THEPATRIOTICTECH 1 point ago +1 / -0

THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN! Its never been an if but a when.

THEPATRIOTICTECH 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thats what got me down this rabbit hole. The parallels are incredible and terrifying.

THEPATRIOTICTECH 3 points ago +3 / -0

The South screwing the north in trade? It was the opposite. As a matter of fact tariffs and taxes were the main reason for the Southern states to leave the union. The crony northern dems were implementing policies to cripple the South so it could be pillaged. I forget the name of the lawmaker but one northern law maker maybe liconls vp can be quoted as saying, "emancipation for the slave is not out of love for the slave, but hatred for their master." Youre right that there were dems in the south working with the british slave traders. The the general population of the south had very conservative principles when it came to government. Thats why most of the south today is red. If Thomas Jefferson ran today he would be a champion to people just like me and you as he was to the southerners of the 1800s. https://youtu.be/8S96iQYL0bw Watch this lecture. Fascinating stuff. Thank you for the conversation fren btw. Its nice to be able to talk about stuff without someone goin Rrrrreeeeee 2 lines in lol

THEPATRIOTICTECH 11 points ago +15 / -4

Not really. He even says repeatedly "is it gonna happen on this exact day? No." I used to defend jones. No longer. Is he that good that he can predict everything or is he being fed information... what does logic tell yoi

THEPATRIOTICTECH 4 points ago +6 / -2

Uhhhh no sir. Read the constitution of the Confederacy. They wanted as little federal government as possible. Big corporations that bought up farmland after tariffs and taxes were placed on southern cotton to weaken the south were the ones running slaves. And no the south wanted no national bank. The north created it and a bunch of other draconian federal laws when there were no southern lawmakers there to stop it. Lincoln was a whig. He was a hamiltonian. He believed the federal government had final say so over every state issue no matter how large or small. He invaded the South with no reason to show for it. As a matter of fact he ran on a no emancipation platform. Then cheated to win. The South had the 4th largest economy in the world. They had more students per capita in college than any other country in the world. Southern culture WAS revolutionary american culture. People dont realize states like maryland wanted to join the Confederacy but lincoln had the legislature arrested. In fact it wasnt uncommon for lincoln to arrest those that spoke out against him. I agree the union was conservative republican pre war. It was known as the Jefferson Age. The South was Jeffersonian America. The majority of presidents and many other political positions had come from the south. In fact the 5 living former presidents at the time of lincolns election actively campaigned against him because he was a radical progressive. Lincoln was quite arguably one of the worst presidents the country has ever known. Keeping the union together is not a duty of the president. The constitution gives individual states the right to leave when they choose if they have the ability to govern themselves and the will. Lincoln was a fucking tyrant.

THEPATRIOTICTECH 2 points ago +3 / -1

No not really but i both have almost the same capabilities. I would say the phone is more of risk than the google home honestly.

THEPATRIOTICTECH 10 points ago +12 / -2

Watch The Witcher if you want a good show that gives a break from all this bullshit we have to deal with everyday. Fuckin great series

THEPATRIOTICTECH 0 points ago +2 / -2

I have the google home but honestly all i use it for is to remotely turn things on and off. Those home devices dont listen to you any more than your phone so what difference does it make.

THEPATRIOTICTECH 2 points ago +10 / -8

Lincoln was part of the Cabal. He was a fucking tyrant and is the reason big government dominate this continent today. Lincoln was as much a hero as George Soros and if you think im wron start digging. I learned a lot about Southern politics the last few days and let me tell you the South was not the bad guys in the war. Not even close.

THEPATRIOTICTECH 1 point ago +2 / -1

I guess you could say he was an efficient tyrant. Also there is much speculation that he won by fraud in the election. Whats sad is for all the shit people give the Confederacy about racism, they actually had a plan to integrate black people into society as equals, though over a longer period of time. Lincoln abolished slavery to try and destroy the relations between black and white in the south and did it in a way that forced black people into poverty and struggle. Illinois for example was a slave free state yet had anti black laws. Free blacks were routinely denied entry to northern states. The Confederate government had intentions of helping black people feel as though once they were freed they weren't just aftermath of slavery, but contributing members to society, Southern society, and wanted them to have equal rights. The north used abolition as a way to spin the narrative of the war to help cover up the fact they attacked the South unprovoked and unwarranted. The Souths cessation from the union was almost identical to the founding fathers leaving Britain because of over taxation. This is why they want to take down all these Confederate statues. They dont want us knowing who and what these people really stood for.

THEPATRIOTICTECH 4 points ago +5 / -1

They were certainly jealous of the wealth. The Southern economy was the 4th largest in the world. A lot of big companies out of NYC owned plantations and were usually the worst treating of slaves. Avg pay in The South for workers including slaves was higher than that of the workers in the north. Pretty incredible information to learn when your entire education youre told the north went to war to end slavery in the south....

THEPATRIOTICTECH 5 points ago +6 / -1

Ya apparently northern states wanted to outlaw slavery simply because it gave them a good reason to keep blacks out. When they said they were anti slavery they meant they were anti black. Union army had segregated units based on color. Confederate forces had integrated units where blacks fought with whites and were guaranteed freedom in return for service. 4 million black slaves and 5 million whites in the south at the beginning of the war. If there wasnt some sort of kinship or bond the slaves could have easily taken the south for their own. They didnt. They fought with the confederacy for THEIR country. Their collective country. NYC has been slandering the South before the revolutionary war.

THEPATRIOTICTECH 7 points ago +11 / -4

Have been watching a lot about pre civil war american politics lately and i have to say patriots of this country have been getting shafted much longer than just a few years. The South WAS American politics. Lincoln was a tyrant and is the reason all of our parents and grandparents have mistrust in Republicans. The Confederacy's government was an even better version of what our founding fathers tried to accomplish in 1776. It was based in jeffersonian philosophy. Small federal government, no national bank, no internal taxes, non interventionist foreign policy, and no corporate subsidies. The civil war had little to do with slavery and all to do with establishing a powerful central government. Sad to say we lost the second revolutionary war friends. Look into what is known as the Jefferson era in american politics for anyone interested. A lot of our problems could be remedied with a return to this philosophy of jefferson. Sorry for the long post i just found all this totally fascinating recently and also tired of hearin "tHe SoUTh iS RaCiMs!"

Edit: To the downvoters, look it up. The only reason slaves were freed was because the north was hoping for a rebellion against the slave owners of the south. Thats quotable from lincoln himself. He imprisoned journalists and speakers for speaking out against him. The 5 living presidents alive during the election actively opposed lincoln.

THEPATRIOTICTECH 25 points ago +26 / -1

Ky still has the heart and soul of The South in all the little towns scattered across the Common Wealth. No other group of people in the world are as generous and selfless as the people in the Southern States of America.

THEPATRIOTICTECH 1 point ago +2 / -1

Fired? No no no. Those men should be beaten til they enter cardiac arrest and we'll see which of them make it out with minimal help. If you live you get to go to prison. Fuck em. Covid is no longer a valid excuse for anything.

THEPATRIOTICTECH 0 points ago +1 / -1

Debris in the streets? There were front end loaders, back hoes, skid steers and everything else you could think of clearing the streets of BUILDINGS in mayfield.

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