I was in the kitchen with my wife when we heard he was coming on the air. We watched it live and both of us kept looking at each other like "they let him speak on his own?" It was sad and pathetic. If he is an actor, he is doing a great job. If he is actually Biden....that mans brain is gone and it is a damn shame that people on the left cannot even see it.
This cracks me up. They are cheering that he is not immune but here we are knowing this was the plan and we do not want him to be immune because that means that the others are not immune either. It is beautiful when a plan starts to come together.
For those that use their phone to access this site, there is an app option on the right hand side of the site. Once it is downloaded, it will have President Trumps face on it. put it on your home screen and you are good to go
It is so funny and ridiculous what they will blame it on. How stupid do they have to go on the blame for people on the left to finally go "What???"