I have a hard time arguing with that. And I have no doubt that I cant compete with your legal arguments. That's why I said "should be familiar with it". I picked those words pretty carefully.
There's just something about it that doesn't immediately dismiss itself to me.
I have given up
I am all the way through the grief and morning phases, well into acceptance.
When I do briefly communicate, like to say Happy Thanksgiving via text, it feels exactly the same as looking at old pictures. I miss them, but they have passed on into another place.
There is no reason to believe that Q posts are any more literal than Bible stories. How many Q posts have been accurate to a time/date stamp of any kind so far?
It is altogether likely that averth8ing Q posted is an allegory, parable or concept lesson.
Where do we fall if you remove the five worst cities from each of the other countries in the world.
Cause, I read that meme as; The US has the third highest murder rate in the world if you measure all countries the same way, but if you use different math equations for different countries you get different math answers.
Soooooo..... consider it fact checked there buddy.
I dont even know what that means!!!!