I dont know if this story is true,,,but I do know that I thought she was full of shit when her story was being told about a year ago....
It made no sense.......
It is labeled as an opinon piece, dont they print ProTrump oped stuff from time to time?
He said a few things but ended with
Biden would be better served selling catheters on late night TV than being President.....
Always been this way pal
Sounds interesting.....
That is kinda crazy......straights A's....170 IQ
Trump Card
Wow I had forgotten that Covid positive date for Obama
Important Takeaway.
We've had the Ball the entire time
Could we interpret that as We took the football and still have it?
Well if we interpret that {R} to be in the killbox and that it also meant Renegade then that might strengthen your ideas....
yes, I guess he wants us to know that Obama had a hand in all this...obvioulsy not something he can just accuse him of outright YET....
Mr Larpool...lol
I tell dubious people that if one group of people worhip and revel in GOD then why is it so hard to imagine that others would do the same with the opposite, SATAN?
Sound like a bargain for the DNC
Hemlock situation?
Ingersoll Larpwood
Pure foolishness, if she were to say she was just a political commentator then she would be facing a tougher crowd for donos and grifting.....
She is just a charlatan turning predictions into Prophecies.....
True, bad guys gonna bad guy
Not sure why the need to clickbait GAW
FAke fella
Heads up, not saying its not true but for those that dont know
Hal Turner is sketchy AT BEST.....
Please reverify before sending this out to other forums......
Given every opportunity in the world to denounce Q, Trump never has.