Strelnieks 7 points ago +9 / -2

Caananites --> Kazarians --> Modern day Namestealers.

That's it. Sure other groups, institutions, and individuals are all part of the same sticky web of evil, but ultimately they all follow the same Luciferian dogmatic doctrines which can all be followed back to the sequence above.

Additionally, persecuted by the nazis is a very broad and speculative suggestion. I have family members who were interned in camps. From what I've been told about history from first hand accounts is many of these camps were typical labor/pow camps (which the US had as well during WW2) that were abandoned or scuttled and left in complete disarray due to the encroaching Red Army.

Strelnieks 0 points ago +2 / -2

Wouldn't put much stock in anything Santa Surfing says. She's been part of the biggest fake news paytriot circle known to anons for years now. Regular member of the Parkes, Ward, Peters, et al superfags group.

Why sharing all of these sketchy Twitter posts recently? Lack of due diligence, karma farming, or helping push the paytriot disinformation?

Strelnieks 10 points ago +12 / -2

Namestealers are the root of the Cabal you speak of fren. You're picking at petals and leafs on the poisonous plant when the root is where it develops and grows.

Strelnieks 1 point ago +2 / -1

The GPS data is purely speculative. The only source for this data is random twitter accts and Tony Segura who is a known GPS data-fag who never follows up with the actual data.

Someone's being gas-lit, time will tell who.

Strelnieks 3 points ago +3 / -0

No outside comms. Absolutely zero paytriots have any kind of access to actual WH operators.

Strelnieks 3 points ago +3 / -0

Human/Humanself... placating to furries.

Strelnieks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hu/hu seems a bit arbitrary until you realize this is how they normalize beastiality & zoophilia.

Strelnieks 5 points ago +5 / -0

FWIW also the title of a hit track from the 80s goth postrock band Specimen. The title was inspired by an old spy vs spy style comedy film.

Strelnieks 1 point ago +2 / -1

💯% agreed. That whole happening was/is as bad as the current batch of "prophets" & associated paytriots. Anon boards are still influenced by wardrummer style zealotry unfortunately. There's a local heretical following here too, as many have observed. Sadly it involves the janitorial team and they seem unconcerned by the obvious conflict of interest: truth vs faith vs profiteering.

Strelnieks 2 points ago +2 / -0

There was a collaboration between serialbrain and wardrummer, should be an archived page somewhere of all of those videos.

Although, it is worth mentioning that there was some sort of conflict between the two which compromised the serialbrain decodes at some point. So I would only put stock in the earlier on the timeline videos produced or the actual Q drops that replied to serialbrain decodes/material (I think there were two... I can't remember exactly at the moment)

Also to be noted is that Wardrummer is a hugely grifty paytriot as well! So the association doesn't do anything positive for the original decodes, Q replies, and r/cbts & r/gaw research... which were in effect very real in real time.

It's similar to the whole Inthematrixxx scenario:

  • Start off an honest anon baker.
  • Get tagged by Q
  • Get big audience over night
  • Completely sellout and become a grifty paytriot
Strelnieks 7 points ago +7 / -0

Board is comped all while the fox(es) watch over the coop.

In the span of a week this board has been giving known disinformation posts about the assassination stickies, known LARP garbage stickies, and as you so pointed out obvious division and catalyst for action response posts stickies. The paytriot/hopium/larp pushers have been doing their thing unabated for a couple of years now. They are protected it would seem...

Board has like what, 5-6 regularly active jannies? One is leading the paytriot hopium campaign, another follows the first closely, and the others don't want to shake the disease. I don't see this ship righting it's self unless the anon community comes together to call out this blatant problem.

Strelnieks 4 points ago +4 / -0

Noticing some things on the board recently, and no not that kind of noticing...

Just patterns and what are the likely conclusions the patterns lead to. It's not good, but could be worse. I feel that the inmates here run the asylum, which is good! As it should be on any anon research board. However, I'm saddened to say that after observing behavior and patterns I am led to the hypothesis that our overseers (to some extent) have allowed their own ranks to be infiltrated by an external entity.

I'm not attempting to grief anyone, just need to get the idea out of my brain before I take a lengthy & lurky break to ease my anxiety and draft up a post to point out several alarming coincidences surrounding the subject matter at hand. Also, to bring the subject to the board's attention.

Anons, frens, I make this comment & claim out of faith and love. This board has mod alumni intrinsically connected to a paytriot network.

I won't lambast names currently, but this problem arose with Evspra stepping down and who filled their seat. Folks, we can't have a mod who admittedly speaks to and for paytriot networks while simultaneously claiming the information (from paytriots) and themselves to be divinely placed into their mod chair.

I'm all for unrestricted research into whatever areas anons dare to tread. But there's nothing more taboo than a mod daring to claim themselves to be divinely placed in their role all while stating they need to contact Juan O Savin to confirm talking points before creating a post.

This is NeonRevolt infiltrating r/GAW & v/GAW all over again! Sorry to make this a daily chat comment but I've tried contacting various other mods and they all drop the subject or deflect that they're not all that way... that's not the point. The mod team should unanimously be against this type of fuckery.

I tip my hat to you all and thank the board as a whole for four fun filled years just in case I wake to find my acct has been suspended. Goodnight my frens! 🐸

Self archive daily chat 8/6

Strelnieks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Kek. Can't wait for Jimmy Dore to cover Rappaport's flipping!

Strelnieks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed. Society is fragile. Without it's structure many would succumb no doubt at all. Heck, some people are so dependent on accustomed norms they won't make it a few days. Or, consider the millions that require some form of life support system. Be that technology that requires power and maintenance or medication or even just travel. Not a good scenario at all, even in a controlled event.

I still think it will have to be months in length if not longer to effect the heartiest of the population. Or perhaps the significance of everything occurring will not require that.

Strelnieks 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's your carrier. Many carriers and ISPs block cat box. You'll need to use a VPN when accessing catbox links.

Save yourself the trouble though with this one, because Jan Helper Self Hayes is a grifting LARP.

Strelnieks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Truly the best investment!

Strelnieks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Forget about metal and crypto... invest in your family, friends, and faith.

Strelnieks 5 points ago +5 / -0

Meh... 10 days is nothing. I can live on sunfish, garden goodies, and home made booze for months.

Last significant ice storm I was without power for 27 days in the middle of winter. No big deal.

I think the financial collapse will last much longer than 10 days IMO. If I had to wager a guess, I'd bet on 6-12 months.

Strelnieks 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's a decent movie. It's got the 7up dude in it: Orlando Jones.

Strelnieks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Perhaps what's awaiting down the road yields ill results for rotten fruit today? E.g. doesn't matter who gets elected now after the precipice occurs and it's cause/effect habbenings will follow as such.

Strelnieks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fake news debunked a couple days ago. Non habbening fren.

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