Wasnt with her at the time. I'm leaning towards marrying her and hoping Regeneron made a drug that reverses the vax. I havent proposed or anything, but I'm developing feelings for her so I guess I should let it ride out 1-2 years more.
First they outsourced manufacturing like cars and parts then it was garments, then appliances and finally the service sector jobs like tech support which were all the higher paying middle class jobs. Kids these days graduate with $100k masters degrees in social justice working part time at starbucks or dollar tree... unbelievable.
Imagine where every transaction being traceable. Now apply that to govt spending and you cant create bitcoin out of thin air like fractional reserve banking and loan out debt upon debt and have nothing backing it. The military created bitcoin. This has been gamed out at least a decade ago. Watch Jason Lowery's speeches from MIT / space force.
if we are going to extremes, just fire every politician and no budgets