I want the right to be strategic. I don’t want AJ acting goofy about conspiracies that we want people to take seriously. I also don’t think we should’ve given up stadiums chanting FJB in favor of some LGB memes. I always get a cultish reaction when I bring these two specific things up.
I’ve always felt like if you wanted people to not take conspiracies seriously, you’d act like Alex Jones.
?? We don’t want astroturfed lefty propaganda. Making it a dig on Kamala’s ego doesn’t make astroturfed lefty propaganda a good thing
I’m always saying let’s go Brandon took away the stadiums of people chanting FJB and everyone usually freaks out and says LGB is a meme so therefore it’s sooo coool
That would be an (edit: white) pawn moving down the g file towards the (edit: black) pieces and I have no idea why someone would say that is “nearly always fatal.”
Edit: my bad, sick and tired as I wrote that^. Chessfag here not sure why g5 to g6 would be characterized as “nearly always fatal.” The chess generalizations are getting annoying to me
So they overreact and look even more fake and hyberbolic
Probably.. ive seen the exact same narcissistic behavior and patterns appear in a few people close to me. I feel like I understand the mindset quite a bit now. For this guy, it’s interesting he is willing to look outside the box to some degree and get some conspiracies correct, but he has the need to just derail whatever quest for knowledge in favor of self-aggrandizement. Most other narcissistic types I’ve seen seem to have the inability to have self reliance or disagree with the crowd if the crowd is objectively wrong. To them, they’d be like how are they going to gain approval if they disagree with the group consensus? There seems to be no barometer for objective truth, just approval-seeking behavior. I draw parallels between commies and narcissists, thinking they’re special, that their views are special, erasing history to feel correct, silencing dissidents, playing with words to retardedly feel correct, etc
He is a nationalist socialist. He complains about all the symptoms of globohomo socialism, but when you criticize socialism, he feels compelled to defend it because of his nazi views. One time he was trying to tell me that the moon phases are caused by earths shadow. He’s narcissistic and rambles on and on about how mystical and smart he is. If you bring up Q he’ll insist he knows more about the topic and ramble on about nonsense. If you ask why bush didn’t get treated like Trump, he’ll do major mental gymnastics
Yeah he wants to complain all the time and then tell you he’s so smart because he understands the concept of the uniparty. He doesn’t want to actually fix any of the things he complains about.
My neighbor complains about liberal policies and inflation constantly but won’t vote for Trump because he thinks Trump is part of the uniparty
There’s more to theorize about with any subject beyond just proving it exists
Doesn’t mean all theorizing about it stopped
Isn’t he still a conspiracy theorist? (And it’s okay to theorize about conspiracies)
Bill Maher is an idiot but I don’t think using humor to get a point across with any topic necessarily implies the topic itself is supposed to be funny.
Soy off the charts
When they were saying Trump was such an idiot for briefly looking at the eclipse it was an unbearable level of soy they were emitting
Or just open people’s eyes the way you know is going to be as convincing as possible..
Sounded like plants in the audience for whole time just being “..Woo! Yeah!”
What’s impossible about a claim about a plane?
Claims about planes are impossible?
I agree based on everything I’ve seen I believe they were hit by something but used controlled demolition to be brought down. Open to hearing whatever evidence that planes hitting were cgi though.
It’s funny that people keep thinking these companies do it on accident
It’s really just that we chose to go with LGB instead which I see as a strategic error
It’s a shame we stopped the FJB chants
You can theorize about real things