It's all about the money and power
Hopefully soon. Out of fuel. Running on empty. Bidens gaffes are keeping me scrolling tho. And hoping something happens to bring back the great nation we had and honest politicians that care about the people they are supposed to serve.
Im not blocked. Told him you said hello. Called him by john molesta in the weet
She is such a retard. Sorry if I offend anyone. Ugh, Can't stand her
Not sure Durham is going to have time...
Going downhill fast
1st post! Please work!
Wonder if they will try to bring about WW3 to try to save their butts before they all get exposed?
Not sure it's even a planet. Might be a big comet.
And most of Americans still believe the lies being spouted. They think America is too good for that to happen here
Who needs that kind of money. Seriously. I'll never be close to a millionaire and that will be just fine with me. Why do these people think they need that much money. Do they think they can buy eternal happiness?
Only for being duped so bad they feel it won't matter anymore
The Clinton foundation will only get 14 billion. The rest will go to the Obama's and a little to zielinskis thugs
Miss them so much. Trump trump trump
That's because most people don't have a spine. Most people would then have to admit they followed the wrong crowd. They are too far in to turn back now and admit they were wrong
Q's messages to us is my last hope. They should all be hung publicly and that might keep this crap from happening again. However, the LOVE of money is the root of ALL evil. Will still have hope in the bible tho regardless of how America falls
Liberals (for the most part, not all) know they supported the wrong side but are too far in to back out now. I hope the other party can undo the damage done
Got a mental image of Putin and Boinkden in a cage match. Rofl! Wonder how long that would last?
And EVERY 1 of them lied. Wtf?
I hate trying to be patient. Im no good at it. Just want it to be right in the world
Absolute bullshit! Can't wait till he takes them all down. Hope he starts with the Obama's and Clinton's
Lmao. Oh god, I love that man. He's still my president
I don't think Putin has to answer to anyone. He don't live in America or have the Clintons and Obama's of America to deal with like trump. I doubt he has several fake media fighting against him either like trump has to answer and explain his side to. Sometimes I hate what America has become
They look so happy tho. Hope it happens while Biden is still alive
She must not have any kids or animals or anything that depends on someone for protection. How very sad......