SuckaFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

I see the suicider's demonette spawn. And I wonder what the traitor and hooker are so engrossed with.

SuckaFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is/was she a member of the same terror org Karen Bass belongs to? (And I don't mean the Democrat Party. Bass belonged to a female only terror org that is credited with bombing the U.S. Capitol Bldg in 1983.)

SuckaFree 8 points ago +9 / -1

What they know is that California has repeatedly made mistakes in managing their fire zones, so it makes sense that they would pull out in th beginning of a new year, b cause everyone knows just how dry California really is.

SuckaFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

Masks don't work for anything except keeping your own biological mess inside your face.

Does anyone still believe masks are effective for anything?

SuckaFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

In this case, I don't think it was them, but I think they're in on the cover-up. The issue is Shoemate and Shawn Ryan going straight to the public with the info forcing them to admit at least a little bit of truth. IF that Army Chief of Staff Public Affairs Officer is correct, then the body in the Telsa either isn't Livelsberger (which would mean either the body is someone else or a dummy), or Livelsberger's kid isn't his (which would mean the questions of infidelity being a reason for his actions are centered around the wife). I've seen guys go slightly insane when they find out their son isn't their's, so it's not completely out of the realm of possibility that that could've been a determining factor in Livelsberger's actions, especially if he was dealing with high levels of stress from PTSD coupled with high levels of guilt over some of his actions due to following questionable orders while deployed in various combat zones.

I've seen weird shit manifest in stand-up operators from high stress situations before. Too many times to count. It's one of unsaid things that comes with being in that community.

Whatever is going on here, it's clear that we aren't getting the whole picture and that the FBI is on the cover-up.

SuckaFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

Unfortunately, most of the contents of that email won't be validated and will be kept classified due to NatSec reasons. Don't expect any realizations to come out from this any time soon. Even the Trump Admin will slow walk most of this info so the Normies don't panic.

SuckaFree 8 points ago +8 / -0

Something wicked this way comes. Sounds like [they]'re planning something.

As we get closer to 1/20, and especially ON 1/20, keep your eyes and ears peeled for high strangeness. Things are going to get real dicey this year, especially as we get closer to Inauguration Day.

SuckaFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think I've ever seen anyone get a medal for failed ops before. It's kind of surreal to see.

SuckaFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. Most of [them] MUST pay for [their] crimes. I can see him letting some of the smaller fish stay free but kept on a very tight leash, but the big fish MUST fry. It's the only way We, The People can begin to start trusting the govt again.

SuckaFree 38 points ago +38 / -0

Can't fill the water reservoirs? More like intentionally draining them into the Pacific.

SuckaFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

That article has a lot of bad info in it. "Al' Golani" now spells his name (and goes by) al' Jalani. Al' Jalani may claim he's the leader of HTS, but HTS isn't a "former affiliate" group of al' Qaeda. HTS is ISIS, which is also now part of the global network everyone knows as al'Qaeda, since Hamzah bin Laden married one of the daughters of al' Baghdadi before Trump droned him and while the Intel community was busy telling the world he was dead. HTS is not, nor has it ever been a "moderate Islamic group." Jalani is personally responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Christians, women, and children. He's as brutal as they come, and has openly been telling the world for years now that his plans for Syria (and the rest of the world) don't include letting women have any sort of freedom whatsoever. He plans on bringing back the Caliphate once his power in Syria is secured, and then expanding it across the rest of the African continent and eventually into Europe, then the rest of the world.

There is absolutely no way in Hell that any ME Intel analyst doesn't know this. It's open source info! So, ask yourself, if the Intel community knows what Jalani's plans are and knows Hamzah bin Laden is alive and in charge of ALL of the global Islamic terror networks, why are they working with Jalani?

Does anyone else believe the lie that this is incompetence on the West's part, like a bunch of apologist minded talking heads believe, or is there a more sinister plot at work here on the part of Tony Blinken, John Brennan, Lindsey Graham, etc?

SuckaFree 5 points ago +5 / -0

Oh, but fires, earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes are out of the realm of possibility. Got it. /s

SuckaFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

He doesn't and anyone saying he does hasn't been paying attention the last 4 yrs. He's just the scapegoat.

Besides, anything "Biden" signs into "law," can just as easily be undone by the stroke of Trump's pen. And DOGE's.

SuckaFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

All a child has to do is use Bing and change the search option limits to off, type in a targeted search for whatever filth they're looking for and Bing will pull it up. And if they use DDG, Brave, or some other somewhat "secure" browser, their search history won't show up in the browser unless the parent knows to go to Bing first, before opening up the history.

Most Gen X parents I know didn't know this until I told them. Which is weird, since we're the first generation to be raised with computers.

SuckaFree 15 points ago +15 / -0

Do these people actually believe the bullshite coming out of [their] brains?!?!?! A "lifestyle choice??!!!!"

I am a survivor of pedophilia. These people make me sick. If this were a just world, I would've been able to seek vengeance and retribution immediately. Instead, I was forced to remain quiet and basically hide for most of my life, wondering why I'm so fucking angry and rage-filled the whole time growing up.

These asshats deserve death for supporting this pedo and pedo-supporting mindset.

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