Beat me to it!
Bleach blonde hair?!?!?! Muh culture is being appropriated!
No such thing. Without it, the dumbasses wouldn6 expose themselves so much!
Np, hes pretty cool!
michael Knowles
You have the right to remain silent and pay up!
Well, there is the naked young boy in the garden with him in Mark, whats up with that?
I can think of a certain member of the Canaanite pantheon.
No, Yoda. They are non theistic, despite how much you might want the opposite to be true. They are all about self.
Nope. LaVey brand Satanism is just hedonism and is also atheistic and centered on self, not Satan.
i was gonna ask about the boxes of cannabis oil cars, but then i read the notes at the bottom.....
Thars how any place looks after a police search...
The Constitution creates a Federal system where citizens are free to move their businesses and families to other, more welcoming states!
Looks like she's endorsing herself ....
You're mask doesn't do shit.....there, makes sense!
The entire history of the Juice enters the chat....
Ya, but she didn't sign up to protect the Juice against all enemies....kinda thebole bait and switch isnt it? They duped me 23 years ago too, i get it.
I must say, there is no more dangerously stupid creature than a white woman with a degree! Talk to almost any nurse w/ an associates. They know way more than doctors (low bar, I know....).
That's clearly a laugh track.
Sauce or its fake and ghey. Ill even accept Russian sauce, probably prefer it.
but most weren't listening in school and got right in line to get vaxced because great auntie died "from Covid." (not heart disease mixed w diabetes).... This is the only group still in masks where i live
and smells like sulphur!