Slechta5614 1 point ago +1 / -0

Something always stood out with me with comey.

Do you remember when Trump tweeted that comey better pray they don't have tapes on there conversation. Comey then later explained that he was confused but days later it came to him to write down everything about there conversation. Part of me feels he could be playing a part of some sort and that was hidden communication between the 2 since they can't openly talk or people will not let things get done that needed to. I am not set on this and obviously he has plenty to point out that is bad. Spies are excellent at camouflage.

Slechta5614 3 points ago +3 / -0

Beautiful stuff fren I completely agree 😁🫂🙏❤️

Slechta5614 5 points ago +5 / -0

I guess the question is how should Christians go about resisting the mark. Yes we can't stop it but can we fight against it in some ways

Slechta5614 5 points ago +5 / -0

Wow very interesting dig fren. Will definitely have to pray on this. I also wanna tag in our brother in Christ u/SwampRangers to hear his thoughts on the matter.

Slechta5614 1 point ago +1 / -0

Amen beautiful prayer fren. Thanks for sharing. God bless

Slechta5614 3 points ago +3 / -0

Prayers going up now fren. Keep us updated when you can

God bless. Much love

Slechta5614 4 points ago +4 / -0

What an excellent idea. I have tried reaching out way back when, however maybe it's time to try again. It can't hurt to try.

I'm slowly trying to work my way up to bigger and bigger accounts

Slechta5614 14 points ago +14 / -0

I will be having Joe Rambo on Prayer Garden Podcast later this month. So anyone interested in his journey, please be on look out. He has some awesome testimony in Christ.

Slechta5614 7 points ago +7 / -0


Hello! Welcome to the very first episode of Prayer Garden Delaware! On this episode I explain the vision God gave me for the Prayer Garden network and how we are bringing the online national network to the local grassroot movements for each state. It’s ironic how God opened the doors for this to happen within the “First State” of Delaware. Come and listen to our goal to connect the body of Christ through local businesses, ministries, churches, as well as individual gifts and callings to make our community stronger together in the love of Christ Jesus our Lord. We also believe the testimony of the saints has power to overcome even the darkest of times, so please stay tuned as I share my testimony and how Jesus overcame my darkest moment. Our goal is to share and promote as many of these local testimonies as possible, and to come together and pray for one another.    Thank you for tuning in! Together through Christ we have endless potential.    


0:01​ - Introduction

2:04​ - Opening Prayer

3:17​ - Bible Verse (Revelation 12:11​)

4:45​ - Announcements

5:57​ - The “Why” Behind Prayer Garden Delaware

13:22​ - Ryan’s Testimony

21:09​ – Local Action, National Impact

24:00​ – Closing Remarks/Prayer

Slechta5614 3 points ago +3 / -0

Aww thanks sis. Appreciate it. Please feel free to give completely open and honest feedback. I just wanna continue to grow and improve

Slechta5614 6 points ago +6 / -0


Hello! Welcome to the very first episode of Prayer Garden Delaware! On this episode I explain the vision God gave me for the Prayer Garden network and how we are bringing the online national network to the local grassroot movements for each state. It’s ironic how God opened the doors for this to happen within the “First State” of Delaware. Come and listen to our goal to connect the body of Christ through local businesses, ministries, churches, as well as individual gifts and callings to make our community stronger together in the love of Christ Jesus our Lord. We also believe the testimony of the saints has power to overcome even the darkest of times, so please stay tuned as I share my testimony and how Jesus overcame my darkest moment. Our goal is to share and promote as many of these local testimonies as possible, and to come together and pray for one another.    Thank you for tuning in! Together through Christ we have endless potential.    


0:01​ - Introduction

2:04​ - Opening Prayer

3:17​ - Bible Verse (Revelation 12:11​)

4:45​ - Announcements

5:57​ - The “Why” Behind Prayer Garden Delaware

13:22​ - Ryan’s Testimony

21:09​ – Local Action, National Impact

24:00​ – Closing Remarks/Prayer

Slechta5614 2 points ago +2 / -0

🙏Prayer Garden Delaware Ep1 Ryan Slechta- Local Action National Impact🙏


Hello! Welcome to the very first episode of Prayer Garden Delaware! On this episode I explain the vision God gave me for the Prayer Garden network and how we are bringing the online national network to the local grassroot movements for each state. It’s ironic how God opened the doors for this to happen within the “First State” of Delaware. Come and listen to our goal to connect the body of Christ through local businesses, ministries, churches, as well as individual gifts and callings to make our community stronger together in the love of Christ Jesus our Lord. We also believe the testimony of the saints has power to overcome even the darkest of times, so please stay tuned as I share my testimony and how Jesus overcame my darkest moment. Our goal is to share and promote as many of these local testimonies as possible, and to come together and pray for one another.    Thank you for tuning in! Together through Christ we have endless potential.    


0:01​ - Introduction

2:04​ - Opening Prayer

3:17​ - Bible Verse (Revelation 12:11​)

4:45​ - Announcements

5:57​ - The “Why” Behind Prayer Garden Delaware

13:22​ - Ryan’s Testimony

21:09​ – Local Action, National Impact

24:00​ – Closing Remarks/Prayer

Slechta5614 1 point ago +1 / -0

Let me ask you this. Do you believe in a physical bodily reign of Jesus

If yes what do you label that vs what we currently are in.

If no then explain why and what you believe

Slechta5614 1 point ago +1 / -0

The poor HAVE The Kingdom of Heaven

There are a couple verses I think you could mean here. Could you source your words please

Only ABBA knows the time

Knows time of what?

Slechta5614 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes we can both agree that Jesus is Lord and everything else you said. However that's not really do much since you are saying things all Christian know.

What is the beginning of revelation implying. Has that happened already

Slechta5614 1 point ago +1 / -0

1 Corinthians 13:12 King James Version 12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.


Where do you stand on revelation. That will clear up a lot for me about your stance here

Slechta5614 2 points ago +2 / -0

I fall under the view of "Now but not yet" meaning there are aspects of the kingdom but someday the fullness of it will come. Looking through the glass, darkly.

Great verse btw :)

Slechta5614 7 points ago +7 / -0

That was more a let your kingdom come reference. I understand what you r saying though and agree. This was more a plea for those yet not there :) standing in the gap for them through prayer

Slechta5614 35 points ago +35 / -0

Lord Come...We need you desperately right now. Grow us and teach us and make us new. We love you Jesus.

Slechta5614 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow fren thanks for all of that. Means the world to me when I receive any kind of feedback.

As far as your overall vision I like several aspects of it though I suspect there will be hurdles with respect to interfaith efforts. From everything I've seen in the religious forums, when dogmatic people get involved it devolves into an ugly display of stubbornness and accusatory arguments. I suppose that will be one of the steeper mountains you'll face in your journey.

Such wisdom here. I feel God has been building me up to be able to handle that kind of stuff. Or at the very least not allow it to side track the overall mission. Plus I have met some awesome people here that I know will be very helpful. You are correct though it's gonna be something to keep an eye out for.

I love what you said about businesses and is exactly what we are trying to build

God bless you fren. Much love

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