He lost his spotify deal just by mentioning it a little? Hilarious, but I hope he feels now free to speak out.
Exactly. Life was good when I lived in ignorant bliss and thought I could trust these organizations. Sometimes I wish I was blue pilled and still living in wonderland but I'm glad I'm not.
"Let the FDA and CDC do the work for you"
What a tool...
Thank you for this valuable resource. It's there any chance it can be fake?
Edit: Sorry I found your reply to a similar question on this thread. Cheers!
Edit Edit: ORDERED! I got one call to press 1 to confirm. Then another call soon after with a person who verified my address and email. Lovely and quick, I feel more at ease now.
Have you stored some zinc to take with it?
Thank you for this, the hospital I work at is mandating vaccines and I hope this will help.
They're removing NAC too.
Help, the hospital I work at is mandating vaccines. I must get one by the end of October. :(
All of this has caused me to lose faith in doctors and a good portion of modern medicine.
Thank you!
Is there a source on this?
What I mean is so much more american parents SHOULD be expect their kids to pledge allegiance to the american flag.
That number is way too low.
Yeah, but she offered her body to a higher up in the government to climb the ladder and they thought it was worth it apparently. Their taste in women is as bad as their taste in politics.
Gross, who would touch her?
I mostly don't believe it, but the small part of me that finds it plausible is disturbed. We aren't lab rats, so it might be different for us, but still it's scary.
Oh god, my whole family took it except for me and my daughter, and their kids. They have soo many kids... TnT
Woman here, I don't sell my body's because gross. I also won't date men because the amount of men will watches porn often makes me uneasy and afraid for what they might ask me to do.
Oh, I wish so many men weren't so hooked on porn. It makes dating men very stressful.
Ask yourself if you want approval from such mean bullies as the type that would attack you for having an independent thought.
Praying for the well being of your daughter, that the family may find strength to push through this together and live on in good health.
This makes me happy.
Wow, this is wonderful. Thank you for your hard work!
None of them will pay attention to a 15 min long video sadly.
(Plz remove icon from my name if any mod reads this.)
Where will they find enough national guard to replace all these people, doctors, nurses, police, teachers, etc?