Just spit balling here, but,
Could a class action be made on the FCC for something like a breech of public trust? They give license to these networks under the directive that they provide the truth and service to the public.
Twitter drops are leading to a potential rico case. The public would have to assume the same with the networks and could then subpoena records?
Interesting and quick little read about this kind of thinking here....
Another possible observation / connect? Days after Jones loses his Sandy Hook case showing critical dissent is punishable in the eyes of (((the law))). Olivia Newton John passes and the Post runs the headline "So Long Sandy". Messages within messages?
It seems a natural child response... To stand behind an adults elbow/arm. She is looking for protection. For an adult to put their arm around her and pull her in. The cunt Pelosi hasn't a single sensitive maternal bone in her demonic body.
Dirty laundry needs to be washed and hung.
I have the same hope for his pro-zionism