Didn’t someone notable call them Taleban last week?
Maybe this is the final straw when white hats come out of the shadows and Save America.
I hope not. You ever see how long it takes to build something on a government job?
Ha. Union here. Good luck finding a Union that doesn’t blindly follow democratic policy. FOP and USPS have gone against the mandates, but as far as I know they’re the only ones.
I agree. When I say pump his numbers though I mean sharing his music with new ears, the real numbers. I don’t care about the charts or YT views.
I agree, I don’t think he is either. I do think he’s redpilling normies. Everyone has a “conspiracy” they believe, he’s tying them all together. He drops a line that your agree with and then the next line he hits you with is like…”damn, ok, I can see that.” Pretty soon you get sucked in and realize the world is not what we’re programmed to think.
We gotta find a way to pump up Tom’s numbers. His music deserves to be heard.
They sell a rapid Binax test at CVS.
I just got over it. Felt the need to know whether it was Covid I had or not, so I bought the self test. It was positive, but I obviously didn’t report it. I don’t want to be used as their statistic, but I have comfort knowing that I’ve now had it and I quarantined to the motorhome so as to not subject my wife and kids to it. I’ve lived as if Covid was no concern for the last year and a half, but now it really doesn’t concern me. I’ll lick a toilet seat now.
While I love these kinds of discoveries, I think it’s giving Jen too much credit. Does anyone really believe that this dumb bitch is being told what’s actually going on?
I don’t remember ever hearing a former President called former president until they began that with Trump. It will always be President Obama, President Reagan, President Carter, etc…
Not to mention, if you focus on x and y and they can shed doubt on y they can essentially remove your credibility for both x and y.
I’d be shocked.
That sounds like the most likely/logical explanation that I haven’t considered until your mention of it. Well done, Anon.
This. Just because the collected data was for the good doesn’t mean that it’s good to be collecting our data.
POTUS showing Potatus his military force?
That’s what I’m thinking. He’s clearly at the White House, I don’t think that’s biden in there.
I just read that the bow is still stuck; they are waiting on high tide at 11:40 am.
Yep, I'm convinced. Please proceed.
This is cool, but I wish when I click share it gave me the option to “copy link” or send via text, rather than send via all the social media we’re banned from. ?
Mostly kidding though, the mods do killer work.
117 you say? Does anybody else get the idea that the white hats are the ones instigating victims of this cancel culture? I mean, cancel culture is eating itself alive right now. Mr Potatohead and then Dr Suess? You know these victims have low support for their cancelation. Someone is epic trolling to watch these liberals get behind such stupid stuff. That fact that it’s Dr Seuss on his 117th birthday gets my attention. White hats trolling them and waving to us.
I love this graphic. Is it based on the newest "covid relief" or ?? I want to have sources ready to back it up when I share the hell out of it. Simple color graphics are the easiest way to redpill.
We know how to spot them. This is now like a how to hide being a shill 101.
Might as well call them like they are. Private molestation stations.
I say if US Corp is bankrupt, eff it. Cut them checks anyway. Give us our cut before we tell China to eat a bag...
2 Trump hats on the left and a Trump tee on the right.