To help him plan it out?
20? Dude, calling someone a retarded faggot was common place less than 10 years ago. Around 2012-2014 Jim Norton released a comedy special talking about how he got blown by a tranny and he was like the only person talking about trannies. I use to show people at my work nudes of Bailey Jay and Buck Angel and ask them who they rather fuck, every single person got grossed out.
This shit feels like it happened a life time ago now. The left has gone off the fucking rails since Trump entered office. It's shocking.
With any luck it will be on sale by the end of the week.
People above explained the specifics but the general is, it's coded language that racists were using when being overtly racist on social media platforms was pretty much the only bannable offense. They started to get really clever to get around the censors but also flaunt they were doing so. It came along with the alt-right movement that was building just before Trump.
They became an acceptable target to hate, were quickly banned and the people who would use that type of language were forced to platforms that didn't ban the harsher words, like 4chan.
Their bots*
They aren't cleaning up botting in general. They don't want Elon to look under the hood and see they are running this many bots.
There's no evidence anyone is watching corporate media garbage. The people who are funding them and the bots/shills on big tech sites are the same so the message across all areas ends up matching to give that impression. Because it's so amplified on social media everyone assumes it's more popular than it is so the sheep just go along trying to be part of the in group. Only to then get punished by the actual majority.
I get the feeling this 5-10 years of exploiting people's psychological weaknesses is going to completely rewire how society works. This is forcing society to evolve or implode. Fucking people are monsters for doing this, especially in such aggressive ways.
Do the dirt or they just accuse you of it. The entire system is in their pocket and who are the people going to believe, the weird celebrity or the police, journalist and whoever else that is "respectable" saying MJ's relationship with children is weird.
Also the projection shit does click with me because look at so many of the big issues the last few years. Russiagate is them projecting their own corruption onto Trump. The second impeachment is them accusing Trump of working with Ukraine so people stopped asking about what the Bidens were doing. Their following the Rules for Radicals to a T, accuse your enemies of the thing you're doing.
I didn't know his dad was a fed, that explains so much. He's showing his age. He's better than someone on the payroll who is lying because he actually believes the bullshit he's spewing. He's pushing their agenda...for free and really believes it. Feds just have to amplify the message.
I always wondered how with all the school shootings this dumb ass kept getting national coverage. Now that all makes sense. This is the type of kid who would have turned his parents into the party for wrong think.
I have a hard time trusting anyone who use to work for the CIA. I mostly leave him be because he doesn't seem like a plant but I don't think I'll ever trust him on anything that requires it. I'll never go to an event he supports and any info I need to hear from independent sources to believe.
So while that's still true today, you want to give them more power? Seriously, stop for one second and realize how stupid your position is and for the love of god let it go. Stop thinking that giving your enemies power will ever benefit you.
Trump was in power and look how that played out, his own government working against him. They bragged about ignoring his orders to remove troops from Syria. You're living in a fantasy land while giving them real power to abuse you with. Wake the fuck up already.
This type of power is literally what was used to spy on Trump. Why on earth do you think the people in power, who clearly stole the election, would use this stuff to support you rather than oppress you? How are you people not learning from your past mistakes?
Taking it back won't make things better. Also, the gay scene did improve. We now see gay couples acting the same as nuclear families. The more wild aspects of gay culture is going away in favor of more traditional lifestyles.
The people who are trying to make MAP a thing are trying to hijack that movement. The more degenerate gays from the 80s and 90s were working really hard to stop the association between gays and pedophilia. There's many today who are enraged that people who claim to be in their camp are bringing back those associations they fought so hard to break.
I not only understand your rage, I share it but I just don't think beating up on the gay community, trying to undo gay marriage or shove them back into the closet will have any positive effects.
Assimilation is what made Irish and Italians go from comparable to black people to just like every other white person. You're more likely to reach your objectives making gay people more like you than pushing them back to the fringes. The problem we have is incentives and bad people, who probably live traditional lives themselves, in control.
Then bringing gay people away from the bath houses into marriage is a way to stop that degradation. Converting them to a more respectable lifestyle will have better results than trying to force them to not be part of society.
You aren't getting rid of gay people. They've been around since ancient Greece, at least. You aren't removing them from the culture as even when they were forced into the closet they were some of the most influential cultural icons we had.
The problem isn't gay people. Even many of them are saying this shit is way off the deep end. Also most don't identify with the trans movement because they are entirely different issues.
Ask yourself why a sexual desire movement ended up tied to a sexual identity one even though they have no obvious connection beyond being oppressed. IMO, it's just as Tucker talked about last week. When gay marriage was made legal suddenly a bunch of NGOs no longer had an objective. There were no anti-gay laws, they could get married and it seemed all of that was behind us. But those people still want their paychecks and don't want to end the grift so they need to find a new group.
The problem is an incentive one. The problem is the free money coming from the government and the influence all that money can buy. If money was a representation of real value then stuff like this would have a hard time getting funded.
You need to change the culture of victimhood which makes people want to donate to this shit. Meaning we need to create people who reward those who overcome their hardships rather than pride themselves on being broken and helpless.
We also need to stop the government debasing all of our hard work by taking the representation of our value, our money supply, and giving it to these pet projects which work to further each other's goals. The NGO gets the money and the politician gets the vote. That's assuming there aren't more nefarious intentions like the theories of intentional depopulation through pushing trans and gay movements.
I'm not gay/trans, I don't have any in my life, I have no dog in that fight. I just don't see anything getting better by shoving them back into the closet only to deal with them wanting revenge again at a later date putting us in this endless cycle of taking revenge on each other and forgetting how we got there.
Change the incentives that create this destructive nonsense rather than attack the people who are mostly just puppets of self interested, greedy, fucking monsters.
The Trump and in general new right spawn from that era. Seeing that Bush really isn't that different than Clinton or Obama. Both Bush and Obama sold out the country for the banks. Obama was sold as our savior and things only got worse. The modern right is birthed from all of that. Realizing that the institutions we've been standing up for don't have our best interests in mind and even straight up hate us. So the "fuck yous" of stuff like meme stocks and this website are coming out of it.
You're kidding yourself if you don't think that's bipartisan. Do you not remember how many people joining the Trump admin were going to save it? Best example, look how everyone reacted to Bill Barr being added and look how it paid off.
Look at everything in hindsight, I think there was an economic crash and they used the lockdowns as a cover. We've had many threats for lockdowns, war and other things that could have easily had people freak out just as much as they did that March but the market pushed ATHs instead.
The Democrats doing a hard pivot from not caring about covid to hard restrictions wasn't just chance, it was calculated and on purpose and I think the crash in March was the reason. After 08 they couldn't hand out blank checks to banks again without a good reason.
There's alot of adults and there's clearly a neutral to right leaning. Leftists make everything about politics and Biden is a banned term there. People generally hate to talk politics even though there's no way the issue doesn't get resolved through politics.
It feels like a bunch of people who are sick of the left taking over conversations, aren't on the right but are seeing one side allows them to explore ideas and the other tells them what to think.
It's basically the same situation. FDR got into office and wanted war with Japan. He was asking how to get it done with his first meeting with his military counsel. Weird that the US has spent the better part of 7 years painting Russia as the devil and the reason the country is struggling.
Dan Carlin goes over the sanctions in his Supernova in the East series on the eastern front of WWII. He even says Japan saw they would run out of resources with the US sanctions so they were facing down a high chance of defeat or going in preemptively in hopes of striking a victory from a losing position. Instead it was the perfect motivation for US to enter the war and next thing Japan is being fire bombed to shit until the bombs were dropped.
US is using the same playbook against Russia and hoping for the same result. I just don't think we have nearly the power we did back then. Especially considering the US jumped into WWII late when resources were already low and people had been fighting for years at that point. US is looking light on resources, just admitted defeat against a 3rd world country and purged a bunch of people over vaccination status.
Right now the US is closer to Japan's position in WWII than US's and that's one hell of a gamble when the US isn't the only ones with nukes this time.
These people are gambling the world because of their pride.
I dunno if it's the last battle but seems to be the most important to date. If one of the hardliners falls to pressure from the public then the formula is solved and we know what we have to do.
But cornered animals are usually the most dangerous so it wouldn't surprise me if the Canadian government fucks up.
Also, iirc local hospitals and healthcare providers are the ones who decide how many beds are needed in their area so they tend to leave them low to allow for higher prices.
Hospitals were routinely packed before covid...on purpose.
"We're using a new formula for inflation and the new formula says inflation is .05%."
"Well, what's the new formula?"
"I can't tell you, it's a matter of national security. This is the strongest economy we've ever seen. GDP grew by 20% according to our new calculations!"