I have mixed feelings about this.....
So this plane was in use until he became president... and will be returned to use later this year - which indicates to me that Trump will not be president any time soon.
Sure, he'll be doing rallies and that's great, but the country will continue to deteriorate for the foreseeable future.
I realize some people will make the "we can't telegraph our moves to the enemy" approach and they'll continue to datefag all kinds of excuses for why the line in the sand keeps getting pushed back, but there has to be a point where you openly tell the enemy, "take one more step and I will end you." Throughout my life, Republicans have never demonstrated even a hint of that kind of resolve and - unfortunately - I'm not seeing it now. Sorry to go all doomer, but it would be much more meaningful if Trump mentioned only planning to use the plane for a few months (or something to that effect.)
I hope "Cameron Copeland" doesn't vote, that guy's a moron.
To be fair, seeing anyone on the Left being arrested WOULD be shocking.
This sucks for higher income/white collar earners. Lost my job last year and haven't been able to find another one in/near my field. Started collecting unemployment this year after my severance ran out, but even with the plandemic bonus it's like getting half a paycheck. Now things are really going to be tight.
I work with publishers as a side gig and I never saw any announcement surrounding this guy's book. Normally a publisher will issue a release and then do some advertising if they've paid a high premium for a book deal, because they need to recoup the investment which tells me this guy honestly didn't get anything (it's possible it could be under the table, but the industry is normally very upfront with how much they pay these people.) When you see a press release regarding a book deal like ACB's, that is called and "advance" - the author gets paid up front and the publisher keeps all proceeds until the advance is paid for, then the author can start getting royalties. But 95% of authors do not get an advance and most of the ones who do get something small like $10k, usually for nonfiction to help offset research expenses.
TLDR: people quoting Q on "lucrative book deals" don't know how the industry works for the small potatoes.
Honestly, I suspect part of the reason it'll be such a shock when the shoe drops is because the public will have been shielded from all the drips we've been seeing.
Those laws are actually meant to control men by turning them into simps and forcing them into relationshits. In today's society, men would be much better off (and less at risk) if they could simply pay for sex as needed and spend the rest of their time focused on themselves and their goals.
Instead, to fulfil their biological urges, men have to waste (I mean "invest") their time and energy which has the net effect of promoting beta qualities and has probably aided the spread of the "nice guy" mentality.
I try to point out when I can that having minority voices dominate politics is incredibly regressive. Taken to an extreme, you go from oligarchies to a monarchy to tyranny... how is that not backwards?
Gee, it's like they were surprised by the outcome or something... which speaks to flawed assumptions.
Several years ago, Dan Patrick made a decent point in favor of having an income tax replace property taxes: if you lose your job, you lower your income tax payments, but you'd be stuck with paying the full property tax.
It was too funny to pass up (and only one letter off from Al Bundy's group.)
Admittedly, my use of the word "any" was a poor choice. However, your logic is flawed - I've lived in the US for decades and I have no doubt there are many things going on that I'm not aware of (same for anyone who lived in Russia for 7.5yrs.)
So she'd prefer the 3-5years of lockdowns it would normally take for a real vaccine to be produced?
Autoimmune diseases are largely due to the hyper sterilized environment most kids in advanced countries are growing up in - not the result of getting a "bad" vaccine. We need to interact with the soil and be exposed to the microbes out there.
And Polio is actually coming back because of the anti-vax movement. You're welcome to it, lol.
That's fantastic. If this doesn't pan out, we really ought to review bomb his book (how's that for a neutron bomb Byrne?!) I'd bet my last dollar that he shows his true colors and turns on anons in a heartbeat.
These are awesome. I downloaded a couple, thanks for sharing!
What exchange do you use?
Except Pence. And Barr. And maybe Durham. And who knows how many more?
Putin's not exactly an ally though. That KGB man is every bit as oppressive as his Soviet mentors and let's not forget he persecutes any Russian citizen who isn't Greek Orthodox. His stance against the cabal appears genuine, but only because it serves his interests for the time being.
I think around 2010 they opened up the option for mail-in voting. I know we're all surprised the state's been blue ever since.....
Need to add Disney to that list.
I think the important thing to take are, "Patriots are in control" and "the hunters are now the hunted." IF these statements are accurate and intentional, then we've turned a corner and the wins should start to outnumber the apparent loses.
I think my point flew right over your head.
Yes, Chinese rocket is coming down. Did you know this also happened in 2020?
Chinese rockets seem to be not making it back to Earth as planned.... and my suggestion is the secret mission of the X-37 may have had something to do with both of these rocket crashes.
Remember that extended mission the X-37 was on? I have a feeling we put something in orbit that junks the Chi-Comm rockets. ?
This was posted a few times the day he tweeted (5/17.)
We need an Old News flair.