Oh look, I found a doubting faggot lmao
God is in control.
Q is just the messenger.
Sorry for your loss; for what it's worth, death is not real, not that it helps. As John Lennon said, "I'm not afraid of death because I don't believe in it. It's just getting out of one car, and into another."
These bodies are just rentals.
We can never be destroyed because we are infinite and our fate is not tied to our earthly avatars.
Omnipotent Omnipresent Omniscient
NOTHING can exist outside of God.
But bring that into edible, human terms.... don't think about religious dogma for a second...
WHAT DOES IT MEAN for God to be everywhere, knowing everything, with power over everything?
We are all in fact little pieces of God. The divine wrapped into human flesh. We are holy, belonging to God just as a finger. There is no death. There could never be death.
We have been blessed with the human life. We are not ants. We are not worms or flies. We are the most dangerous and capable species in all of our perception. We are here growing and learning, becoming better at working together, progressing and progressing.
There are deep, deep questions this raises, of course. It is unimportant that you understand the exact nature of the universe, and in fact the more you learn the more lost you will feel. Having addressed your initial questions about the world you may even become so lost in your new questions there was no point setting out looking for truth in the first place.
However, due to our unkillable nature which is derived from the fact we are not "sticking our neck out" in any way by occupying this domain in human form. No, our real bodies are ethereal, we are not from here. There are actions we can take here which will damage our real bodies and for that reason the world's religions were put into place. It is very so extremely important not to obsess too much with this world and to have a healthy detachment from it, especially not to get lost in sinful activity such that it causes one to lose sight of the mission.
Gnosis is gained many ways, but I achieved it through kundalini meditation assisted at some points with DMT.
There is a sweet freedom in knowing there is so much shit out there other than this somewhat bland planet full of stupid people, all of us confined to these ridiculously tiny brains.
I can't describe it fully. But coming out of the deepest level of meditation (the deepest I've been to anyways) is like knowing everything you could possibly want to know, and it doesn't feel like you're learning anything but merely REMEMBERING it, only to be shoved into a tiny human brain where all the "useless" info that pertains to irrelevant dimensions/beings/concepts simply disappears.
After DMT I no longer take it lightly when a child says a monster is in their room.
The impossible lay in plain sight and we simply cannot see it. There could be a war going on in your livingroom so to speak and you would never know.
And I've seen it all. LSD. Mushrooms etc. This was nothing like that.
Scientific skeptics of all levels have absolutely flipped their opinions after trying it.
There is a lot more going on and I've seen it.
I've watched my apartment building buffer and load like a fucking low budget video game, the golf course behind clearly visible through the green 3 dimensional grid.
Everything looks perfect, you can see the patterns and understand how and why it is fake. All living things look a lot different, and plants look extremely, extremely patterned, vivid, and intentionally placed in such a way they are also obviously fake. You look down at your hands and get the distinct and profound impression you are STUCK inside a stinking dumb animal.
How do I delete this lol jk
Big fan but i can never seem to get it lately
Low-effort grandma meme with a little bit of very old truth combined with some very recently-issued propaganda: CIA shill
Remember these people think we are fucking stupid.
Playing GTA 5 on LSD made it pretty clear to me that this is all CIA; we are playing little games in their hyper-advanced software made to do bigger and greater things, and the patterns that emerge from observing our game play is more valuable than you could possibly imagine.
LOL @ George Santis's staffers crying to GAW for help
I expect the result to be a lot of angry jews
Fun fact: the deepstate puts together folders of HUNDREDS of flawed right-wing memes that are 80% legit and 20% garbage, unappealing and incorrect to try and make our movement look retarded. The dead giveaways to this are low-effort memes that always have typos.
Not saying this is one of them. Just stay frosty frens
More details please
I find it insanely interesting for there to be talk of the year of jubilee when it is indeed next year.
Still think the article should have better sources.
Keep your chin up. They'll wake up soon enough. Hopefully they didn't take that damn vaccine
God is very very very very very fucken real and scary and in 100% control all of the time. If you ever experience the truth of God you will have died. Also there is a higher truth that lies beneath all religions; we are not of this world and we can damage our real bodies(which are made of light and not of this dimension) through making mistakes here. Religions have been designed to keep us from making these mistakes—keeping us pure of heart, keen to learn and grow, encouraging us to thrive with togetherness and not readily follow outsiders. The religions were set out with only the best intentions.
The real religion, that is the old religion, the oldest religion, is that of Those Who Know. The Gnostics, they're called. Nothing but lies and exaggerations as to what a Gnostic is.... you kinda learn by becoming one, so like there's no way to explain it...
But long story short Jesus is extremely and precisely correct about everything, Jesus lays out tons of Gnostic truths in scripture, and one who enters a state of gnosis can easily see how crazy the level of detail to which the scriptures hint at reality.
God is no fairytale and he never stopped talking to His chosen. Jesus is was and always will be our direct line to God. All who call on the name of the Lord will be saved.
People like to argue whether God exists, but I often wonder if anything BUT God exists.
Hahahahaha get bent glowie
The question has been posed to Q. Flat earth? Asked and answered: no
Can you be more specific or were you just dropping by to mic-drop an ad hominem and walk away like you just accomplished something, a typical commie troll tactic?
Khazarians had nothing to do with flat earth, flat earth was a teensy tiny movement that us on 4chan realized we could join and spread purely because of the "I can't tell if you're kidding or serious" that comes with printed media. We were talking about Poe's law and how funny it would be to demonstrate it with our sarcastic support of these amusing loons.
It does however seem like the CIA has latched onto this funny prank, obsessively salting our ranks with fake accounts that SAY they know about Q shit and SAY they are one of us, but believe in this flat earth hype.
But hey, umm, Cabal? Is this mic on?
We don't give a shit how you try to defame us with these fake accounts saying dumb shit for a screenshot, as a matter of fact, thank you for assisting in labeling these dumb fucking trolls so we can better discern who is real 🤡🌎
Early on I was a part of the flat earth psy-op. A harmless prank to expose lack of critical thinking skills. And it worked, it worked so well.
I'm very confused—Pro-Palestine protest in my city—are we tricking the liberals into rooting for the downfall of Khazaria aka Israel? Why are they rooting against themselves?
Commenting on this so I can come back when it doesn't happen
I also refuse to trust anyone it's a character flaw I'm working on 😅 but in all seriousness I will wait out brain chips until the fancy vs cheap ones become apparent and the fancy tech becomes affordable, self-installable, private and self-managed, verified to be in my complete control.
Stop being scared of a virus with a less than 1% fatality rate.