a cat who is howling in pain. The intenet tells one NEVER to give aspirin to pets. If you read the box, it is not recommended for children under 6. (What not even a 1/10th of one, after calculating their weight against an adult? Oh, we must be too stupid to divide a tablet. Some sites don't even mention aspirin, which is amongst the top five safest medicines to take. LOL (Yes, and it is one of the oldest medicines and it works). So you see: I just say no to everything, right?
MOAR info
Skip ahead a little to the first section
A couple of gasps:
Congress is tabling the idea of a treasonous conspiracy - i.e. multiple actors - who?
Crooks' body was cremated without the apparent knowledge of the Coroner - he would have sought permission from FBI - so they must have authorized it.
Also the Iranian plot which is a False Flag.
Arguably, (We know) Charles is part of the old order that is being eliminated - that of an imperialist Rule Britannia concept - along with his dispicable parents (also died). The system is drawing to a close. Spectacularly so, as Britain's coffers are drained into fighting two wars, and housing new millions in their green and pleasant land. The rapid decline is rather spectacular. God works to help with the cleansing.
Charles' son William has witnessed the murder, whether planned or not, of his popular mother. Such trauma can have two differing effects: 1) He will go from just narcissistic to sociopathic; or 2) His empathy will increase, in cases where his family needs protecting. There is also his younger (half?)brother, who seems to want to be an American, but is officially in-line for a chance at the throne. Then there is the conniving second wife, who is officially 'Queen'. A veritable house of cards.
Although there is a lot of speculation about Wills' marriage, I cannot say whether that press comes from a rival Royal, e.g. Camilla, or his younger brother, but if it were just spam-press, then all of it is lies. In any case, Charles' passing will cause a storm, because the queen-to-be, Kate, is hard-headed and determined, even as there is a rumor that she is very ill. We don't know if that is true, or even if stories of a rocky marriage are true. There is a fog of Infowar. My empathic sense is that that couple is sheltering from the dark clouds, and that Wills values his children. Furthermore he may be disgusted at the shenanigans of his imperialist ancestors. Who knows? Maybe he will be a barking and biting Chihuahua, or maybe the whole Royal family will just disappear (I doubt it). Maybe, just maybe, the new King will move and shake, to make Britain sovereign, without all the foreign baggage. But that would mean the demise of London City - a cancerous growth upon the arse of the financial universe. It would also mean fundamental changes to what is happening now - a brewing civil war.
I think there is no coincidence that Vikings Valhalla is about the fall of Britain. (go watch it for the comms, despite the black-facing of Vikings - put up with the cringe, and some other historical discrepancies - check with Wikipedia for accurate history). The story is about rivalry and how it could not be prevented. The first Viking King Canute had too many rival offspring, from two living wives, in different countries, who were attempting to rule Britain from Norway, or Denmark. In the end it was William the Conquerer who did the deed, and stabilized the situation. There are so many similarities with the current developing claim-to-the-throne situation. This family is maybe the richest of all. Each family member is a multimillionnaire, if not a billionnaire, with arms of the press at their disposal - and they know how the game works, and what is at stake.
Note also Trump's reaction to them.
I think you may be right, given the symbolism.
Well of course they are. It's an age-old trick to make those who like to 'vote for the winner' to cast their ballot for the party that is over-sampled in the polls, and apprear to be winning.
Some people hate to lose, and pretend voting is one of those games.
Robert outlined what the crux of the matter is: A 25% tax on unrealized gains, to start in 2025, as published by the Treasury. This means that one has not sold the property, but it has gained in value (due to inflation - HAHAH). The tax-man (Kamalamuhnomics) will now get his fictitious 25%. Reminder that real estate also devalues, which is a problem - will the taxman give refunds in recessions? Of course not.
They will start counting at 100 million, but can easily revise that little detail down. Kammunism. But one could dismiss it as only affecting 'rich' people.
What will happen is that akshully rich people will take their properties elsewhere, OR they will find ways to move properties between shell-companies, while lodging tax returns. There will be a whole host of NEW financial instruments to hide the properties (unrealized capital gainz, LOL) from the tax-man.
So, when they fail to capture those smart funds, the government will just widen their net (lower the limit), until they can start catching the innocent, humble fish (you and me) who don't play those smart games.
Oh, and it is theft.
The DNC disaster has caused a sharp reversal in the election betting odds charts and Tim Walz is condemned by 50 Military Veterans in a new letter.
#2024 #Election #MAGA
New York's highest court just rigged the 2024 election by overturning 150 years of accepted precedent to enable universal mail-in balloting.
#NewYork #Rigged #2024
RFK Jr. plans to "address the nation" as rumors swirl he is considering endorsing Trump. Nicole Shanahan, his VP nominee, explains how the Democrat party launched an all out assault on their campaign.
#2024 #Election #Democrats
Oh I 'member That is when Trump allegedly grabbed the wheel and started wildly steering the car.
Of course, I could not visualize how he did that, (Limo, sits in back, leans over and start steering car - sounds like a stunt) but the story did the rounds.
Alaska WAS Russian once.