SvixGale 2 points ago +2 / -0

I really can't tell you how much I love stuff like this!!

Downloaded & saved to browse later!!!

Thanks so much OP!

SvixGale 2 points ago +2 / -0

Others are channeling their nervousness into action: ....In Boston, they are joining pill-packing parties, where volunteers fill boxes with abortion kits to mail to women in red states with strict limits. “We feel like we’re doing something,” said Erin Gately, a 47-year-old physician assistant who last time took to the streets to protest after Trump’s election, but says this time she would focus on tangible actions like protecting reproductive rights.

Imagine sending literal murder kits via US Mail......

SvixGale 5 points ago +6 / -1

After what happened during the pLandemic (i.e.; NOTHING; not a SOUL did a DAMN THING in response to literal mass murder & crimes against humanity); I've got very little faith anyone would do anything different this time.....

SvixGale 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep, AND that she's a retard who literally can't hold a conversation on her own merits.

How is that supposed to work when she's sitting across the table from other world leaders?

Holy shit; she might actually be WORSE than biden....!!!

SvixGale 7 points ago +7 / -0

Never forget too:


prostitute /prŏs′tĭ-too͞t″, -tyoo͞t″/ noun A person considered as having compromised principles for personal gain. a person who engages in sex acts and especially sexual intercourse in exchange for pay

If she hadn't slept with willie brown (wasn't he married at the time???) and b-list "celebs" like Montel Williams (yes the talk-show guy) she would still be....uh...... IDK if she could even qualify for a state job on her own "merits"..... I have no clue where she'd be, but it wouldn't be here & now.

SvixGale 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh absolutely.

Piers to me seems exactly like bill maher; an arrogant sack of shit, definitely a fascist / totalitarian / communist, but SEEMS to have started to wake up a bit. Still don't trust them, still get very creeper vibes from them.both.

SvixGale 1 point ago +1 / -0

Part of me really wants to say "methinks she doth protest too much"; the fact they immediately engaged their attorney to send a formal cease & desist letter, seems to me like smoke.

And where there's smoke...........

What you guys think?

SvixGale 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’ve been using that same brands’ Lions Mane & it is amazing. It’s not a huge difference, but it is noticeable when I do / don’t take them. I absolutely love my lions’ mane & have been taking it for at least a year or so. That Real Mushrooms brand is legit!!! I’m gonna try their Turkey Tail & some others soon….

SvixGale 3 points ago +3 / -0

That all sounds great, but here's the problem; EVERYONE is selling their patreon or whatever these days. Literally EVERYONE.

It cuts both ways, but in general; you can't get miffed at someone for not wanting / being able to "buy a cup of coffee" for every other blog that's out there, because you'd literally go bankrupt in a day, if you support enough of them.

It's great that it is another platform & way for smart & good people to have a voice, but you can't expect EVERYONE to buy them coffee.....

Respectfully. :-)

SvixGale 2 points ago +2 / -0

One interesting thing he said about Joe Rogan. Rogan has health issues he is suffering from that he is not sharing with his listeners.

Rogan is not what you should strive for if young and think testosterone supplementation is a good idea.

What is wrong with tesosterone supplementation? So long as it's SUPPLEMENTATION: aka; reasonable, done under the supervision of a good doctor (not a big pharma bought & paid for needle dealer) and you're not using it as an excuse to basically take enough to turn it into steroid-level Test. supplementation.

What's wrong with it?

SvixGale 2 points ago +2 / -0

marshmallow experiment at Stanford University

This? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanford_marshmallow_experiment

How does this make anyone "compliant"?

SvixGale 22 points ago +22 / -0

Uh. holy fuck. Not at ALL suspicious.......TOTALLY coincidental......

SvixGale 1 point ago +1 / -0

I call them by what they truly are; satanic demons from hell.


Depending on who's present, I call them fascists or totalitarians so as to not scare off those who aren't wide awake to the true nature of our enemy.

SvixGale 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've always gotten a reall weird vibe from hannity, which is never good.....

SvixGale 3 points ago +3 / -0

He calls FEMA a boat anchor, LOL. And "that lady who is running for President" LOL

Lady. LADY??


I am shocked, offended, and disgusted beyond words.

How DARE that sheriff call HeelsUp a "lady"

She's a satanic jezebel whore who sucked & fucked her way to where she is, nothing more. Full stop.

SvixGale 6 points ago +6 / -0

They all need to hang irrespective.

They've done enough crimes against humanity so far, death was warranted 50 years ago.

SvixGale 1 point ago +1 / -0


Please help me do like I do & call this out anytime & every time you see it!!!!

NOT stupid, NOT incompetent; EVIL AND MALICIOUS.

I see more & more people pointing this out, so I like to delude myself into thinking I've had some small part in spreading this word. 😂😁😊👌👍🙌

SvixGale 2 points ago +2 / -0

So honest question I've been wrestling with;

Most of these elitist, globalist fascists are white / european; WTF are they doing to do when THEIR kids + family start getting raped, attacked & murdered by all these 3rd world scum they've imported everywhere?

It's only a matter of time....

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