You are a walking RED PILL. you are saving piece at a time.
I am sure his lawyer will be able to bleed Jussy dry before going to prison.
Sure they work! They were designed to yield 20x the actual number of cases. They worked perfectly!
Time to throw the popcorn.
Just a small matter of $$$$$$$$$$$
I was always a Reagon supporter. Now I see the Trump movement as an ever growing grass roots movement. The tools today is very empowering. Also the left has never looked more naked and exposed. In our small ways we are having a huge impact. Mostly because numbers do not lie and we are the vast majority. Finally we have a voice.
Do not believe anything on MSM. I also know that they are not incompetent. Thw are traitors and treasonist.
That would be glorious!
I've invested DWAC.
Many Chinese are not supporters of the regime.
Very cool. I am enjoying the patriotic shopping. Everyone in my family is getting their stuff from this directory. Great to be part of the real awakening.
Well were part of the team that brought this too light. Good job.
Thank you for pulling all this together. What a great idea!
Gotta sticky this!
Fine. I will just become an alpha Male's alpha male.
Jesus Christ is the WAY TRUTH AND THE LIGHT. The fight goes on for us all.
I would hope what you say is true.however the government has way too much money and way too much free time. The vast majority of government computers are also just surfing porn. If that happened in the private sector people would be out on their ass.
Clue for all....commenting on a payop post is going to be a suspected psyop. I think we all know that Q is real and QANON was made up by the legacy media and made it easier to bury the work by Q and ANONS. that is all.
Mailed two into NV AG. That Commie won't do shit but he has my email.
Putting these on Facebook is really red pilling normies and some Libs. Thank you for putting these together. Your work is very appreciated!
I just saw Lennon and Presley in the back of Hank's caddy.
The world IS watching.
That would get really ugly really fast. I would expect Patriots to put that shooter down quickly but the optics are bad.