Honestly, the general public doesn't have the money to put anything into stocks. Look at DWAC or PHUN and most shares are owned by Blackrock and Vanguard. I don't know how this shakes out but those two big institutions own almost everything. Unless the entire population closes out their retirement fund and invest it themselves that's one way Truth Social takes off.
But given that all the social media platforms colluded with the Dems, lied about COVID, censored and banned users, they might be in big trouble and end up on the chopping blocks on top of being monopolies. They might get dissolved all together who knows. If that happens then the stocks go to zero and the money goes somewhere else. When was the last time a company was broken up.... 90s???
When DOJ is cleaned out, they will find big tech was in collusion with DOJ/SEC hindering free speech on social media and preventing Truth Social from raising capital. I think it was all timing anyway. The public hasn't gotten their taste of the truth yet, once they do, they will start abandoning Faceberg, Instathot,Whatsanidiot.
Fuck me, i thought i was the only one from IPO and have been HODL since. Thankfully i bought some at the bottom so my avg is in the middle. Defintely feeling the pain though with inflation. Had to sell other positions to pay off debts.
Just taken the illegals into your own homes demmies! You can house and fed them on you own dime and you can take direct credit for it. Post a "I stand with illegals" banner with rainbow colors on your front porch for all to see. The mental gymnastics is off the charts. These people are retarded and I live in NYC.
source lol this isnt funny anymore https://twitter.com/SECGov/status/1714020932509982771
That slithering snake