StQrmWatcher -2 points ago +1 / -3

Active duty here and I can assure you the Biden administration is absolutely 100% in control of our military. Period. You don't have to like it (I don't), but it's a fact.

StQrmWatcher -3 points ago +1 / -4

Ukraine is already dealing significant blows to Russia, who is suffering heavy and unexpected (by mostly Russia) losses. It wouldn't require nuclear weapons for them to ultimately prevail in this conflict.

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StQrmWatcher -3 points ago +1 / -4

Are you certain? Isn't it far more likely they chose that name as a tribute to Trump because it sounds badass and tough like he is?

deleted -2 points ago +1 / -3
StQrmWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

If they are blocking accounts that don't 100% agree, then that speaks mountains who they are. What a shame, they are wreaking of a deep cover shill to me now for that coward move

That's exactly what happens here on the board. How do you feel about that?

Personally I HATE it because we can't wake up or redpill any normies if we hide away in our echo chambers and silence all who disagree or challenge us. I love nothing more than to engage in debate with someone who challenges the validity of my beliefs, opinions and convictions. It's the only way we, as MAGA can EVER make an impact in the cuture war. This strategy of banning everyone who disagrees with us on anything and calling them shills only further strengthens their resolve and beliefs and makes us look like idiots too stupid to defend our own stances. I hate banning dissenters, it's cowardly.


This cowardice and fear of facing challenges i exactly why we're losing.

StQrmWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

Long term opiate use absolutely annihilates the short term memory.

StQrmWatcher 3 points ago +3 / -0

This J6 nonsense is all one big bullshit witch hunt, but unfortunately there's no extortion nor anything inappropriate about this email or contact whatsoever. More trolling and click bait from Gateway Pundit.

by d003
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