Movie is about incest, body doubles, incompetent assassins, pink haired women, faggots, actors, dead bodies in trunks, and DNA evidence (never pee on a corpse).
I still believe Crooks fired one shot from a sabotaged weapon and the squib fire killed him.
The only way the Military could carry out a sting operation and keep the President alive would be to invite Cabal assassins and equip them with sabotaged weapons intended to fragment into the faces of the Cabal assassins.
Or maybe patriots can have her ride an experimental hot air balloon with billionaire tech gurus to survey the hole in the ozone. But her balloon malfunctions, the crew tragically float away into space.
You can say Benjamin Netanyahu is upset that the middle men and money changers didn’t give him any of the shekels and now it looks like all he will get is shackles. The reward Bibi was promised was miscommunicated and lost in translation. He was promised money and military hardware. Instead he got old cases of Trump’s dirty underwear.
Trump will get 17 votes. Only 17. The Deep State will take 17 days to recount, and sure enough, 17 votes for Trump and 400 million for Hillary.
I feel like it was a sting operation and the rifles were hand out by white hats to black hat assassins. The rifles were sabotaged to squib fire, injure the shooters, or even fire backwards. I think Crooks literally shot himself without realizing ‘his’ gun was altered.
Israel is the largest state sponsor of terrorism.
Nazis won WW2.
Only the illusion of democracy.
You live in an insane asylum and are a slave.
Edit: the teaching of Christ is primarily to not make trivial oaths, and not to get into the habit of making perfunctory oaths.
For instance, lets say you win an election. Don't put your hand on a Bible. Don't make an oath. Just say "You all know me, You know my yes is yes and my no is no." If people get upset that you don't make an oath, just rebuke them and leave.
Think about Biden, his oath was worthless, and he'll regret making that oath when he enters hell.
There is no reason to make an oath, so don't. When it comes to oaths, just don't. There is no upside, and only downside. If anyone ever wants you to make an oath, I guess you can do it, but you MUST KNOW at the time you give an oath that you are capable of keeping it and are willing to pay the price.
Legal attestations are probably okay but are still stupid and they are a type of bondage.
The Anabaptists, and other Christians, refuse to make any oaths. Vows are different. Vows are just between you and the other person, but not God.
My normie friends have no idea what is about to happen. Even my MAGA parents think Trump will never get back into the White House or even if he does it won't matter because America is too demonic and too far gone. It's going to be something to behold when the Tribunals happen. God willing, the Great Awakening goes smoothly. I think Americans will repent. I think Americans can start behaving like sentient humans instead of mindless Borg drones. In Jesus name, I pray.
Military Is the Only Way. Trump is important, even vital, but the Military is running the show, and they will act soon. The President has to be out of sight, out of mind, so that it looks like the Biden Military is begrudgingly taking action against traitors.
We are not voting ourselves out of this. This ends with 500,000 people being arrested. This ends with us watching confessions of former presidents and Popes. This ends with us watching celebrities and Senators hanging for treason.
The 2024 election will glitch and Clinton will get 180 million votes and Trump will get 17 votes. Just 17. The Military will have to step in.
The only other option is a False Flag or Scare (event necessary) triggering the Military to make arrests (arresting 500,000 people).
What must happen is that people, all Americans, demand Military Tribunals.
Even Trump supporters and MAGA crowd are somewhat ignorant of how bad the treason is. I don't think 50% are aware of what NoName did.
The worst thing that could happen, is a normal election and Trump Wins. If Trump wins, Congress will just pass token measures and enact minimal reforms. The swamp will wait until Trump is out, and then they will come back. A significant portion of the Cabal is overseas. Israel needs to be punished for being the number one terrorist nation in the world.
Action needs to be taken in Europe, too...
The big names need to be publicly arrested and sent to GITMO to be unalived.
This is the largest and longest sting operation in human history. It's international. People need to know about the USS Liberty and the Beirut barracks bombings and King David Hotel and Building 7 and OKC....
The Military has had complete control of the election system and the FBI since 2017. If the Military had thought it useful to the war effort, they could have made arrests and stopped the ballot harvesting and ballot stuffing. The Military planned for the steal, and needed a judas goat, in order to run a demoralization campaign.
The Precipice happens soon, whatever form it takes.
Then when the fog of war lifts, and the smoke settles, Trump comes back into the picture without blood on his hands. He didn't publicly order the Military, he didn't publicly initiate the Tribunals. Trump can honestly say: "If the traitors hadn't had stolen the 2020 election, the Military would never have had to step in. But now that the Military has arrested and executed 500,000 traitors, the Military is handing power back to you, the people. The state of emergency is over, and I will once again lead this nation in peace time. Don't hate me, I didn't kill these bastards, but I'm glad they are gone. Thanks to God and the Army, our nation is liberated from tyrants and traitors."
Trump and Military are running a sting operation. They are using the plot of [Day of the Jackal] and [All the Presidents Men] and [Three Days of the Condor] and [JFK] and [The Spy Who Came In From the Cold] and [Fail Safe] and [Wag the Dog] concurrently.
Key word is delayed reporting. Also, this is the longest and largest sting operation in human history. It's also international, worldwide.
2016 was too soon. People, even anons, needed to be put on informational timelines. And emotional timelines. Democrats needed to see the shitshow of Biden.
We needed to think long and hard about Epstein, election fraud, riots, vaccines, social media, race issues, gender issues.
Patriots also had to get the retards and normies to double down and get committed to their retarded positions.
Soon the rug will be pulled, and the retards will realize that they are not in the majority. Retards are but a small minority.
In 100 days or so, the news will come out about what has been going on.
Simultaneously, new events and new headlines will demoralize the retards. The retards will realized they are idiots. Patriots can release the names of people being arrested now, and the names of those who have already been tried and executed.
It's not just delayed reporting of the tribunals and arrests and executions. It's how the news breaks in the near future. It's about timing the disclosure with the demoralization campaign. The white people will probably be tried first, such a Clinton and Cheney. Then Democrats will go along, and say, well, whatever.
Then Clyburn will stand with the Military and Clyburn will be announced a hero, Clyburn and Austin will announce that Obama will be forced to testify, and the nation will watch him answer questions....
Washington completely implodes soon, and normies for the first time in their life will no longer want to defend the Democrat National Committee or any part of Washington DC.
I don't know what happens at the Precipice, but it will kill the false god that most Americans worship.
The disclosure of AI robots might be in play. Even actors or witness protection disclosures can mess with people. Imagine if George Floyd is still alive and he testifies against Obama...
Lol, patriots not even trying to get look-a-likes at this point. That's just the first person to audition for the role.
Vaccines don’t help. The food preservatives, dyes, hormones, fertilizes, pesticides, forever chemicals, emulsifiers, and flavorings are just as bad as the vaccines. Parents waiting until age 40 to have kids is the biggest problem, and the genetic damage doesn’t go away, so you pass it onto your kids, and it gets worse as it passes from parent to child.
It’s not just autism, it’s OCD, schizophrenia, dyslexia, bipolar and attention disorders. Also chromosomal syndromes.
Jonathan Nolan’s Westworld (seasons 2-4, not so much the first season) was a look at our future had the Great Awakening never happened. The show, set in 2070 onwards, was about how social media had been weaponized to control and influence and pre-destine humanity. Westworld also shows how the control mechanisms could have swept up and imprisoned neurodivergent (autistic) outliers. Westworld shows what happens if the timing of the Great Awakening is off. AI and social media lead to societal collapse. Westworld is about what the world would look like if Silicon Valley had infiltrated the Military instead of what we believe to be happening, the Military infiltrated Silicon Valley and took down the Cabal.
Notice that Jonathan’s brother Christopher worked together on movie Interstellar. In that movie, in the future, there are no phones, no social media. People in the future eat at the dinner table as a family.
At some point, we must let military technology (Internet, smartphones, etc) subside. We must go back to jobs that operate by pen and paper and filing cabinets. We need physical currency and family dinners without TV or phones.
The internet and smartphones only exist because the Cabal is subsidizing this ungodly technology and picking winners and losers. And this technology incentivizes us to do what the pharmaceutical companies tell us to do. The technology, and vaccines, are all a vicious cycle. Work 40 hours a week to afford the phone, you need the phone for your job, you need the University degree for the job, and you can't afford to start a family until you are 50. Then the economy doesn't grow because 50 year old dykes are only having one kid if any.
We must get back to living like the Amish. Slowly get the people to get out of the cities, touch dirt, raise chickens, till the soil, grow food, take care of animals, and cook what they kill. No vaccines, no public schools. No taxes. None. We need to incentivize families to have 8 kids or more.
We need financial incentives for parents to marry in their late teens instead of 40s.
The Great Awakening will be for nothing if a decade from now everyone is still living in the cities, having their first and only kid at age 50, and everyone is still on TikTok doom scrolling and looking at trivial shit.
The Cabal had a stranglehold on the entire world from 1860 onwards. The Cabal increased it's strength and got a deathgrip on the USA in 1913. And from 1940 to 2016 the Cabal was treating the USA like a lobotomized gimp. Our great grandparents were completely retarded and entertained.
Decades ago it took twice as long to travel to your destination. Not as many flights, harder to get around, took longer, logistics were different. It would have been impossible to take down a worldwide criminal network, logistically or narratively (in a way people would understand, accept). Also, how the hell could you get evidence for tribunals? Now we can look at emails and phone calls and metadata and we can record covertly with miniature capture devices. If we had tribunals in 1965, could you imagine the Military trying to get all the photographs and memos and witnesses and filing cabinets of evidence to a centralized location? The Cabal would have had Russia just nuke the place the White Hats were having their Tribunals.
And think, you only get one shot at taking down this international cabal. Reforms can't work. You can't vote yourself out of this. You have to destroy and replace the monetary system itself. You have to end the usury and the fiat nature of the economy. You also have to take down the rat-lines simultaneously or the evil minions just flee to England or Saudi and come back a decade later.
You also, if you are White Hat, have to find a way to keep the entire world agitated for the better part of a decade. For a decade you have to keep the entire world wanting a civil war and yet also manage to keep the world from descending into a an actual civil war. You want the revelation of Military action and tribunals to be cathartic, accepted, and desired by the majority. The people sigh and think, "Thank God, it's finally over!"
You also have to show and demonstrate to the common man how injurious and insidious the TV propaganda system is.
Decades ago, NSA didn't have a billion tracking devices to monitor and map networks of every man, woman, and child.
Decades ago the Cabal had a better grip on Russia and China and Saudi family.
Decades ago the Cabal relied on physical muscle, mobsters, and family connections.
Decades ago everyone watched the same 3 networks and listened to the same radio station and that was all you had - Your news came from Cronkite and no one else had authority. The American public would have thought you crazy if you said the USSR was controlled by Jewish bankers and the British Crown.
Recently, everyone became reliant on their phones.
Recently, the mob was replaced by the CIA. The local criminals were replaced by Cartels and rent-a-mob ghetto rats. The Cabal downsized itself by 90 % and also made itself reliant upon Military hardware (servers and communication platforms). The Cabal might have sympathizers in the FBI and Justice, but they are idiots, maggots. They can't operate on their own. The Cabal has lobotomized itself over the past 30 years.
The Q plan is only possible because Patriots liberated Russia and China first, and then the traitors in the US never realized that Patriots ran a 20 year (or longer) sting operation to get all the rats on one sinking ship.
It sucks that it had to get this bad, but I don't think there was a better time for Patriots to act.
The issues of fiat currency and usury, treason, election fraud, propaganda, pedophile rings, serial killers, child sex trafficking, ritual magic, blackmail, warmongering, Disney, and Catholic confession are intertwined. You have to address and destroy these at the same time or there is no point bothering. You either take down Mystery Babylon or you don't.
After JFK was assassinated? During the height of Russia and Nuclear paranoia, could you imagine democracy surviving if the Military arrested half of Washington DC? And Russia was under Jew control during that time.
Could you imagine, circa 1995, if the Military arrested 10,000 negros in all the major cities for participating in election fraud?
Around 9/11? Could you imagine if the Military arrested tens of thousands of Jews from all sectors of American life (SEC, FED, MIL, FBI, Justice, Hollywood, Media, Academia) before or after the 9/11 attack? And just on hearsay? No evidence, just take our word? These Jews were rigging elections and selling us out? Really, they were going to demolish the Twin Towers, you have to believe us. They had this convoluted network of Saudis, Masons, and Jews who were going to kill 3,000 Americans and then provoke us into war with Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan and the Congo. Would Republicans or Democrats have believed that in 1999 or 2000?
Liberated. Her head liberated and donated to science.
Say it after me: We are witnessing the largest and longest sting operation in the history of the world and Trump is at all times protected by the greatest Seals and Thespians (Ace Coyer Promoter - Anagram)
Military hoodwinked retarded government officials to carry out an assassination attempt (that had no possibility of succeeding). The assassins were retarded patsies that didn’t check or calibrate their equipment. The assassins fired weapons that misfired and the bullets went backwards, killing each shooter on their first shot.
It’s almost like the Cabal was trying to destroy evidence. It’s almost like the Cabal was threatening the NSA that if they didn’t back down they’d provoke a race war.
'Pop' Corn Enjoy the show.
Last year some spooks died when their house boat capsized
The sub implosion was white hat. They made a big deal of “17” bolts that secured the main hatch