I would have zinc 100 mg a day lots of c and d and then ivermectan early. I was about 6 or 7 days in before I found some. As a result of my failure to help boost my imune system I believe it hit me a lot harder than it otherwise would have.
I so love thos post, Thank you, this is one of those fun posts to show some democratic co workers, not that it will change their minds but atleast I get to watch them choke on a big red horse pill. Call it seed planting.
Inter conversation between Jesus and Nicodemas for starters, then try saying what you just said. Atleast 4 examples come to mind that seem to blatantly disagree with Jesus not arguing/debating with religious leaders John 3, 6, 8.
Hold onto what you want my friend. As for Jesus, he said," I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father except through me." Either Jesus is right, or He is a liar and a lunatic. I will always support and fight for our freedom, yours and mine. This includes your religious freedom. I unabashedly hold to my faith, trust, love in Jesus. I dont place my faith in Q, I place it in God.
Um this actually has been covered here, not specifically about handbrake but you do know that is why the defense filed a motion for mistrial with prejudice?