SocratesKnowsNothing 6 points ago +7 / -1

it's the pause. perhaps. let them think they got away with it all. regardless of how this actually plays out it seems obvious to me and most anons that things aren't as they appear to the normies and something is a brewin

SocratesKnowsNothing 5 points ago +5 / -0

she claimed Trump flew on lolita Express to Epstein island

SocratesKnowsNothing 7 points ago +7 / -0

thx for the minute mark. to me she basically just claims gotta go along to get along. need someone that can work the RINOs and more conservative types. we're past that honey. we gotta blow up this system (figuratively of course). I'd rather nothing gets done than whatever McCarthy had in store. he proved himself to be more of the same swamp things

SocratesKnowsNothing 3 points ago +3 / -0

replying to my own post rather than an edit...just watched the flick and while well acted and shines light on horrific nature of child trafficking it fails in many aspects. not portrayed as elite drug. no mention of adrenochrome or child sacrifice. fails to really connect it to an American problem. fails to portray the involvement, or at least complicity, of US and worldwide 3 letter agencies and organizations.

for example, rescue mission involves hero using United Nations credentials as cover even though in a real story UN would be involved in the trafficking. final credits mention how Tim Ballard's efforts resulted in Congress passing some legislation. no chance these satanic creatures passed anything of substance imho

true white hat movie? I'm not entirely sold, FWIW

SocratesKnowsNothing 3 points ago +3 / -0

can we get a summary of her explanation for backing McCarthy for those of us in the TLDL/W camp , please

SocratesKnowsNothing 3 points ago +3 / -0

related article on TGP and a commenter wrote the following which I wonder if true (planting the seed for those Patriots on GAW with the power to implement if legitimacy to commenters claim):

Circle the wagons Lady Killer an hour ago edited Here’s a Fn solution. All red state legislatures pass a resolution that says any state that prohibits a candidate from the ballot based on the 14th amendment without the approval of SCOTUS is declaring itself to be seceding from the union and is no longer recognized as a state of the Union.

They are choosing to LEAVE the Union.

Simple as that.

I used to be legislator. This can be done- call your state Reps and Senators NOW.. get off your arse and DO IT.

These idiot blue states want to pull this crapola- they can reap the consequences- they will be considered as secessionists.

Put that on them!

Think I am kidding? Am not.

Get OFF your arse and look up your state legislators and call and email and tell them exactly THAT should be done!

SocratesKnowsNothing 4 points ago +4 / -0

fair question. part of fog of war perhaps. it's hard to know who is good vs evil. take Budweiser (anheuser-busch) for example. Patriots (seemingly) such as Dana White have recently shown support for Budweiser after their attempt to push trans fantasy. why? could it be that Bud is a white hat which took a bullet (big one financially) in an all out effort to awaken the sheep? heck if I know, but it sure seems plausible. how else can we explain some of these outrageous missteps by certain corporations that have never shown these tendencies before?

same with Amazon/Bezos? unlikely I'd say but maybe the white hats have him by the balls so he's cooperating or maybe he's been playinga role for a while.

heck, there's indications that Jim Caviezel could be a black hat. we always need to be reevaluating.

I do plan to watch it tonight on Prime. interested to see how I interpret it's message/s. even though I've read numerous reviews on GAW and other sources that praise the movie, I pride myself on coming to my own conclusions

SocratesKnowsNothing 3 points ago +3 / -0

all smoke and mirrors...inflation has cost us more of our hard earned dollars than any tax. I pray the theft of we the people stops soon

SocratesKnowsNothing 2 points ago +2 / -0

ha, I was gonna include that tidbit but seemed superfluous. the windows are expensive as all get out and they still suck...or so I'm told from my friends that got the windows

SocratesKnowsNothing 3 points ago +3 / -0

Winthrop is a blue collar relatively undesirable town that is located right beside Logan Airport so it gets lots and lots of jet noise. not sure ut matters but just painting a picture. certainly not the home of so-called "elites"

by PepeSee
SocratesKnowsNothing 2 points ago +2 / -0

...and I think sometime further in the future once we're hopefully out of the woods, these late comers will and should be judged on their humility, if they even show any, but now is not the time

by PepeSee
SocratesKnowsNothing 2 points ago +2 / -0

not picking a side here, but good for thought: certain influencers or whatever we want to call them have their followings specifically because they called us conspiracy theorists. otherwise their followers wouldn't have likely followed them. it's these types such as the Joe Rogans, Elon Musks and Russell Brands of the world that are moving the needle

SocratesKnowsNothing 2 points ago +2 / -0

interesting theory for sure. Elon was shamed in the same way fairly recently so does that mean he's also being handled by the white hats? plausible I suppose

SocratesKnowsNothing 1 point ago +1 / -0

maybe because we choose not to be apprised of all the pop culture. please enlighten us as to what's so obvious if we were HOC sycophants. is there any chance that HOC is a designed prerequisite to this latest Tucker interview such that you'd have the exact response to it that they want?

SocratesKnowsNothing 3 points ago +3 / -0

looking at other images of Spacey, I think this isn't him. start with hairline from ears to top of head. very odd behavior and "spacey" double I think needs to remain in character to pull this off. maybe there to show how easily Bidan was doubled all this time? maybe Tucker comes out in a matter of a day or a week to announce it was an impersonator

SocratesKnowsNothing 1 point ago +1 / -0

my immediate thought is this being a staged arrest (not actually arrested but gone underground, perhaps even literally, or incognito) to protect her from the white hats and her inevitable demise for her crimes against humanity

SocratesKnowsNothing 1 point ago +1 / -0

thanks fren. you make good points. merry qmas

SocratesKnowsNothing 1 point ago +1 / -0

thank you. I think this site lays out future plans but not sure it gives any guide for opting out of the current system without consequences. perhaps it doesn't currently exist

SocratesKnowsNothing 1 point ago +1 / -0

why doesnt Anna and others knowledgable about these matters hold seminars or otherwise provide more detailed instructions to get away from the US corporation without an anon ending up in jail when the time comes to encounter and tell the IRS to fuck off ?

SocratesKnowsNothing 14 points ago +14 / -0

and the trifecta... perfect depopulation tool! I think depopulation is the paramount objective

SocratesKnowsNothing 1 point ago +1 / -0

for all the true bloods, take a listen at 2:44:55

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