He is what we need right now and he is on a mission that we are on board for. But once this country is fixed, i have to agree with Tucker. We need younger people in office(both congress and president). We need more JFKs. But at this moment we have what we need, God and Trump.
My wife and I have already talked about this. We are going to go about our day and do our shopping. If someone stops us about masks, we are going to completely ignore them. Act like they are not even there. You want us out? Call the police
This and ivermectin!!! One is a dewormer and the other is a parasite killer. They both kill cancer!! I am preaching this high and low to anyone that will hear. We have the cure for cancer and we have had it for a while.
There was a guy that lived there that wanted to look for himself. He posted video of the cars that were blue and those fold down umbrellas. The fire burned everything around them but those. There is a video showing how lasers can be programmed to skip over certain wavelengths. In the video it burns everything but the blue cloth. I know this is a tiktok link but it is on topic with this post. https://www.tiktok.com/@artielebedev/video/7269412726651325701
They will try. And it is not because they are stupid. You have to remember that we are watching a movie. That means that the shit that is happening now is staged so the normies can wake the fuck up. So the masks and the mandates will come back. My wife and I have already decided we will not do either one. If we are kicked out of businesses then so be it. If authorities try to push it on us...bring it.
Q itself said that a lot of stuff that was said would be disinfo. It was necessary. So what does Trust Barr mean? Maybe it means to trust Barr to betray us or maybe it means that he had to squash it because it was too early for the information to come out. Also while i speak of disinformation, Military is the only way is quite possibly disinformation too.
Sounds like a little bitch. Major TDS. Once he told his followers that if they voted for Trump not to buy his merch, i stopped giving a fuck what he thought. Edit! Also, he was on the plane to Epstein's Island a few times.If you listen to his music, he literally talks about how he sold his soul to get his fame. All that talent he has will mean nothing in the end. Every knee shall bow!!!
This is part of my idea of what Q is and what the point was. I do not simply think it was just about a stolen election. I believe the point of Q was to wake people up to the horrors happening to our children, wake people up about the deep state and how they rule, wake people up to the corruption on both sides in the government, stop a civil war from happening, and to make the road to heaven a little bit wider. I believe Q is a Quantum Computer. I believe it can look into the future and when we saw what it was showing we knew something had to change. Without Q we would 100% be in a civil war right now. It would have tore the country apart. Now for a more controversial view on what Q is and the point of it. I truly believe we are in the end times. Trumpets have been blown and the Antichrist is about to reveal themselves. These aliens the media are talking about are not aliens but instead demons. What if(and this is a big what if) the term "NCSWIC" is meant to mean that revelations is here and literally we cannot stop it. So Q prepares the masses, spreads info about what is happening, and in the process brings a few more people to Christ, making the road the heaven a little bit wider. <This is a fun theory i came up with. In my mind it does make sense. But the truth is we may never fully know. But we do know is NCSWIC and everything is coming to light.
I will try to find the video but i remember someone was recording at the time and just off in the corner you could see someone that looked like they had an oxygen tank on right behind her. The next time the camera pulls to that direction..she is gone.
I believe AI will be the antichrist. My grandmother (who knows the bible back and forth) made it make sense. The bible says that the beast gave the antichrist power to rule over us. If CBDCs are the mark of the beast, then AI could easily have control of our lives. Control what we can buy and sale
Something fishy is going on here.