Incorrect.. You can come off T therapy anytime you want. or you can do as many do and take HCG in addition to T. I take 200ius twice a week that keeps your body producing natural T. Or you can come off of T therapy by using HCG as well. It is a synthetic Leutenizing hormone.
There are liquid forms available from feed stores. You can put it on a cotton ball and apply it anywhere.
True story. But it will also save your ass if you ever get stupid and decide to drink anti-freeze. Gotta love chemistry. Crazy story, when in paramedic school, I was doing clinical rotations with an ER Doc. Guy was brought in via ambulance (suicide attempt) drank antifreeze. The charge nurse was a beast of a woman, I would not cross, called her parents after the guy arrived. Asked her mom if they still had the huge bottle of vodka she gave them for someones birthday or something. They said yes, she told them to set it on the porch and she had one of her nurses go to their house and get it. She set it on the table next to the guy in his room and told him to start drinking it. His eyes got big and he asked why. The alcohol binds to the ethylene-glycol and renders it safe in the body and you end up just peeing it out. Saved his ass. He did get pretty drunk but they ran fluids with vitamins/ minerals and his hangover was minimal. And before you ask, yes, treatment was approved by doctor. Oh, the things that come into ERs and things that occur in the cities throughout the nation, that never make the news, would blow people's minds. There was a child abuse case in the Children's ER when I was there, and if the police weren't there, I would probably have gone to jail that evening. But that's another story.
Was in the bodybuilding seen for a while and did a number of different chemicals. Never went crazy with doses. After the years of that and being out of it for quite a while yet still keep up with test health topics, I've learned a few things. First, it doesn't matter what your T levels really are, from a health prospective. it matters how you feel. I used to be a paramedic and one of the first things they teach you is treat the patient, not the monitor. (peeps in the medical field get that reference). A guy can have a test level in the 800s and feel like ass. And another guy can have a 350 and feel great. Point being, everyone's body chemistry is different. Find a doc who will prescribe you a low dose and see how you feel. The following info is not medical advice, consult your doctor.. However, when I felt like my levels were low, I was in my early 40s and just felt run down. I started with a very low dose, just to feel like a normal man again. I think I was taking about 40-50mg twice a week, in order to keep my levels even. Commercially available testosterone contains the Cypionate ester witch has a halflife of about 18 days if memory serves me. But your levels still fall sooner than that once you've been on it for a bit. So most men find that dosing twice weekly over once weekly makes them feel more normal. And you can also do Sub-Q route over intramuscular if you want. That's what I do. Insulin pins are all you need. I would also get your LH and SHBG checked. Consider doing low dose HCG at around 200-250ius twice a week also. I do mine along with the test. Not in the same shot though. the HCG is water based and test is oil based and the two don't mix. Both subQ and you can do them just about anywhere you want on the body. Do your own research on that as well. Also have your doc keep an eye on your estrodiol. There is good research on compounded Aromasin at a 1mg dose to keep that under control. But that will depend on your body's rate of conversion from test to estrodiol. The less body fat you have, the less you will convert test into estrogen. My estrodiol got way too high and began to have panic attacks and took a while to figure out what the culprit was. Once the estrogen was back to normal, the attacks stopped. Now that my body fat is lower, I need far less of the estrogen control. I just started taking the chemical DIM to see if that helps control it. Keep in mind what I said earlier about everyone's body chemistry being different. It may take you a few doctors before you find one who doesn't have his head up his ass about T therapy. Mine is decent. And one last point. Keep an eye on your Hemoglobin/Hematocrit levels. I for one, have to donate blood about every 6 weeks to keep that under control too. And believe me, after I donate, I feel a ton better. Plus it's just good for you all around. It's like changing the oil in your car. Best of luck, good sir!!
And the seasonal McRib!! and let us not forget about the badass fried apple and cherry pies that would burn the shit out of your mouth!!
Hardees had the best burgers out of all fast food. When I was a Sr. in HS, after every football game, my dad would take me there and get 2 big deluxe cheeseburgers. I miss those days. And I miss my dad!! And when it came to McD's breakfast, there was a location very close to our house and it was surrounded by trees. He had this kickass van back in the day. We would go on Sunday mornings and get breakfast when I was very young. We would either sit under the trees and eat there or go to our favorite park and eat on the picnic tables. Then spend the morning going from swings to slides and the huge roller thing that was like a big hampster wheel 6 feet wide. You could get it going so fast then lay down and spin damn near all the way around till you fell your ass down. Damn I miss those days!!
And the nice thing about that, is that you can actually turn it off.
Hate him all you want, the sentiment here is 1000% true.
Firstly, it wasn't him, it was his character on a TV show. Second, I could give a damn about your thoughts on my "credibility". I don't need validation from a female for anything. But I do appreciate your entertainment.
I'm not afraid of anything. I simply refuse to put up with BS and having everything I've worked for and my folks worked for, taken by someone who spends a lifetime lying about who they are and what they do/don't care about. I look around at those around me who are either married and hate life, or divorced with kids and paying their ex to do nothing, and they literally tell me that they are jealous of me and the choices that I made and strength that I have. And it's always women who try to guilt trip me and I just laugh at them. I see through their BS.. I see you.. In the words of David Spade.. I'm going to go do whatever I want, all the time..
It is women like this that underline why I've never been married, have no kids, paid off truck, zero debt and plenty of savings.
Watch them use this as their reason for calling his mental capacity into question and removing him with the 25th
"Follow the wives" indeed.. Coincidence? Hmmm Rule 39 comes to mind.
And I'm guessing whomever the heckler was, his "match" is about to be over too, considering he is probably vaccinated. At this point I think the vaxxed are so deep in their own self pity realizing they are essentially walking time bombs that all they can do is lash out at us because of their inability to see what was right in front of them. Unless there is some sort of antidote for what everyone was given, what's done is done. And it only matters what someone's body chemistry is and/if there is actually a 5G aspect to the shots that will come into play at some point this year. Time will tell. either way, I think a lot of people are about to parish very soon.
That is the 8000lb elephant in the room. I cannot believe how few people are talking about this. There's no telling the time frame on how soon, nor for how long it will take, but I'm expecting a LOT of people to die over the next few years. Also, consider why THEY are doing this...
someone could have at least straightened his tie..
Things I believe,
This is Elon trolling, Elon and President Trump are both time travelers (Operation Looking Glass), They both know the outcome of all of this, They both look and act comfy AF, all the time, God and Good always come out on top.
Happy Thanksgiving, Frens!!
I'm normally a lurker. But I thought it pertinent to put this out because I may not be able tomorrow. And both of these things are of high importance. Please remember them both and share them with those who either have forgotten or simply don't know. The true meaning of Thanksgiving, from 2 of the best Americans of all time.
Happy Thanksgiving, Anons.
It depends on the reason she dislikes you being around him. Does she just not like him for things he's done, does she see him as a bad influence on you? Does he bring out a side of you that she doesn't like? If so, why? Many questions need to be answered first..
I could put a lot into this, but I'm going to keep it as brief as I can with still getting my point across. My sister and her husband are hard core liberals. During Halloween, she has always dressed as a witch. And every year, she tells everyone, "I'm a good witch". Ya, I don't think such a thing exists. I was over there having dinner one evening and as I was leaving, she mentioned with a very sinister look on her face, said that she got her granddaughter a witch outfit, and she was going to teach her all about it. Her granddaughter is about 4. I can only imagine the look on my face when she said that. Now to my reason for the post. Regarding my family, her and I are all that is left. our folks are gone. Every year for a long time, we always did Thanksgiving at her house. Big dinner with friends over and everything. Things have just been getting more odd with them over the past few years. I've been thinking about how I feel when I'm around them, and I'm thinking about just doing my own thing this year. Getting my favorite cut of meat (tri-tip roast) and making myself my favorite meal. Treat my dogs to some as well and just take a break from everything and think about the day and enjoy it properly. What would be really great is to gather with a group of fellow anons and also celebrate the day. I realize that idea may be a bit late, but maybe a great idea for next year. Because I really think next year is going to be far different than any Holiday season than we have ever experienced. Either way, I just don't think I should be around the constant negative energy and gaslighting that I have to deal with every other time I am over there. They always find some way to bring up some anecdote about how the abortion laws in our state prevented someone from getting a procedure done or some hatred for President Trump, or some other BS. I'm just done with it all. And I'm sure I'm not the only one in this boat.
I'm going to speculate that, the number of children that Elton, KISS, and Cher have diddled is probably higher than that. But again, that's pure speculation.
I have to chime in here. I see a lot of arguing and bickering in the comments. Which is fine. Everyone is welcome to their opinions. But that's exactly what it all is. Because we will never know the actual truth until President Trump wants the world to know. Which is exactly how it should be.
Derek has done some great work and research. I'm inclined to believe much of what he is saying. But we won't KNOW until later. Because much of what is done is strictly classified. Some of what Derek is saying may very well be 100% accurate. But the sheer tonnage of what we don't know, would probably blow our minds. And I'm fine with that. As I stated before, we will know when we are supposed to.
Another reason so many people crap all over the carnivore diet. And another reason they want to kill all the cows.(Literally typing this while taking a nice bite of KC strip)
KEK!! It's very possible.. I also wouldn't be surprised if McDs food causes cancer.. Considering it never breaks down, it probably does. Among other things. I was out on a sunday evening and normally cook for myself. I dropped by my sisters for a bit and stayed longer than I expected. By the time I left, every place that had decent food was closed and I was starving. I hadn't had fast food in years and I was weak and hit up Taco Hell. Just got the Nachos Bell Grande. Ate the whole thing and it sat on my stomach for like 3 days. It felt like I ate a brick. I'll never eat fast food again. However, yes, all hail to Hardees!!