Survey_girl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just look at how rapidly (exponentially!) our national debt is rising. Recently it was adding a trillion dollars every 100 days, now it is 90 days. How long until it is every month, week, etc. At some point it will be too much, too much to print our way out of. Hyperinflation, complete loss of the US dollar, us military, stock market, etc.

Our system is unsustainable and adding millions of illegals is only escalating the situation. How many sleeper cells are now in the country, waiting for the system to collapse? And like you said, a black swan event. Another pandemic, a nuclear war, food shortages, power outages...

I too, expect things will get really bad leading up to November, if there even is an election this year (??). Hope everyone is preparing, getting food & supplies stocked up :/

Survey_girl 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is typical, we do it all the time, and we are just a small company. We had a project earlier this week that had to close lanes of traffic on a main road and the county would not let us close lanes until 8:30 pm, so our crews had to work from 8-midnight. And this was just to add a turn lane into a new hotel being built.

When we have to do work in a r/w, we will often work on Sundays or at night to minimize the traffic delays. And you will see it on the interstates too, the signs will say road/lanes closed from 10pm-5am when they are resurfacing the road.

There is much less traffic at night, you just have to watch out for the drunks on the road at that time :/

Survey_girl 18 points ago +18 / -0

so... how many rapists is she associated with now?? John of God, Weinstein, Clinton (though not convicted), etc.

Survey_girl 4 points ago +4 / -0

Why do you need to travel, everything you need is right inside this 15-minute city?!?

But yes, they have been saying for years that only the elites will be able to travel around the globe. I think automobile ownership will be next, at least some car companies are reversing their electric vehicle push.

Survey_girl 5 points ago +5 / -0

At the same time our troops are in Afghanistan guarding the poppy fields while the C_A is trafficking heroine back to the states.... So when the feds started cracking down on the pill mills and over-prescribing after millions were hooked, there was heroine flowing on our streets. :/

Survey_girl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes! When we occasionally go to lunch at a sports bar/restaurant, and they have all the tv's on the walls... it almost feels overwhelming. And all of the anti-white, anti-traditional stuff (not just in ads, but in the tv shows themselves) is 100% why we got rid of cable. Why was I paying hundreds of $$$ a month to support this, to people that want to see me and my way of life killed off?! No netflix/hulu, no cable. I wish we had done it sooner, but I was sucked into the matrix, addicted to the "programming".

Survey_girl 6 points ago +6 / -0

we don't even have tv, we ditched cable/satellite about 5 years ago and haven't missed it one bit! I haven't seen a commercial in years! I have no clue what movies or shows are popular, haven't watched sports... it is the best thing we have ever done.

Survey_girl 6 points ago +6 / -0


Apparently /pol/ was posting about this guy back in July.... post said they reported him to the feds.

Survey_girl 11 points ago +11 / -0


Interesting post on 4chan a few years ago predicting how CW2 would start

Survey_girl 14 points ago +14 / -0

I think the list is just everyone associated with the case, not a client list

Survey_girl 3 points ago +3 / -0

could be the mandatory diversity hires, as well.

Survey_girl 7 points ago +7 / -0

Part of FL's problem is the insane insurance rates. We built our house about 20 years ago and the rates have been around 2k per year... this year is was around 6k for the same policy! We upped our deductible to 10k and got our rate down to 3k. I can see how between insurance and the higher interest rates, a normal person trying to buy a house is unobtainable. And around us, a 20 year old double wide trailer on 5 acres is going for 250k and more. That would have been around 100k a few years ago.

On top of all that, because of the ridiculous home prices, the property taxes have gone sky high as well. It is really pricing a lot of normal people out of home ownership.

Survey_girl 24 points ago +24 / -0

Same with the Parkland shooting... teachers were reporting men in military garb in the hallways... while the "shooter" was getting some McD's at the walmart down the street.

Survey_girl 6 points ago +6 / -0

yep, I went to high school with a sailor that got killed on the Cole. Sad how easily they will kill citizens to advance their plans :/

Survey_girl 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is really a change of lifestyle, which was easy for us to do once we realized how "normal" society is fake and ghey. We ditched tv back in 2019, hubby doesn't even watch sports anymore. We still work full time, but have very little debt, and all our free time goes into gardening, preserving, making our home/land more productive.

I am lucky that we are both on the same page and are working together towards a (more) self-relient life.

Survey_girl 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is what the hubby and I are doing. We went from a lousy garden that maybe produced a meal or 2 a few years ago... to several gardens that are producing hundreds of pounds of food. I am canning, dehydrating, freeze drying everything I can. I have been pressure canning or pickling nearly every weekend for months! This year we did a large plot of field corn, we got that dried and in buckets and now we grind our own corn meal and grits. We added laying hens in 2020 and now we are turning some woods into pasture so we can get some cows (and maybe pigs) very soon.

There are tons of videos on youtube to teach you how to do homesteading type things, that is basically were we have learned. It is really rewarding to make meals out of food you have grown yourself, and you are learning (lost) skills that might be needed in the future.

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