Sunnygirl15 5 points ago +5 / -0

In 10th grade I knew someone who would get in trouble sometimes and be sent to the assistant principal's office, a woman in her late thirties. He told me after we graduated that one time he was sent to her office, he walked in without knocking only to find her sitting in the lap of this cute boy from our class. arms around each other and giggling. He said he just laughed and said 'my apologies for interrupting' and walked out. After that any time a teacher would say something to him about missing classes (which he did a lot, I always why I rarely saw him) or not handing in assignments, he'd just say 'talk to the assistant principal about it.' Nothing ever happened to him and he graduated despite not taking tests and skipping tons of classes. This was in the late eighties.

Sunnygirl15 3 points ago +3 / -0

The only places books get challenged and occasionally removed are school libraries and it's usually books written for adults, books with very adult themes or LGBT books they say are written for teens or younger. I'm a public librarian and it annoys me to no end when librarians go on about this and spread fear porn.

Sunnygirl15 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've worked in public libraries for almost 30 years and in the last 10 years or so, there's been a push by the 'library gods' as I call them, to move away from being neutral places to the belief that "libraries can no longer neutral" and librarians must be activists. Take a wild guess what we have to be activists for? It really picked up when Trump became president and it's just gotten worse in the last 3 years. I'm near retirement so I just shake my head in disbelief at the things going on. I'm in the distinct minority and if I say anything it's basically ignored. Sigh.

Sunnygirl15 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've thought along these same lines for a while. Also, the formula that is fed to babies likely does more harm than good. Who knows what they put in it.

Sunnygirl15 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've been a public librarian for over 20 years. Libraries and librarians have always been pretty liberal but the last 10 years they've gone off the deep end. Everything is seen through the DEI Lens, from hiring to books that get purchased to programs, such as the drag stuff. I work primarily with white women and men but they're all in on the White fragility and prounoun stuff. Our latest hire's (a woman) pronouns are they/them and she's a marxist queer. Her words. Ugh.

Sunnygirl15 3 points ago +3 / -0

Boy, that's spot on. It's kind of a savior complex. Most of the people I work with are white liberal women and they all in on the Equity stuff.

Sunnygirl15 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm a public librarian. Most librarians have always been pretty liberal, but the last five years they've gone hard, hard left.

Sunnygirl15 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just another day at Public School #3456. I'm sure they'll say the white kid "triggered" him somehow.

Sunnygirl15 5 points ago +5 / -0

Lowering standards also to get a more diverse group hired.

Sunnygirl15 4 points ago +4 / -0

I just saw an older gentleman wearing two masks. It's just sad to me at this point.

Sunnygirl15 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm a public librarian and this doesn't surprise me. Librarians have always been pretty liberal but the last 10 years it's gotten even worse. Equity, white fragility and stating your pronouns are big with librarians and influence a lot of decisions that get made.