Interesting post. Thanks. Now I'm going to have to dig.
DAMN, that was good!!!
Oh, they are loaded. They don't care about that. But they still believe everything on television and nothing that isn't. They seriously do not want to know. I tried to warn them about the clot shot and they are double-boosted at this point if not more. I'm not trying anymore.
I don't go to that site so I'm not sure. I can just tell the original Fauci does not look like the one(s) they have trotted out and he is regularly just a CGI figure. Like fake Biden.
Yep - nailed it!
I wish I could get my in-laws to go see it. I know they won't. They don't want to know.
Wow, let's hope this grows some legs. Very interesting - thanks for the link!
OMG - that was great. Thanks for posting. Had not seen this!
Ugly Khazarian demon, that one. Hideous in every way. I hope she burns for eternity.
I hope they do call his "girlfriend" and she keeps that two year old far away from this sick pervert.
This is the first time I've seen any green in my account! Woohoo! Overall red but I'm hodling! I knew DJT would pull this off!
Actors for the normies. That luggage thief is over the top!
Love this meme!!!
I've been waking up early, having nice dreams and feeling well-rested the past few days. Not normal for me. I'm very sensitive to negative energy. I can't wait to see what is going to happen next!
"NIH's biosafety rules" - yeah. That's it.
Nah, you'll be ready. Fake alien invasion? News reports of nuclear bombs? None of it will be real. I am kind of giddy. I want to see what they resort to!
My in-laws say this. MIL calls me "willfully ignorant" for not watching the "news."
Real Fauci has already been dispatched. I hope we get to see the video one day. Enjoy the show!
She looks like her adrenochrome supply has run out. GOOD. I hope that Jew demon fries for eternity.
I so hope this is going to happen. It really needs to. We need to take our country back.
They are an embarrassment to humanity. DWS is a Khazarian demon. Change my mind!
Yep, the criminals want the innocent unarmed. Thank you God for the wisdom of our forefathers. This is amazing to watch play out.
10 ayes to 8 nays - they tabled the motion and that balding Jewish demon was shot down. So despicable.
Thanks. Was going to go try and find this!