TPS310 1 point ago +1 / -0

Presents or presence... We can choose to celebrate the plastic objects we open up every December 25th or we can celebrate the people in our lives.

TPS310 25 points ago +25 / -0

Don't Trust Anyone..... Anyone

TPS310 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mayfield wearing number 17 led a 98(9+8=17) yard drive to beat the Raiders 17-16

TPS310 2 points ago +2 / -0

Apologize for nothing. You've planted the seeds and watered them. The fruits of your labor will bloom, maybe not today, but the tide is turning.

TPS310 2 points ago +3 / -1

Not sure why you have 4 downvotes. This is an excellent post.

TPS310 4 points ago +4 / -0

Funny little fact... Woods played Dr. Raymond Turner in the 2002 movie "John Q"

TPS310 9 points ago +9 / -0

Always darkest before the dawn.

TPS310 4 points ago +4 / -0

Definitely out of the ordinary.

Currently seeing 44 over the U.S now.

Activity over California has picked up. (2 Dolphin choppers, a Chinook, a Beech90 King Air and a T38 Talon)

TPS310 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm currently seeing over 20 military planes in the air.

Most activity is in Texas and the Southeast.

1 over California

There is a Boeing C17 Globemaster from the U.K currently over NYC

TPS310 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also, your comment, "sorry for waking you" is an ignorant one. You don't know me; you don't know what I'm doing.

My original post was directed as a positive towards you, not a negative.

TPS310 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not once did I defend Musk. Not once did I prop him up and say, "don't question him."

My post was directed at your comment about not being a part of the Q team.

If you're fighting the good fight, you are a part of the team.

Not sure why that's hard to understand.

TPS310 1 point ago +1 / -0

Remember Mels movie, "Conspiracy Theory"?

TPS310 1 point ago +1 / -0

What part of my statement mentioned hijacking?

You wrote that making memes with comms in them doesn't make you part of the Q team.

I simply stated that we are all part of the Q team, which we are. This doesn't work without all of us. The momentum of this movement depends on each of us to continue to open each other's minds.

TPS310 6 points ago +8 / -2

We are all part of the Q team.

TPS310 6 points ago +6 / -0


Truth is the enemy of control.

This site is a very special place. I'm a firm believer that freedom IS free. We don't have to kill to achieve and maintain freedom at the highest level, we must help to open each other's minds.

We always hear about the anti-christ. We always want to put a name behind it. We always want to put a face behind it. I'm not sure it's that simple. The deeper we go, the more we will realize that there is no name or face behind the evil that lurks in the shadows. The enemy is within, always has been, always will be.

TPS310 1 point ago +1 / -0

The annual flu shot was conditioning for adult vaccination cycles. It also began the lie of "you can still get the flu, but it won't be as bad". This all leads to pharmaceutical dependency. A constant drip of toxic chemicals that create more disease within the body, but lucky for us, "there's a pill for that". They also know that a great percentage of the population has been so dumbed down by drug and alcohol abuse, poor diet choices and of course "Tell-A-Lie-Vision. The medical industrial complex can always move the goal posts. Case in point, the latest information that Pfizer never tested their "vaccines" for efficacy against transmission. This actually works in their favor. They will simply say that "they knew that all along" and the point of the "vaccine" was not to stop the spread, but simply to stop people from dying. This legitimizes the idea that Covid-19 is a real thing when it's not. The truth is far more sinister as we know. One could say, "at least we are chipping away at the stone", but we are far past the point of starting to hammer the rock. We need to blow that shit into smithereens.

TPS310 1 point ago +1 / -0

B12 deficiency comes more from poor soil and drinking water than just a lack of eating meat.

B 12 comes from bacteria, not animals.

B 12 resides in mineral rich soil and water.

The more commercial agriculture grows, the more herbicides and pesticides are needed. Which results in damaged soil.

We used to “live closer to dirt” and get enough vitamin B-12 from the good mineral rich soil on our vegetables and from drinking “natural” water, which still had “dirt’’ in it. Though we also have the bacteria capable of producing vitamin B-12, living in our guts, the bacteria lives too far down our digestive tracts to be absorbed. We poop it out.

As far as meat eaters go, most B12 from meat comes from supplementation.

Yes, most of the vitamin B-12 manufactured for supplements, is given to livestock. The reason is because factory farmed animals, don’t get enough vitamin B-12 either. Most animals that are bread and manufactured by the meat industry, cannot graze. Most are locked and caged inside of warehouses; and therefore, do not ingest soil. Even if the captive animals are able to graze, farmers are concerned about the soil they ingest: it may not make it possible for B-12 to be synthesized.

B-12 producing microorganisms relies heavily on a trace element Cobalt. Cobalt is the central atom of vitamin B-12; hence where vitamin B-12 gets its scientific name, “cobalamin”. Research has shown that Cobalt levels in soil have declined heavily throughout the years. Modern agricultural practices has destroyed this essential trace element. As a result, B-12 producing microorganisms are very low when tested for in an agricultural type setting.

In fact, farmers have begun to observe that cows grazing on grass that is growing on cobalt deficient soil can not survive. Calves will survive the first few months by tapping into B-12 stores found in their liver, but eventually die after a few months. Simply put, they can not obtain enough of the microorganisms in the soil that produce B-12.

Contrary to popular belief, animals such as cows do not manufacture their own B-12; rather, they ingest microorganisms found in the soil that then produce the essential B-12 which they need in their stomach.

Medications can also help cause a B12 deficiency.

Cholestyramine (Cholybar®, Questran®) – used to lower high cholesterol levels in the blood.

Cimetidine (Tagamet®) – used to treat and prevent stomach ulcers.

Clofibrate (Atromid-S®) – impairs absorption of vitamin B12 –

Colchicine– (ColBenemid®) – used to prevent or treat attacks of gout (also called gouty arthritis)

Co-trimoxazole– It reduces bacteria that cause infections of the urinary tract, lungs (pneumonia), ears, and intestines.

Demeclocycline– an antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections.

Famotidine– a histamine blocker used to treat and prevent ulcers.

Fluoroquinolones– antimicrobials used to kill bacteria in pneumonia, urinary tract infections, and diarrhea.

Lansoprazole– used to prevent stomach ulcers and to treat other conditions in which the stomach produces too much acid.

Macrolides– antibiotics used to treat a wide range of bacterial infections.

Metformin– type 2 diabetes drug, known to cause vitamin B12 deficiency.

Methyldopa (Aldomet®) – reduces vitamin B12 levels, leading to a vitamin B12 deficiency.

Minocycline– antibiotic used to help treat periodontal disease, acne, and inflammatory arthritis.

Neomycin– antibiotic, antibacterial used topically to treat skin infections, wounds, and burns. Neomycin impairs vitamin B12 absorption and has been shown to decrease vitamin B12 levels.

Nizatidine– used to treat and prevent stomach ulcers, intestinal ulcers, and acid reflux.

Omeprazole (Prilosec®) -used for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Oral contraceptives– oral contraceptives with high estrogen content leads to decreased levels of vitamin B12.

Phenobarbital (Donnatal®, Solfoton®) -barbiturate, anticonvulsant that results in decreased levels of vitamin B6 and vitamin B12, in addition to elevated homocysteine levels. (Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, and your Heart)

Phenytoin– an antiepileptic drug.

Potassium chloride– used for dehydration, can be deadly in its concentrated form.

Ranitidine (Zantac®) H2-receptor, heartburn medication used to suppress production of stomach acids that are necessary for digesting vitamin B12.

Sulfonamides– antibiotics used to treat a wide range of bacterial infections.

Tetracyclines (Achromycin®, Sumycin®, Tetra-C®, Tetracyn®, Tetralyn®, Tetram®, Tropicycline®) – antibiotics prescribed for acne.

Trimethoprim– (TMP/SMX) is used to treat urinary tract infections, pneumonia, and “travelers’ diarrhea.”

Valproic Acid (Depakene®) – anticonvulsant used for migraine headache prevention.

Foods high in B12

This is how much B12 you’ll find in a 3-ounce serving of these foods:

It is recommended that a person 14 years or older intakes roughly 3 micrograms of B12 per day.

Cooked clams: 84.1 micrograms

Steamed mussels: 20.4 micrograms

Cooked Atlantic mackerel: 16.1 micrograms

Steamed Alaska king crab: 9.8 micrograms

Cooked wild rainbow trout 5.4 micrograms

Cooked salmon: 2.4 micrograms

Beef, lamb, pork, chicken liver: Can run from 12 to 70 micrograms. Lamb liver being the highest.

2 Large eggs: 1.2 micrograms**

TPS310 1 point ago +1 / -0

Castle Rock (77°48′S 166°46′ECoordinates: 77°48′S 166°46′E) is a bold rock crag, 415 metres (1,360 ft) high, standing 3 miles (5 km) northeast of Hut Point on the central ridge of Hut Point Peninsula, Ross Island. It was discovered by the British National Antarctic Expedition, 1901–04, under Robert Falcon Scott, who so named it because of its shape.

Today, there is a recreation trail from McMurdo Station and Scott Base which provides access to Castle Rock year round.

TPS310 1 point ago +1 / -0

Deception Island is an island in the South Shetland Islands close to the Antarctic Peninsula with a large and usually "safe" natural harbor, which is occasionally troubled by the underlying active volcano.[1][better source needed] This island is the caldera of an active volcano, which seriously damaged local scientific stations in 1967 and 1969. The island previously held a whaling station. It is now a tourist destination with over 15,000 visitors per year. Two research stations are operated by Argentina and Spain during the summer season.[2] While various countries have asserted sovereignty, it is still administered under the Antarctic Treaty System.

TPS310 1 point ago +1 / -0

Delta Island is an island 1 kilometre (0.5 nmi) long, lying close southeast of Lambda Island and east of Alpha Island in the Melchior Islands, Palmer Archipelago. The name, derived from the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet, was probably given by Discovery Investigations personnel who roughly surveyed the island in 1927. The island was surveyed by Argentine expeditions in 1942, 1943 and 1948.

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